Xue Muhua
Уважаемый мастер после ложного обвинения и изгнания отправляется в путешествие, узнавая о своих корнях и всюду натыкаясь смертоносных врагов. Осиротевший в младенчестве Цяо Фэн воспитывается парой из Империи Сун. Мастерски освоив боевые искусства, он становится харизматичным главарем видной фракции – секты нищих. Внезапно выясняется его вражеское происхождение – и главу выгоняют, заодно обвинив в нескольких убийствах – военачальника и одного из старейшин организации, а также приемных родителей.
Master Guai
After completing his training, an elite young assassin embarks on his first mission and is quickly ensnared in an intricate plot laid by powerful people pulling strings from the shadows. Upon failing to complete the assignment, he is forced to go on the run—from the government and rival assassin groups alike—as he seeks to unmask the players behind the conspiracy.
Chinese Odyssey: The Beginning
It follows a survival game in a Matrix-like virtual world against various challenges, including a terrifying monster.
A new documentary film revisits the golden age of kung fu stuntmen and action directors in Hong Kong during the 1960s-'80s, exploring their pain and struggles. The documentary is a tribute to kung fu stuntmen. “They risked their lives for stunts,” said kung fu choreographer Yuen Bin. In their heyday, these stuntmen and choreographers presented the best, most creative and most complicated kung fu fight sequences anywhere in the world, creating stunts that looked seemingly impossible.
Wu Gando
Demon Sovereign Xuantian made a sound to protect the Demon Realm, and sent the little demon scum pretending to be alive to volley and ask the bone spirits to come out and help fight the demon door. The Bone Essence lives alone outside the world. According to legend, he is indifferent and bloodthirsty. When he tremblingly pushed open the door of the Skeleton Hall, he found that Mrs. Bones was an old person he had known before—his predecessor, Little Bones. But the Bone Lady had long forgotten who she was, and he handed over Xuantian's autograph letter to invite Bone Spirit to play. The Bone Essence refused to agree, due to the thought in her heart that she couldn't remember. If the scum volleyed to help her find her thoughts, she went out of the mountain. At this point, the sealed predecessor began to unfold like a scroll...
Old Beggar
You know him from Drunken Master story - legendary Beggar So. A martial arts scholar, who is accidentally injured and loses his memory when he oppresses the Tianmen sect that sells big cigarettes. When he was a beggar, he was taken in by Jin Zhi and Little Fruit's mother and daughter. Because the opium ointment leaked, Little Fruit was captured by the Heaven's Gate Sect, and Su begged to save the little girl who took care of her, Little Fruit, and destroyed the Heaven's Gate Sect's The story of the conspiracy and the eventual eradication of the Heaven's Gate religion with the government.
Black Wind
Sun Xiaotian who recovered the mana, began a spiritual journey with Dongfang Mo,Yang Jiuli, and Ting Ting. They traveled all the way west, passing through the Ewha City in the Black Bone Mountain of Xiaomanguo. Under the guidance of strange crying, they rescued Su Luoying, the daughter of the "black wind old demon" in the legend of Ewha City. Sun Xiaotian met Su Luoying's princess Huo Fenghuang in the process of helping Su Luoying to resolve his internal resentment. Sun Xiaotian and his team found the sleeping black wind old demon together with Huo Fenghuang. Unexpectedly, things are here, far from over, the real behind-the-scenes master of Ewha City has someone else.
Old Man
Highly educated tomb robber Ye Kai opened sneaked into the home of farmer Wu Wei.
Qin Ming came to Qingjiang City to participate in the sale of new bookmarks, and met Zhang Jingguo, the richest man in Zhangjiang, Qingjiang. When investigating the cause of Zhang’s mother’s death many years ago, he found that Zhang Fuguo’s study was killed, involving Zhang Zhiyang ’s son Yang Zhiyuan and his sister Zhang Jingya Resentment and resentment, Qin Ming found the cause of Zhang Fuguo's death after verifying the murders.
Группа студентов приезжает в закрывающуюся школу, где, по слухам, обитают призраки. Пока на дворе лето, и в здании нет учеников, директор школы — дядя одного из друзей — разрешает ребятам пожить в местном общежитии. Когда-то давно японские оккупанты издевались здесь над беззащитными женщинами, и эхо войны даёт о себе знать — одна из студенток почти сразу видит призрака.
