Jin QiaoQiao

Jin QiaoQiao

Рождение : 1975-04-21, Shenyang, Liaoning Province, China


Jin QiaoQiao


The Town of Ghosts
He Sangu
Yan Yangyi and Bao Hulu strayed into the strange Underworld Town, where they can only enter but cannot leave. Anyone who leaves without authorization will die mysteriously. Although Yan Yangyi doesn't believe in the horror legends all over Yin-Yang Town, he frequently encounters strange things. Will he be able to survive time after time? What was even more unexpected to Yan Yangyi and Bao Hulu was that under the curse, the spooky town has an amazing secret behind it...
Urge Marry
True and False Monkey King
Peacock King
Ziteng was hurt by Wukong. To save her, Liu Er promised the Devil he would use Wukong’s identity and abort the pilgrimage. His fights against Wukong came to draws and nobody could tell who the right monkey was. Liu Er got lost in mind and believed he was Wukong. For the peace of the world, he had to fight side by side with Wukong even at the price of his life.
Once Upon a Time in China
Song Beibei
In the past 40 years Foshan City was frontier of government reform. The story describes the different experiences, encounters and life choices of the people who live in Foshan from beginning of this time. The character and temperament of the Foshan people are “dare to be first, chongwen is pragmatic, and economically harmonious”.
The Dream
Zhang Jie
Yang and His Summer
Boss Jing
Любовь по договору
Карьеристка Катрина возглавляет крупную страховую компанию. После разрыва с изменившим ей партнером, женщина больше не верит в романтическую любовь, но все ещё хочет ребёнка. Для этого она решает использовать в качестве донора спермы простого курьера, который регулярно появляется в её офисе. Спортивного и красивого парня по имени Бо, бывшего десантника, фаната винтажных мотоциклов. Вот только в процессе суеты вокруг донорства Бо и Катрина постепенно понимают, что их отношения давно вышли за рамки утвержденного контракта.
Kung Fu Boys
Lin's mother
A Chinese problem child from the US is sent to live with his uncle in China. He immediately runs into difficult situations there, such as a rabbit thief, the secret crush of his uncle, and some classmates who aren't exactly welcoming to him. But luckily he has some excellent kung fu skills.
Из Вегаса в Макао 2
Продолжение истории о заядлых и азартных мастерах карточных игр.
Feed Me
The Teacher
On an old barge moored close to a small village inhabited by old people and children, live young Wang Wang and his grandfather. The latter is immensely fond of the local doctor, Ms. Bei, who keeps prompting him to buy her a ring as proof of his good intentions. Wang Wang attends the local school, but, in the absence of maternal authority, with great reluctance. Then, one night, a young pregnant woman is discovered hiding on the boat, ready to give birth. With the arrival of her little baby girl, the young mother, already used to her river accommodations, opts to stay with them. Life on the barge is no longer the same. Wang Wang feels the stirring of adolescence and an Oedipal attraction to the young woman; the grandfather is diagnosed with dementia and and is warned that its first signs could soon manifest themselves; and the new young mother keeps a bag whose contents will later reveal a dark secret. Three people at a crossroads in their lives.
Команде гонконгских пожарных придется столкнуться не только с небывалой силой пожара, но и с непростой задачей по спасению оказавшихся замкнутыми в огненном котле людьми.
I want to have a dream
Легендарные Амазонки
3rd Lady Yang / Dong Yue'e
Действие фильма происходит в начале XI века в Китае во время правления императора Жэньцзуна династии Сун. Император халатно относится к государственным делам и больше времени отводит личным удовольствиям, а в то время правительство погружается в коррупцию и войны продолжают бушевать на границах династии Сун. В момент повествования фильма, армии соперника вторглись на территорию Западной Ся. Ян Цзунбао происходит из клана потомственных полководцев Ян, которые героически защищали династию Сун от иноземных захватчиков. Он героически погибает в бою, когда Тутор Пан предательски отказывается послать ему отряды бойцов на подкрепление. Овдовевшая жена Ян Цзунбао Му Гуйин собирает других вдов, чтоб сохранить наследие своих мужей.
li taitai
The Legend of Foguang Temple
Mei Yuying
The Crime
A state-owned company's boss, Luo Jianqun (Zhou Lijing), is overwhelmed by the beauty of a farm girl, Qin Yanmei (Jin Qiaoqiao). The two quickly fall in love. For a time, Luo leaves his family for Qin; but Qin covets Luo's status and money, and is determined to stay with him for a long time. Luo's life is disrupted: Qin calls the president of Luo's company, and at a birthday banquet for Luo, she forces him to abandon the table that's full of relatives and friends, for the two-person ding area Qin's set up for her and him alone. Qin's possessiveness only becomes stronger and stronger.
The Winner