Shun Lau

Shun Lau

Рождение : 1939-04-10, Beijing, China


Shun Lau
Shun Lau
Shun Lau
Shun Lau


Великий мастер
Master Rui
Основатель старейшей Школы боевых искусств намерен уйти на покой и передать дела достойному преемнику. Но самый лучший его ученик вынашивает куда более амбициозные планы - он намерен объединить все разрозненные школы в одну. С этой целью он вызывает на поединок лидера каждой школы и, одерживая победу раз за разом, объединяет все школы. Последней остается школа его умершего учителя, отстоять память которого на поединок выходит его дочь, тайно влюбленная в своего соперника
Wan Fei (Joey Yung) is a promising Chinese Opera singer who is secretly in love with Ho Fung (Nicholas Tse). She plans to sing for him from the stage, but, in a tragic accident, dies mid-song. Years later, Wan Fei's ghost returns, and finds that part of her spirit has been reincarnated in the form of Chor-bat (Eason Chan). Wan Fei still longs to sing her song for her lover, and, after much humorous confusion, her dream is fulfilled.
Воины Зу
Master Transcendental
King Sky, the sole disciple of the Kun Lun Sect, falls in love with his master Dawn. Dawn is killed when Insomnia destroys the Kin Lun Mountain. King Sky waits for two hundred years and meets Enigma, who is the reincarnation of Dawn, and in love with her again. However, Insomnia's Blood Clouds is ready to destroy Zu...
The Blacksheep Affair
Commander Chan at airport
A patriotic Chinese cop is reposted to fictional East European country Lavernia as punishment for ignoring orders during a plane hijack operation. There he encounters his ex-girlfriend, who fled to Lavernia after Tiananmen Square. Their paths soon tangle with the charismatic but evil leader of the Japanese cult Aum Shinryuu
Dragon Town Story
A woman works with an assassin to get revenge upon the man who murdered her family nine years earlier.
Ninja Kids
A group of young ninjas enters a ninja school where they encounter a cast of eccentric teachers and learn various bizarre ninja techniques. However, amidst their hilarious adventure and blossoming young love, there are dark forces that threaten their school. The ninja kids must learn how to fend themselves and their school.
Shanghai Grand
Uncle Leung
Gangsters abound in this lively, romantic crime drama that is set in Shanghai during WW II. The tale of Taiwanese patriot Hsu Wen-Chiang begins as he is washed up on a beach near Shanghai. He is taken in by Ting Lik, a kindly beggar who is desperately in love with Feng Ching-Ching, the daughter of a prominent gangster. It isn't long before Ting Lik successfully rises through the underworld ranks to become one of the city's most powerful gangsters. Hsu is beside him all the way and uses his own power to get revenge against those who tried to have him killed much earlier. The film's later focus is on the exploits of Feng who long ago had a relationship with Hsu when he was on the lam in northern China. Back in the present, Hsu and Feng meet again by chance and they resume their affair until Hsu learns that Feng's father is one of his enemies and kills him. Poor Feng goes mad with grief. Ting finds out and swears revenge upon Hsu.
Dragon from Shaolin
A youthful Shaolin initiate inadvertenly separated from the rest of gang joins forces with dashing adventurer (Biao) on a request to protect a priceless artifact from his greedy brother.
Wong Fei Hung Series : The Final Victory
In late Qing, restless and upheavals occurred everywhere in China. So Hat Yee, the leader of a patriotic society, together with the sup-porters started to initiate a revolution against the corrupt and dictatorial government. Unfortunately, the wicked governor, Lee Chun destroyed their apple cart. He manipulated Man King Long as a spy to lure the revolutaries into a lethal trap. In such an zero hour, Wong Fei Hung and the other revolutaries had no alternative, but only fought to the death. Could these righteousness fighters get the final victory?
Tai Chi II
Officer Tsao
A young Tai Chi master fights Opium smugglers with the aid of his powerful braid while wooing a girl.