Guo Hua Qiang
In the Song Dynasty, a group of patriots play soccer against the traitor with a team of foreign enemies, royal pro-nobles, bandits, martial arts masters and embrace the country hatred to compete for the first time in the history of China International soccer match.
Master Ginger
Неуклюжий очкарик Тим рос без родителей, его воспитывала бабуля, которая сейчас уже слегка не в себе. Но парень вырос добрым и отзывчивым, поэтому однажды на свою голову решил помочь старику, на которого напали в тёмном переулке. На следующий день выяснилось, что нападавший был вампиром, а у Тима врождённый иммунитет к укусам этих тварей, поэтому парня приглашают в гонконгский Отдел зачистки вампиров.
Lui Ching-Yuen
Бывший полицейский инструктор по боевым искусствам заключен в тюрьму после того, как случайно убил человека. Когда объявляется серийный убийца специализирующийся на мастерах боевых искусств, он предлагает помощь полиции в обмен на свою свободу.
Story based on the legendary mansion at No. 81 on Chaoyangmennei Street in Beijing, which local legend says is haunted by the ghost of a Kuomintang official's wife, who committed suicide in the home around the time of the Cultural Revolution. The film follows Xu Ruoqing a woman whose presence in the notorious mansion draws up the spirits that have taken residence there.
Laughing Buddha
Начало 20-го века. Чжэнь Ма Юн оказывается в рядах людей, надеющихся найти работу в Шанхае. Будучи человеком порядочным, он отказывается стать членом одной из бандитских группировок и находит друга в лице благородного гангстера Ци Луна. Японский шпион Хасимото, возмущённый отказом Ци Луна принять его предложение, пытается убить их обоих…
Gold Pavilion Client
Основатель старейшей Школы боевых искусств намерен уйти на покой и передать дела достойному преемнику. Но самый лучший его ученик вынашивает куда более амбициозные планы - он намерен объединить все разрозненные школы в одну. С этой целью он вызывает на поединок лидера каждой школы и, одерживая победу раз за разом, объединяет все школы. Последней остается школа его умершего учителя, отстоять память которого на поединок выходит его дочь, тайно влюбленная в своего соперника
Chen Ping protects a young boy named "Christophe" from his kidnappers.
Uncle Shou
A young man who is down on his luck is overjoyed when he is given a job working in the factory of a major medical company. He soon finds he was hired because he resembles the factory owners missing son.
Трудно пользоваться успехом в школе, когда в 15 лет ты выглядишь на 10. Бедняга Пек все время чувствует себя идиотом: учителя выставляют его на посмешище, одноклассники издеваются, а с родителями совсем беда — мало того, что они зануды, так еще и сына заставляют подписывать с ними контракты на все внеклассные мероприятия. Если бы не приятель Джейджер (единственный нормальный человек), жизнь Пека была бы сущим адом. Но после знакомства с Эмили, самой красивой старшеклассницей, жизнь казалось, начинает налаживаться. Родители же Пека никак не хотят успокоиться и записывают его в Клуб Испытателей, — кошмар всего города. Необходимо срочно принять какие-то экстренные меры… И тут Пеку приходит в голову гениальная мысль — разработать смелый научный проект, который поможет ему примириться с родителями, поразить учителей и, может быть, даже завоевать сердце Эмили.
Действие фильма происходит в Китае 40-х годов и разворачивается вокруг неудачливого гангстера, который мечтает стать членом легендарной группировки «Топоры». В то же время лидер группировки начинает терроризировать один из районов, местные жители которого оказываются не так просты и оказывают ему достойный отпор в разгорающейся войне. Все это приправлено юмором, знакомым нам еще со времен «Убойного Футбола».
Deranged Mongol
Самое мощное секретное оружие Америки снова в действии! Ангелы Чарли готовы к новым подвигам! На сей раз главный злодей практически неотразим. Он красив, сексапилен, все умеет — серфинг, мотогонки.Девчонкам придется нелегко, им нужно найти похищенные титановые кольца. Это не простые украшения, а особые носители информации, на которых микротекстом выгравированы имена и адреса всех участников федеральной программы защиты свидетелей… Доброе утро, Ангелы! За работу!
