Loles León

Loles León

Рождение : 1950-08-01, Barcelona, España


Loles León


Padre no hay mas que uno 3
Christmas is coming. The children accidentally break a Nativity scene figurine from their father's collection and must by all means get an equal one, the problem is that it is a unique antique piece. Sara, the eldest daughter breaks up with her boyfriend, Ocho, who will try to recover her favors with the help of her father-in-law, Javier. Precisely Javier's father-in-law, Marisa's father, will be welcomed into the family home to spend the holidays after her recent separation, which will not leave Javier's mother, Milagros, indifferent. Rocío, the folklore of the family, who has been playing the Virgin for several Christmases, is relegated this year to playing the shepherdess, something that her father, Javier, is not willing to assume.
Перед зеркалом
Rosa (Psicóloga)
Пять сотрудников борются с желаниями и спорят со своими отражениями в зеркале накануне корпоратива в честь 50-летия их косметической компании.
El refugio
An actor in low hours and a young interpreter who threatens to displace the former thanks to the tricks of their agent; the owner of the high mountain hotel and her estranged sister, creator of a new and unique discipline that mixes yoga and fengshui; a group of children wanting to have fun, but also to discover hidden secrets; a taciturn bellboy who sees everything; and a tremendous storm that will leave everyone isolated just before Christmas. A weekend in which everything can happen, and in which everything will happen.
Dos corazones
Father There Is Only One 2
The success of the Conchy virtual assistant (which was developed by Javier) has earned him a favorable spot in the parents chat room - until something unexpected ruins it all.
Stories of Our Cinema
Herself - Actress
In Spain, on May 11, 1896, at the Price circus, the first moving images ever shown in the country are projected. From that event, the Spanish actor Antonio Resines intends to compile a series of anecdotes to shape the amazing history of Spanish cinema, holding several conversations with prominent figures of the Spanish film industry.
An Average Boy and a Leading Light Rosario
The short film is a sentimental tragedy between a declining spanish actress and a young admirer that decides to leave a letter on her main entry.
Королева Испании
Trini Morenos
После пережитого в нацистской Германии актриса Макарена Гранада отправилась в Голливуд, где стала звездой. В 1950-х годах дива возвращается во франкистскую Испанию, чтобы сняться в голливудском блокбастере о королеве Изабелле I Кастильской.
The Final
The Whole World
La Chari
As he does every year, Julián, a gay man, visits his dead mother in the village cemetery. She appears to him and they make plans... more or less 'together': she devises them and he obeys. But this year, Julián is going to get a very special request from his mother that will surprise... the whole world.
El Roast de El Gran Wyoming
When an entire generation of young people decides to stand still, a family looks anxious at his immobile son. It may be for vital apathy or for social indignation but the lad reaction does not seem to come ever.
Brain Drain 2
Alfonso, pursues the girl of his life to Harvard, determined to conquer her under the same friends and outlandish plans that his brother used in Oxford. But when you least expect it appears Martha, the girl he fell in love while at school.
Утечка мозгов
Эмилио, стеснительный парниша всегда любил Наталию, самую красивую и умную девочку в классе. В последний день учебы он наконец решается ей признаться в любви, но Наталии вручают в виде приза учебу на медицинском факультете в Оксфорде. Казалось бы у Эмилио теперь нет никаких шансов с ней, но ему готовы помочь друзья. Они подделывают документы и дипломы и поступают в Оксфорд. Эти безмозглые придурки взбаламутят воду в этом спокойном местечке Англии.
Desde que amanece apetece
Pelayo is leaving to work for his uncle Lorenzo and to find a nice girl to settle down with. Pelayo arrives to find out that Lorenzo's "business" is in fact a male strip show and Lorenzo's dancers are a laughing stock. Lorenzo has all his money tied up in his wedding with ex-prostitute Palmira. With Pelayo arriving life turns upside down. Can Lorenzo keep his infidelities a secret and his crew off the streets? Can Pelayo keep from falling for a prostitute on his way to finding a wife?