Wong Fei Hung Series : The Suspicious Temple
Shaolin Temple, not only was the sacred place amongst the monks, but also regarded as the Chinese martial arts origin. Why did it become the battlefield of a fierce duel? After knowing that the head monk of Shaolin, Hung Chi was seriously ill, Wong Fei Hung together with his disciples Club Foot and Chu Yuk Wing went to Shaolin immediately. Out of his expectation, Chi refused to see him and the monks always embarrassed them during the visit. Even worse, Club Foot was imprisoned in the Labour Camp of the Temple without any reason. Facing all these strange things, ominous feeling bred from Hung's heart. In the meanwhile, Hung accidentally met Hung Wan, the one with a high social prestige in Shaolin. Wan then told him everything. The disclosure of the scandal inevitably angered the culprit who in turn sweared to eliminate Hung at all costs. On the blink of war, the buried page of Shaolin secret history was no longer be sealed.
The Christ of Nanjing
Ryuichi Okagawa, a Japanese writer who worked as a reporter in China has been sick ever since his return home. While in China, Okagawa had met a devoutly religious girl named Jin-hua. Okagawa was born with a predisposition to agonizing recurrent migraines, but found happiness with Jin-hua and married her. Unfortunately, he already had a wife in Japan, and this revelation crushed Jin-hua. When Okagawa returned home, leaving Jin-hua behind, she was forced to work as a prostitute, catching both a severe case of the flu and a rather less socially acceptable condition. Meanwhile, Okagawa's guilt has torn him apart enough for him to return to China in an attempt to bring Jin-hua home with him to get medical attention, but the girl is already too far gone for his help.
Dream Lover
Popular Hong Kong actress Sharla Cheung actually produced two versions of this romantic seriocomedy -- starring in the second one, Romantic Dream -- and they both played theaters in the same month. Jacklyn Wu stars as Kitty, a beautiful and wealthy woman who becomes the ideal love of Cheung Kar-shing (Tony Leung), an inventor who participates in illegal road races in his spare time. Their relationship blossoms into romance, but when Kitty's father goes into hiding and leaves behind over ten million dollars in unpaid debt, she leaves Hong Kong without telling Cheung where she's going. Shortly thereafter, Cheung strikes it rich when he is paid ten million dollars by a Japanese computer firm for a chip he has invented, but money does little to relieve his aching despair in Kitty's absence.
Remember M, Remember E
Chu (Mickey Chu Kin-Kwan) is a young fellow who's made it big in the business world, and makes headlines when he offers a large reward for a special $1000 bill with a personal inscription on it. The bill is a memento of his adolescent friendship with Ching (Athena Chu) and Ricky (Nicky Wu), who were once the best of friends. The three have since gone their separate ways, but Chu holds onto the bittersweet memories of their youth, when the three were inseparable, and saw only bright futures ahead of them. But misplaced emotions and the painful trials of youth split them apart, and now that Chu has finally made it big, he wants nothing more than to see the three reunited. Will the two respond to his impassioned plea to find them once again?
Summer Snow
Mr. Lo
Tells the story of the relationship between a widower with Alzheimer's disease and his daughter-in-law, May Sun, who is a housewife in her forties trying cope with the upheavals in her family.
Love in the Time of Twilight
Yan-Yan's Father
Like many young people of the 1920s, Kong and Yan are infected with the "happily ever after" syndrome waiting for their perfect match. Unlike other love stories, this couple journeys through murder, ghostly spirits and true sacrifice all in the name of love.
Peace Hotel
Blind musician
After his wife's murder, widow Wong A Ping sets up a Peace Hotel to act as a sanctuary for anyone who needs protecting. One day a mysterious women shows up who seeks shelter from a gang hunting her. Vowing to never turn anyone away, Wong A Ping must decide whether to help the women or risk confronting the gang.