Борцы за свободу Нео, Тринити и Морфеус продолжают руководить восстанием людей против Армии Машин. Для уничтожения системы репрессий и эксплуатации они вынуждены прибегнуть не только к арсеналу превосходного оружия, но и к своим выдающимся навыкам. Участие в миссии по спасению человеческой расы от её полного истребления приносит им более глубокое понимание конструкции Матрицы и осознание центральной роли Нео в судьбе человечества.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Он живёт в мире вечной ночи, но эта темнота заполнена звуками и запахами, её можно попробовать на вкус и потрогать руками. Адвокат Мэтт Мердок слеп, но остальные органы чувств у него работают, как у супермэна.Днём Мердок защищает униженных и оскорблённых в зале суда, а ночью превращается в сорвиголову в маске, восстанавливая справедливость на улицах города самыми радикальными методами.
Chinese Man on Plane (uncredited)
Три очаровательных ангела из частного детективного агентства решают любые, даже самые сложные задачи, с помощью своих многочисленных талантов и чувства юмора.
На этот раз им предстоит выяснить, кто стоит за похищением главы корпорации "Нокс Технолоджис" и разработанного им программного обеспечения.
How to Meet the Lucky Stars is a 1996 Hong Kong film and the final film in the Lucky Stars film series. Featuring the "Lucky Stars" Sammo Hung (in a supporting role and another role as a cop), Eric Tsang, Stanley Fung, Richard Ng, Michael Miu and new cast member Vincent Lau as Hung's younger cousin. Also featuring a number of guest appearances including Françoise Yip, Natalis Chan, Chen Kuan Tai, Cheng Pei-pei, Chan Hung Lit and Nora Miao. Produced by Eric Tsang, directed by Frankie Chan with action choreography by Yuen Cheung-Yan and Mars.The film was released as a benefit film for the famous Hong Kong film director, Lo Wei, who died in 1996.
Evil mother
Лин Лин Фат - один из четырех королевских полицейских Запретного Города, однако в то время, как остальные трое его коллег все сплошь мастера боевых искусств, ломающие камни и крушащие стены, он сам слабоват в физическом плане, зато имеет не по годам развитый ум.
Он уже завалил весь дом своими изобретениями, каждый день даря своей жене очередное «нововведение» вроде тапочек-веника или минивентилятора, однако при дворе его совсем не ценят. Помощь же его требуется лишь однажды - когда выясняется, что на Запретный Город планируется нападение из Королевства Гум, организованное Убийцей без лица, его женой и сыном.
Action Director
A group of terrorists murder the captain of a cruise ship and take everyone hostage. Their plan is to steal the uranium being stored in the ship's safe. It's up to a security officer and a pickpocketing cocktail waitress to stop them.
Martial Arts Choreographer
A group of terrorists murder the captain of a cruise ship and take everyone hostage. Their plan is to steal the uranium being stored in the ship's safe. It's up to a security officer and a pickpocketing cocktail waitress to stop them.
Stunt Coordinator
A group of terrorists murder the captain of a cruise ship and take everyone hostage. Their plan is to steal the uranium being stored in the ship's safe. It's up to a security officer and a pickpocketing cocktail waitress to stop them.
Cruise passenger
A group of terrorists murder the captain of a cruise ship and take everyone hostage. Their plan is to steal the uranium being stored in the ship's safe. It's up to a security officer and a pickpocketing cocktail waitress to stop them.
Captain Jie
В начале XX века во время японской оккупации Китая самураи, кичившиеся своим непобедимым каратэ, жестоко убили миролюбивого учителя кунг-фу Хо. Деморализованный народ даже не помышлял о сопротивлении. Устрашились все, кроме Жень Чена, самого одаренного ученика погибшего мастера. Узнав о случившемся, герой клянется во что бы то ни стало отомстить убийцам. И когда приходит час возмездия, стонущий под пятой захватчиков Шанхай превращается в поле грандиозной битвы между дерзким одиночкой и сонмом опаснейших врагов.
A film by Clarence Fok
Fight Choreographer
Древние стены монастыря Шаолинь хранят эту легенду не одно столетие… Двое друзей-монахов, мастера боевых искусств, были изгнаны из монастыря за применение оружия. За стенами Шаолиня дороги бывших друзей разошлись. Предавший товарища Тиньбяо примкнул к войскам злобного правителя, а Юньбяо выступил на стороне повстанцев. Товарищи вчера, а ныне враги, герои теперь находятся по разные стороны баррикад. Их новая встреча неизбежна, но произойдет она только на поле битвы. Грядет последний, страшный бой, который равно может окончиться как торжеством справедливости, так и победой самого черного зла.