7 девственниц
Тано, подростку, отбывающему наказание в центре для несовершеннолетних преступников, дают отпуск на 48 часов чтобы побывать на свадьбе брата. Вместе со своим лучшим другом, Ричи, Тано планирует делать эти 2 дня все то, что ему было запрещено. Он напивается, принимает наркотики, ворует, занимается сексом... Он чувствует себя свободным, но к концу своего двухдневного пребывания понимает, что всё то что он делал раньше - не главное. Для Тано эти 48 часов оказываются больше чем два дня свободы - отпуск стал для него путешествием в зрелость...
El asombroso mundo de Borjamari y Pocholo
Cayetana O'Shea
In the 80's, Pocholo and Borjamari are kings in the disco "Aguacates". Twenty years later, nothing has changed. Only now, the two brothers are nothing in "Aguacates" disco. Now they are object of derision and mockery. His cousin Pelayo, who used to laugh and abuse in adolescence, reappears in their lives and come to the old cruelties and Pocholo Borjamari announcing that Mecano will meet in a surprise concert...
El Cid: The Legend
Urraca de Zamora (voz)
Rodrigo's life as a child was a noble and happy one, he entered school at a young age. Often he went on adventures with his best friend Sancho and often visited his beloved one Jimena, the daughter of the count of Gormaz. His happiness did not last forever, after the death of the King Fernando, Rodrigo is seen wrapped in a world of plots and conspiracies that to will put an end to the life of Sancho and the consequent coronation of the infant Alfonso. All of a sudden, Rodrigo loses all that that he has acquired, his best friend and the love of its beloved one, and is unjustly exiled to Castile without honor!
Chill Out!
Just Santos, cabaret actor with a talent for imitation, receives the offer of a role in a movie that could change his life and his family.
Tre mogli
Obra maestra
Two cinephile weirdos kidnap a famous actress to force her to star in a little movie they're making with an 8mm camera.
Clams and Mussels
A divorced man tries to win over a lesbian, his new roommate, by becoming a transvestite.
The Damned Rib
Four women decide to go together to have fun at a men's strip show. On the trip, the taxi driver pays attention to their conversation where each one tells the others her ideal of a man. Since then, he decides to pass himself off as the ideal man.
Девушка твоей мечты
Trini Morenos
Группа кинематографистов из Испании периода правления Франко прибывает в гитлеровскую Германию для съемки германо-испанского проекта. Уже скоро проблемы начинают возникать одна за другой…
Shout Out
Marta Peña
TV host Miranda Vega heads a variety talk-show format. Confronted with plummeting ratings, she is forced to try a different approach that brings singing hookers, drug addicts, and other no-talents into the studio. Miranda feuds with lesbian actress Marta Pena, prompting Marta's companion Soraya, a "karate artiste," to participate in the variety show. Chaos reigns when the show goes on the air live.
Amor de hombre
Set in Madrid, Spain, this engaging comedy chronicles the complex relationship between single female Esperanza, who can't buy a date, and her best friend Ramón, a gay divorce attorney whose bed is never empty. The pair's friendship is put to the test when Esperanza introduces Ramón to her fellow teacher -- who soon sends Ramón's life spinning out of control.
La duquesa roja
An Andalusian duchess has the dilemma of what to do with a grove, whether to convert it into a natural reserve or to make a luxury urbanization. The duchess, who is torn between her aristocratic privileges and a social commitment that has cost her more than one dislike in the past, must make a decision about her lands, to which she wants to get some money without harming the people. On the other hand, An ambitious Basque financier, Antónón Ibarrondo, intends to build a luxury urbanization in the Marbella style in the grove. Around the duchess, the businessman, environmentalists and other members in the conflict, problems begin to arise and everything will be decided in a referendum, convened with the idea that it is the people who decide, which coincides with the annual celebration of the Pilgrimage del Pueblo.With a cast "
Поборницы свободы
19 июля 1936 года в Испании разразилась революция. В маленьком городке близ Барселоны революционерами был разрушен монастырь. Мария, монахиня из разрушенного монастыря, находит убежище в борделе, куда вскоре с миссией освобождения проституток заявляются активистки Организации Свободных Женщин. Некоторое время спустя, попадая под влияние Флорен, Мария вступает в эту организацию и участвует в вооруженной борьбе наравне с другими активистками, которые предпочитают умереть, сражаясь плечом к плечу с мужчинами, чем жить, прислуживая им.