Lover of the Last Empress
General Cai Won
The story of an innocent girl who is destined to become one of the emperor´s concubines. Initially she suffers from a loss of innocence and the intrigues of the other concubines but over the course of time she becomes less and less scrupulous and finally is impregnated by the emperor and thus becomes his wife - the empress of China. However, her "career" has corrupted her once innocent soul and so, after the emperor dies she rules the land with terror.
China Dragon
Two agile Hong Kong martial arts kids join up with a pair of bungling Chinese-immigrant beach bums on the sunny shores of Hawaii, where they divide their time between sophomoric kung-fu kid hijinks and their designated mission--tracking down a missing book whose secrets have fallen into the hands of a power-hungry villain.
The Chinese Feast
Mr Kawaski
Former member of a triad, Sun seeks to emigrate to Canada. He decides to become a great chef of chinese cooking and follows the teaching master Au.
Однажды в Китае 5
Wong Kei-Ying
Вон Фей Хун, его ученики Люн Фун и Клабфут и девушка Мэй, которую он повстречал в предыдущей части, возвращаются в родной По Чи Лам, где их дожидаются кузина Фей Хуна И, его отец Вон Кей Ин и два других ученика, А Со и Порки Лэн. По прибытию выясняется, что провинция голодает, и пираты постоянно нападают на фермеров. Суду и полиции самим нечего есть, и Фей Хун сотоварищи решаются помочь городу избавиться от морской угрозы.
Beginner's Luck
Lau and Chow are roommates and they both dream to strike it rich at the races. They invent a device that allows them to eavesdrop on jockeys in training for tips. When they lost at the races, Lau's girlfriend threatens to leave, and Chow is stalked by the loan sharks. Will they bet it all on one last race?
Прах времен
Leader of Ouyang's Opponents in Opening Battle (uncredited)
В центре сюжета — Уянг Фенг, который перебирается в Западную Пустыню после того, как любимая женщина его отвергает. Он занимается тем, что нанимает искусных воинов для выполнения заказных убийств. Уязвленное самолюбие делает его безжалостным и циничным, но по мере того, как он встречает друзей, знакомится с клиентами и будущими врагами, он начинает осознавать свое одиночество…
The Lovers
In 3A.D., during the Eastern Jin Dynasty, parents dress a very pretty, very privileged girl like a boy so she may be educated in a local boarding school. There, she falls in love with a poor, but handsome and industrious young man, but their short love affair ends in disaster.
The Great Conqueror's Concubine
Fan Zeng
Insurrection deposes the tyrannical first emperor of China during the evil Qin Dynasty. Warrior/general Xiang Yu and the cunning peasant Liu Pang join forces to win through civil war. Xiang Yu's weakness for Lady Yu combine with Liu Pang's treachery result in Liu founding the legendary Han dynasty
Hail the Judge
Eunuch Lee Lin Ying
Pao Lung-Sing, a descendant of the famous Judge Pao Ching Tient, is a 9th degree corrupt judge who changes his tune when he tries to champion a woman Chi Siu-Lin, who was framed for killing her husband. As a result, Pao is forced to flee and through a series of events becomes a 1st degree judge and comes back to wreak havoc and justice on the guilty.
Два воина
Biao's sifu
Древние стены монастыря Шаолинь хранят эту легенду не одно столетие… Двое друзей-монахов, мастера боевых искусств, были изгнаны из монастыря за применение оружия. За стенами Шаолиня дороги бывших друзей разошлись. Предавший товарища Тиньбяо примкнул к войскам злобного правителя, а Юньбяо выступил на стороне повстанцев. Товарищи вчера, а ныне враги, герои теперь находятся по разные стороны баррикад. Их новая встреча неизбежна, но произойдет она только на поле битвы. Грядет последний, страшный бой, который равно может окончиться как торжеством справедливости, так и победой самого черного зла.