Taoist Priest Ling
Древние стены монастыря Шаолинь хранят эту легенду не одно столетие… Двое друзей-монахов, мастера боевых искусств, были изгнаны из монастыря за применение оружия. За стенами Шаолиня дороги бывших друзей разошлись. Предавший товарища Тиньбяо примкнул к войскам злобного правителя, а Юньбяо выступил на стороне повстанцев. Товарищи вчера, а ныне враги, герои теперь находятся по разные стороны баррикад. Их новая встреча неизбежна, но произойдет она только на поле битвы. Грядет последний, страшный бой, который равно может окончиться как торжеством справедливости, так и победой самого черного зла.
Stunt Coordinator
Частный детектив Чарли Чен нанят своим другом-полицейским присмотреть за его возлюбленной-полицейской Сесилией. У Сесилии большие неприятности. Во-первых, она отстранена от службы по подозрению в убийстве подростков. Во-вторых, она убила одного из членов банды «Пять пальцев» и теперь ей грозит расправа. В-третьих, она не без основания полагает, что её новая молодая мачеха охотится за деньгами её отца, а значит ему угрожает опасность...
Martial Arts Choreographer
A young woman and her friend travel to a distant village to visit her father. Upon arrival they learn that the man has been killed and his body is being transported to his hometown. They want to find the body, but it is stolen by the evil Zombie-King. Together with some newfound allies, they fight against the evil clan.
A young woman and her friend travel to a distant village to visit her father. Upon arrival they learn that the man has been killed and his body is being transported to his hometown. They want to find the body, but it is stolen by the evil Zombie-King. Together with some newfound allies, they fight against the evil clan.
Action Director
The prequel to Taylor Wong's With or Without You finds Prince being raised as a trained assassin by his "father." Meanwhile, he falls in love with Tweedy, a singer who teaches him how to love.
Master Yuen
Wong Fei-Hong tires of his life pretending to be a kung fu master, and decides to visit Canton in anonymity, letting his student pretend to be Wong Fei-Hung. However, a crooked businessman and an upright Wong Fei-Hong admirer complicates matters.
The first of two feature films comprising parts of the YOUNG WISELY TV show starrign David Wu.
Never Die
The well-known "Flying Dagger" Chung and his nephew Lam lived on rewards from apprehending bandits. Chung refused the love of "Great Coquette" Lady Fung. Therefore, Fung always mess up Chung's business for revenge. Flying Fox, the country's number one bandit, had stolen the millionaire Tsao's evidence of being a traitor. Hence, Tsao employed Chung to catch the bandit. Flying Fox's wife, Flying Cat seduced Chung to save her husband, which caused jealousy and a severe fight with Fung. Meanwhile Lam was kidnapped by Tsao. Chung and Fung finally realized that Tsao was the head of East Wing. They united together to beat against Tsao...
Ying's sifu
Nightingale Wong is a super heroine who looses her memory when her triad boss father is murdered. She is taken in by a kindly prostitute, and eventually takes revenge.
Lam Ching Ying is a Taoist wizard who goes to Thailand to help defeat a pair of black magic criminals (Billy Chow and Tsui Man Wah) using huge Taoist charms and good, old-fashioned blood of a black dog. Afterwards, "a fiendish wizard steals the bodies of the two criminals. He anoints them with the sperm of 99 satyrs and the blood collected from the menstrual flow of 99 bitches. The result is the merging of the two bodies into one ultra-powerful, bisexual creature known as the Terrific Vampire. This lustful monster gains knowledge and strength by killing and devouring the brains of victims (the first casualties are the wizard and his assistants).
Doggie's dad
The war against organized crime in Hong Kong has opened a new front: the school. And police Commandant Wong orders officer Kin to go under cover as a school teacher. Kin's assignment: to stop the infiltration by Taiwan's underworld. Kin's girl friend Hyun has jilted him. Once in school, Kin falls madly in love with the sexy teacher Moon. The students, however, make fun of him. Among his mentors, student leader Aaron stands out. But Hyun is also assigned to the school as an undercover student...