Muere, mi vida
Lola fuentes
Alma gitana
A young man who wants to become a professional dancer falls in love with a gypsy girl and gets in conflict with her totally different cultural background. But love can overcome these differences..
Турецкая страсть
Дезидерия Оливан находится на самом пике кризиса среднего возраста. Ее брак с Рамиро, со стороны кажущийся счастливым, грозит распасться из-за отсутствия детей и импотенции мужа. Чтобы как-то спасти ситуацию, супруг уговаривают Дезидерию отправиться в туристическую поездку в Турцию вместе с друзьями. На берегах Босфора Рамиро умудряется не заметить бурный роман собственной жены с турецким экскурсоводом Яманом. По возвращению в Испанию Дезидерия узнает, что беременна...
La mujer gafe
A woman brings ill luck to the man that loves her.
Двуязычный любовник
Между главным героем, человеком с мягким характером, и Нормой Валенти большие социальные и культурные различия. Несмотря на это, они женаты уже пять лет. Но однажды муж застаёт Норму с любовником, после чего расстаётся с ней. Это не значит, что он разлюбил Норму, напротив — он продолжает её любить и хочет снова быть с ней. Для этого ему приходится стать совсем другим человеком…
The Naked Target
Dama 1
A New York executive is handcuffed to a precious briefcase to which only his Spanish contact holds the key and of which many others are in hot pursuit.
Yo soy ésa
Carmen Torres, a famous and renowned singer, lives the fame aware of what it implies, but Jorge Olmedo, her shadow partner, succumbs to a world in which drugs and poker games reign. Husband and wife travel to Seville to see the premiere of "Yo soy ésa", a film in which both see their lives captured long ago, a dose of reality that will help them realize that they no longer love each other the same.
Sempre Xonxa
Свяжи меня
С твердой решимостью создать здоровую семью 23-летний экс-пациент психушки Рикки похищает киноактрису-наркоманку Марину, причем в последний день съемок. От полноты чувств и ввиду явного сопротивления он ее малость тискает и крепко привязывает к кровати. Грубое насилие приносит неожиданно щедрые плоды в виде ответного чувства Марины к своему как бы мучителю.
Doblones de a ocho
Женщины на грани нервного срыва
Ее бросил любовник, его жена не дает ей проходу, ее подруга связалась с террористами, а ее адвокат оказалась обыкновенной дрянью. Можно ли пережить все это и не сойти с ума?
The Blonde at the Bar
Mario is dominated by his castrating wife, and is also suffering from writer's block. He goes to a local (very mixed) bar where he meets an exhuberant blonde prostitute, through her room mate, a gay gigolo. With Mario's help, the blonde goes on to better jobs in the world of pornography, involving traveling abroad. This may not seem like good news for Mario, but he may also move on to a better phase in his life as a result.
Victòria! 3: El seny i la rauxa
Victòria! 2: La disbauxa del 17
Victòria! La gran aventura d'un poble
In the middle of the first world war, Barcelona is the center of multiple operations related to war, although Spain is a neutral country.
La quinta del porro
Companys, procés a Catalunya
1939: The remains of the Spanish Republican Army crossed the French border. Among the exiles are Lluís Companys, President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and also Aguirre, President of the Basque Government. After the invasion of France by Nazi troops, Companys will be arrested by the Gestapo and handed over to the Francoist authorities. Led by the Count of Mayalde, he is transferred to Madrid and later to Barcelona. After a summary trial, Companys is condemned to death and shot.
The story of a mother who does not want to die and a pair of ruinous children who only think about inheriting.
Padre no hay más que uno 4
Abuela Milagros