Раскрашенная кожа
Zhang Daoling
When an amorously inclined young man runs across an attractive young woman in need of his help, it's not difficult for him to rush to her aid while imagining himself in her arms. Though he's married, he retains a strong desire to bed any pretty woman in sight. To his shock, he discovers later that the pretty woman he fantasized about is a ghost.
The Magic Crane
Reverend of Tai Kok Temple
On his way to a congress of kung fu masters, an initiate falls from a high cliff, only to be rescued by lovely Tien Lam (Anita Mui), who rides a huge crane. The rest of the movie features a battle between warring martial arts factions, an equally fierce rivalry between the two daughters of the Crane Master, the accidental empowerment of an unprincipled master after having eaten half of a secret scroll, a battle with an immense tortoise whose spleeny vapors save a group of poisoned swordsmen, lots of great aerial fights against nearly invincible villains, and the usual blood spurting from assorted mouths.
Swordsman III: The East Is Red
Disguised Invincible Asia
A royal official accompanies a Portuguese warship to the Black Cliffs to see the site of the defeat of the evil Invincible Asia, who attained supernatural abilities by following the sacred scroll and castrating himself.
Клинок ярости
Ngo Pai
1898 год, Китай. Королевский советник и его ученица прибывают в провинциальный городок,где встречают ставшего кузнецом бывшего члена известнейшей группки революционеров.Вместе они основывают школу боевых искусств, но идея революции никак не выходит из головы уже экс-кузнеца.
The Buddhist Spell
Fantasy period piece. Some magic tree spirit lady and a young monk fight some bat-head guy.
Однажды в Китае 4
Wong Kei-Ying
Мастер кунгфу Вонг Фей Хунг выигрывает «состязание львов», и теперь слава о нем гремит по всему городу. Новый губернатор, приехавший в город, затевает еще одно состязание, но на этот раз их противниками должны выступить иностранцы.
Green Snake
Old Monk
A mischievous snake who assumes human form interferes with the romance between her reptilian sister and a hapless man.
All Men Are Brothers - Blood of the Leopard
Kao the elder
Based on parts of the classic Chinese novel The Water Margin (aka Outlaws of the Marsh).
Однажды в Китае 3
Wong Kai-Ying
Для участия в турнире мастеров восточных единоборств, знатоков стиля «Танцующий лев», в Пекин приезжают Вон Фэй-хун, его закадычный приятель-напарник Чун и юная Йе, кузина Фэй-хуна. Пока участники турнира готовятся к поединкам, Йе завязывает романтические отношения с русским дипломатом Тумановским…
This film is about the life of socially deprived people who lives in caged housing in Hong Kong. Given the very tough topic of social deprivation, extreme poverty and shockingly appalling living conditions, I expected "Cageman" to be very tough to watch. This turns out not to be the case. Instead, "Cageman" is a warm, positive and loving film about friendship. People in the caged housing live as harmonious as possible, supporting each other by their limited means.
Дзен меча
Royal Wizard of Yin
Cредние века. Одна правящая династия сменяет другую всего за какие-то пару лет, и свергнутая принцесса вместе со своими двумя генералами спасаются бегством, унося с собой алмазную флейту, которая по преданиям принесет богатство тому, кто сможет раскрыть ее секрет. Спасаясь от нынешнего воинственного императора, они набредают на затерянную долину, где живет еще одна свергнутая королевская династия, управляет которой героиня Кары Хуи. Она учит своего племянника «девяти стойкам меча», которые непременно принесут их династии победу в скором будущем. Но наследный принц влюбляется в заблудшую принцессу, и, мало того, что учеба отходит на второй план, за принцессой гонятся королевские войска, представляющие серьезную угрозу для тихого существования этой долины.