Che Hai
The "Saint" is a secret group comprised of a martial arts master and his two oddball daughters. They were brought to this earth to uphold justice by robbing from the rich and giving to the poor.
1457 год, правление династии Минг, власть загребают под себя жестокие и коварные евнухи. Один из них, Чжао добивается казни генерала Ю и повелевает уничтожить всех его наследников, однако тех ссылают на удаленный пограничный пост под названием «Врата Дракона». Чжао не собирается останавливаться на полпути и посылает отряд убийц в таверну, через которую эскорт обязательно пройдет. Но туда забредают странствующие воины, которые встанут грудью на защиту невинных.
Developer Tsang Siu-Chi and his agent have bought two of a group of four properties. Rival developer, Boss Hung has secured the other two properties. Both aim to buy all four so they can knock them down and build hotels.
Story of a down on their luck married couple who make a deal with a ghost to win at gambling. Only catch is that it must be spent before 7am.
Yim's Opponent
Конец прошлого столетия. Китайцы пытаются бороться всеми доступными им средствами с расширением американского влияния, решительно восстают против наглого грабежа и похищения людей. Но находятся и такие, которым чужестранная мода, традиции и культура пришлись на руку в их темных делишках. Народный герой Китая Вонг пытается защитить девушку, которую предприимчивый барыга — китаец продал на Запад в бордель.
To cut down on expenses, a Hong Kong police superintendent orders a captain to take a group of S.W.A.T. team rookies to a rigorous training camp, hoping to force them to resign after undergoing grueling training courses. However, events get a mysterious turn when the rookies, on their break, discover an old Chinese Ouija board and decide to try it out. The game backfires when a reckless ghost is unleashed.
Action Director
Fred (Nat Chan) is a dopey jewelry company employee due to wed the impossibly pretty Tina (Michelle Reis). But Fred's stash of diamonds is stolen, leaving him with no feasible dowry with which to please Tina's tough dad (Wu Fung). To replenish his depleted funds, Fred schemes with smarmy buddy Seng (Sin Lap Man) to steal some diamonds from his own company. But the plan doesn't exactly go as intended, and soon a gang of robbers, the cops, and even Tina's dad all seem to be after Fred and Seng! Can Fred win over Tina's dad, clear his name, and still marry the impossibly pretty Tina?
Fred (Nat Chan) is a dopey jewelry company employee due to wed the impossibly pretty Tina (Michelle Reis). But Fred's stash of diamonds is stolen, leaving him with no feasible dowry with which to please Tina's tough dad (Wu Fung). To replenish his depleted funds, Fred schemes with smarmy buddy Seng (Sin Lap Man) to steal some diamonds from his own company. But the plan doesn't exactly go as intended, and soon a gang of robbers, the cops, and even Tina's dad all seem to be after Fred and Seng! Can Fred win over Tina's dad, clear his name, and still marry the impossibly pretty Tina?
Uncle Yen
Fred (Nat Chan) is a dopey jewelry company employee due to wed the impossibly pretty Tina (Michelle Reis). But Fred's stash of diamonds is stolen, leaving him with no feasible dowry with which to please Tina's tough dad (Wu Fung). To replenish his depleted funds, Fred schemes with smarmy buddy Seng (Sin Lap Man) to steal some diamonds from his own company. But the plan doesn't exactly go as intended, and soon a gang of robbers, the cops, and even Tina's dad all seem to be after Fred and Seng! Can Fred win over Tina's dad, clear his name, and still marry the impossibly pretty Tina?
Action Director
After police officer Paio is murdered, his soul cannot be at rest for his murder has been written off as a suicide...
In Hong Kong, terrorists from Libya blow up a bus which kills the son of the American consul. The Hong Kong Police Force sends Lui Yung and his team of special agents to investigate the case and destroy the terrorist group. On the other hand, Senior Inspector Hui Tat Ming (Simon Yam) of the Regional Crime Unit is discontented by the fact that he is no longer in charge of the case since it has been transferred to the Politics Department. However, Hui secretly investigates alone to track down the terrorists and bring them to justice
A woman seeks protection from a very mischievous ghost.
A woman seeks protection from a very mischievous ghost.
Buddist Monk
A police sting takes place in a haunted apartment building. The sting goes bad when a female ghost crashes the party. Lots of chase scenes involving floating heads and headless bodies.. and, oh yes.... toy helicopters. And then it gets weird...A band of Chinese elves save the day (one of them plays a mandolin).
Action Director
The Biu Family collects their lottery winnings in Canada and returns to Hong Kong to start a new life together, minus the second daughter due to a family quarrel of her involvement with her boyfriend. After Mrs. Biu shows off her money to her old friends at her bank, she loses it all in a robbery. Now, void of their new found wealth, the Biu Family must start over from scratch again.
An HK police officer sends his son to America to protect him from the influence of the HK triads. However, his son becomes enmired in Chinatown triad dealings in America and returns to Hong Kong as a marked and wanted man.
Drug dealer
The Pink Squad is comprised of four strong, tough women (Sandra Ng, Ann Bridgewater, Suki Kwan in her film debut, and Elsie Chan) who do their police work efficiently and successfully. As a result, their chauvinistic superiors in the police department are always scheming to try and get them fired.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Двое вооруженных грабителей проникают на выставку всемирно известного ювелира Ямато в Токио и крадут самые ценные экспонаты. Ограбление заканчивается убийством — грабители стреляют в помощника инспектора полиции. Кто стоит за этим дерзким ограблением, может, сам ювелир? Следы преступников ведут в Гонконг, и полицейские двух стран объединяются против общего врага.
Специальный отдел полиции готовит разоблачение крупной банды, но каждый раз бандитам удается ускользнуть сквозь расставленные сети. Становится ясно, что происходит утечка информации внутри отдела, а вскоре известен и информатор. Это Майк – начальник отдела, а точнее тот, кто возглавляет банду. Пытаясь уйти от возмездия, Майк организует серию убийств, убирая свидетелей. Он действует, как затравленный ТИГР. Остановить его можно, только загнав в КЛЕТКУ…
Thug on Ship
Секретный завод по производству наркотиков разрушает экологию маленького озера. Владелица озера, красавица Лао, возбуждает судебный процесс против наркомафии. Талантливый адвокат Джонни Лан, по приказу коррумпированных властей, должен отстаивать в суде интересы мафии. Адвокат с помощью друзей начинает тайное расследование деятельности мафии.
The S.W.A.T trainees are living in a haunted house.
A small town is plagued by a hopping Chinese vampire. A clumsy traveling warrior becomes aware of the vampire's sinister presence however the skeptical locals and their arrogant Taoist priest discredit the traveler. Meanwhile, a group of orphaned children, who are taken care of by a loving yet stern middle-aged play actor, befriend the vampire's son without realizing his true identity.
Michael is a guitarist in a night club, but his indulgence in gambling costs him his job. He is kicked out of the band. Wandering in an alley, he accidentally overhears a gang of drug dealers plotting. He is caught as he tries to get away. Michael seeks the help of his roommate, Roger who is the manager of a girls band preparing to go on a performing tour to Thailand. Roger takes Michael as a band member so that he can get away. While in Thailand, Michael falls in love with the leading female singer of the band. He tries all sorts of ways to gain her attention and love, while keeping one jump ahead of pursuing gangsters...
The granddaughter of a Taiwanese triad boss becomes a victim of a kidnapping attempt, but she's saved by a team of movie stuntmen. They become friends and work together to fend off one of the boss' underlings who goes rogue when he's overlooked for a promotion.
Lucky Diamond is a Hong Kong Comedy directed by Yuen Cheung-Yan and starring Alex Man and Anita Mui.
Lucky Diamond is a Hong Kong Comedy directed by Yuen Cheung-Yan and starring Alex Man and Anita Mui.
Lucky Diamond is a Hong Kong Comedy directed by Yuen Cheung-Yan and starring Alex Man and Anita Mui.
An American in Hong Kong battles mobsters.
A Taoist priest is ordered to find a Cherry Boy to appease his temple's ancestors. The boy in question is a young man who lives with his grandmother, trying to protect a sacred writ from a bright red, snarling bad guy. And let's just say insanity follows!
Chiu's Granny / Drunken Taoist
A Taoist priest is ordered to find a Cherry Boy to appease his temple's ancestors. The boy in question is a young man who lives with his grandmother, trying to protect a sacred writ from a bright red, snarling bad guy. And let's just say insanity follows!