Легенда о фехтовальщике
Разочарованный одержимостью Учителя поиском Священного Свитка, руководства о сверх способностях в боевых искусствах, фехтовальщик Линг и его братья по обучению решают уединиться для того, чтобы не соприкасаться с жестокостью. По дороге они встречают Инг, дочь вождя одного из кланов, с которой Линг длительное время дружил. Её отец был предан и заточен своими бывшими союзниками, которые называют себя "Непобедимая Азия", амбиции которых в свержении императора Минга с помощью более развитого стиля боевых искусств. Вопреки своим желаниям уединиться фехтовальщики нечаянно оказываются втянуты в разборки кланов.
Sun God
After watching a heartbroken woman throw herself into the sea because of her lover, a rock spirit (Wilson Lam) attempts to defy the Sun God (Lau Shun). While escaping from the God's wrath, the rock spirit meets and eventually falls in love with a damsel with a spirit-slaying sword (Chow).
Таверна Дракона
1457 год, правление династии Минг, власть загребают под себя жестокие и коварные евнухи. Один из них, Чжао добивается казни генерала Ю и повелевает уничтожить всех его наследников, однако тех ссылают на удаленный пограничный пост под названием «Врата Дракона». Чжао не собирается останавливаться на полпути и посылает отряд убийц в таверну, через которую эскорт обязательно пройдет. Но туда забредают странствующие воины, которые встанут грудью на защиту невинных.
Клетка тигра 3
Fisherman who saved James
Сложное и запутанное дело расследует отдел преступлений и непосредственно офицер Джеймс и Джон. Сложность заключается в том, что агенты подозревают влиятельное лицо, которого зовут Ли. После серии «подстав» и организованного кем-то покушения на Джеймса, дело и вовсе закрывают по приказу «сверху». Только через полгода напарники догадываются, кто стоит за этими событиями. Теперь ими движет месть и жажда справедливости….
Однажды в Китае
Naval Commander Lau
Конец прошлого столетия. Китайцы пытаются бороться всеми доступными им средствами с расширением американского влияния, решительно восстают против наглого грабежа и похищения людей. Но находятся и такие, которым чужестранная мода, традиции и культура пришлись на руку в их темных делишках. Народный герой Китая Вонг пытается защитить девушку, которую предприимчивый барыга — китаец продал на Запад в бордель.
A Chinese Ghost Story III
Fong's master
Having slept for a century, the monstrous Tree Devil is now awaken and starts finding lost souls again. One stormy night, a wise High Priest and his student Fong pass by the Orchid Temple and realize that it is haunted. Fong encounters two evil spirits, the seductive Lotus and her hated sister Butterfly in the temple. Although Fong knows his master wants to capture them, he finds himself being attracted by them so he sets them free. The monks stay at the temple has to be prolonged since Fong carelessly loses the valuable Gold Buddha. Later on, they come to a corrupt local town, while the High Priest meets Yin by chance and a series of misunderstandings evolve. Meanwhile, Fong encounters Lotus again and finds himself falling in love with her.
A Chinese Legend
Lung's sifu
Ga Yat Lung is a young warrior who meets and falls in love with Mung Suet, the day of her sacrifice to the Ghost King. Without her sacrifice all those living in the local village will be destroyed. Ga Yat Lung is helped by Ching, a Fox Demon, to attempt to save Mung Suet and her people.
To Be Number One
The story of Ho, a chinese peasant/slave worker who escapes to Hong Kong and becomes one of the most feared crime bosses in Hong Kong.
The Top Bet
Yim Chun
Anita Mui plays the sister of the Saint of Gamblers, and also possesses supernatural gambling abilities. However, she chooses not to use her powers. She decides to come to Hong Kong to retrieve her brother and bring him back to China. There she meets his assistant, Ng, who is without the Saint of Gamblers, as he has headed off on a cruise. Ng asks Mui to compete in the next tournament, but she turns him down. Mui stays at Ng's house, and helps him find another player to compete. But when Mui finds out that the opposition also has supernatural gambling abilities, she throws the gauntlet down and prepares for the match of her life.
Golden Venom
A red headed villain (with a blue headed son), a witch and the warriors and monk that fight the two badguys.
The Ultimate Vampire
Uncle Kin
"Vampire Buster" Lam Ching-Ying returns as Master Gao in this vampire-filled adventure. Here, he joins forces with his colleagues in ridding the world of restless ghosts, and he, himself, does battle with dozens of jumping Chinese vampires and creepy-looking zombies. Meanwhile, he must also deal with his corrupted senior colleague and a beautiful female ghost, who befriended his two pupils.
Право воровать
Три девушки, работающие в не совсем законной организации, занимаются воровством дорогих музейных экспонатов, но одна из них считает, что она вполне сможет заниматься всем этим одна, так что первым делом она подставляет свою напарницу Хунг, отправив ее на три года в тюрьму, а затем уходит, создав свою собственную аналогичную организацию. Спустя три года, когда Хунг выходит из тюрьмы, к ней приставляют двух полицейских, которые не совсем понимают, что происходит на самом деле.
Принц солнца
Настоятель тибетского монастыря уходит из этого мира, оставляя после себя жемчужину силы и мудрости. Но тьма нависает над священным храмом, и жемчужина попадает в руки Зла. Спустя пять лет на Землю приходит Будда в образе маленького мальчика, прозванного "Принцем Солнца" - единственная надежда на освобождение Земли от сил Тьмы. Для защиты принца его дядя посылает Бенчук, единственного бойца, способного сокрушить Зло...
The Dragon from Russia
Mr Kishudo
A former member of a band of criminals known as the 'Eight-Hundred Dragons' is living in fear in Manchuria as the clan does not allow people to leave alive. However, he is eventually tracked down, and kidnapped along with a young Manchurian, Yao - whose memory is erased so that he can be trained in martial arts. Yao's work as an assassin becomes more complicated, however, when he sees his old lover again and his real memories come flooding back.
Kung Fu Vs. Acrobatic
Yuen Chun / Yin Chin
An update of the 1960s Chinese martial arts story, Buddha's Palm, friends Charles and Chi (Andy Lau, Pak-Cheung Chan) visit Mainland China and discover an ancient cave that houses what is supposed to be the makeshift tomb of the legendary martial artist Lung Gim-Fei. The friends find an old spell book and practice some magic, which unintentionally breaks open a wall and releases a dormant princess (Joey Wang) and her handmaiden (Siu-Wai Mui). Charles and Chi take the Princess and her Handmaiden back to Hong Kong with them, unaware that they were followed by the just-awaken evil warlord, Tien Chien (Wah Yuen).
A Chinese Ghost Story II
Imperial High Priest
Several years after his beloved Nieh has gone, Ning is innocently put into jail. Luckily, he meets a scholar, Elder Chu Kot, in the prison who finally helps him escape. Ning then meets a young witty monk Autumn. They become friends and live in an abandoned villa together. The villa is horrific, yet they choose to stay for a while. Later that night, some ghosts suddenly appear and attack; two parties fight heavily. But after clarifications, Ning and Autumn find that "the ghosts" are humans in disguise, who intend to save their leader from imprisonment but not hurting innocence. Among them, Ning finds someone who looks identical to Nieh, and considers she is the reincarnated Nieh. A real giant zombie has seen all these in behind and is ready to ambush.
Happy Ghost IV
Crazy Kwan Yeung
A group of college kids discovers the remains of an evil warlord from an old cave and brings it to their dormitory, which ultimately awakens the warlord's ghost. It is seeking to avenge his killer, who has since reincarnated as Mr. Hong's snobby girlfriend Annie. With Hong and Annie endangered, Hong's reincarnated spirit takes over to save him and Annie, and defeat the demon.
The Eunuch
Поздние годы правления династии Мин в Китае. Из императорской библиотеки похищен свиток с ценными секретами боевых искусств. В борьбу за свиток включаются юный мастер клинка и его приятель, их учитель, а также японские самураи, тайная китайская секта, племя воинственных заклинательниц змей, конкурирующая школа боевых искусств и другие.