Действие разворачивается в начале века, и главный герой — младший сын в семье местного «кулака». Папаша обожает своего младшенького, одевая его и наставляя на путь истинный «по полной программе», в то же время заставляя старшего вкалывать с утра до ночи на благо брата. Тем не менее, братья любят друг друга и постоянно вместе. Все меняется, когда вдвоем они срывают план сыночка местного богатея поиздеваться над ними, обратив козни недоросля против него самого.
This very strange movie shows the sort of thing Yuen Woo-ping will do when he is left to his own designs and imagination. Even strange for him, this movie involves vampires, huge monster toads, and drunk monks. For some of the effects puppets were used, including a very creepy/realistic dummy version of the Drunk Monk. The fight scenes are very creative and show off Yuen Woo-ping's weird sense of style and choreography.
Hong Kong fantasy comedy film.
Martial Arts Choreographer
A group of youngsters with untamed hearts often create conflicts with others and get into trouble. While meeting a pretty and gentle girl one day, will there be any change in their lives? Leaders of the Hairdressing Gang and Pork Gang, aka Black Hair Lover and Pigtail respectively, represent the new generation of the 1980s. Their thinking, actions and spirit seek to free themselves from the shackles of old traditional ideas. They are willful and uninhibited. During a gangsters’ meeting, two gangs come into conflict. In the end, all are arrested by detective Oolong. As juvenile delinquents, they are sent to be under the supervision of a female probation officer.
Old Woman
Two elderly Taoist priests, Chi Men and Dun Jai, who learn their magic from the same teacher always quarrel with each other. They provide mirth and expert kung fu tuition to young man who is mistakenly presumed to be the crown prince of the Imperial Court, missing since childhood. The emperor dispatches an eunuch with the magic powers to apprehend the young man. But he must first deal with Chi Men and Dun Jia who are the young man's protector.
Action Director
This is a powerful, yet fictionalized life story of Huo Yuan Chia, a real kung fu master in Southern China who brought respect to the populace and allowed kung fu to be taught to all Chinese during a time of revolt and low morale in the country's history.
This is a powerful, yet fictionalized life story of Huo Yuan Chia, a real kung fu master in Southern China who brought respect to the populace and allowed kung fu to be taught to all Chinese during a time of revolt and low morale in the country's history.
Marshal's Assistant
Mousy, the laundry guy, is attacked several times by an angry theatre troupe member. Although he survives, his friend doesn't. So, he overcomes his cowardice and decides to avenge his friend's death.
stutterer with bird cage
Two orphans raised by monks are taught divine secrets of kung fu. As adults, one chooses the path of the monks while the other opts for the outside world. Aspiring barber and experienced kung-fu fighter Shang learns that his childhood friend, Siu Ming, has been framed for murder by an unknown villain.When Shang begins looking into the crime, he soon finds himself the target of an assassination attempt. They reunite to find their missing godfather and seek vengeance on his kidnappers. Who is behind all these crimes, and can Shang stop them?
Martial Arts Choreographer
Two men meet as old friends but leave as new enemies. Before plans can be expedited the fight starts. As the title clearly gives away, only Shih Szu survives. Shih Szu alone makes the movie worth watching. She has the looks and the moves. The storyline strongly supports her motivation.
Teaches agility and defense with rings
Two men meet as old friends but leave as new enemies. Before plans can be expedited the fight starts. As the title clearly gives away, only Shih Szu survives. Shih Szu alone makes the movie worth watching. She has the looks and the moves. The storyline strongly supports her motivation.
Revenger after Xiang Yaocha / Bandit
A brother who loves books and a sister who loves swords must face a yellow-robed warrior, the Red Python, a sinuous snake-charmer, and a silk-masked beauty (who must kill or wed the first man to see her face) before they can bring peace to their battle-addled family.
Martial Arts Choreographer
A cripple takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero.
A cripple takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero.
Liao Jiang is the lowest ranking member of a gang that holds up a jewelery store. Subsequently the three other gang members die, and their gold haul goes missing. Liao Jiang and his new gang member Huge Eyes are then forced to turn to a triad gang to help get back their gold from a rival group.
Shaw production
Martial Arts Choreographer
Based on a popular swordplay novel, this colorful and complex saga (whose Chinese title literally translates into the poetic Meteor, Butterfly, Sword) has enough conspiracies, stratagems, and sword fights to fascinate even novice kung-fu cinema viewers. The cast of Shaw Brothers' leading swordsmen and swordswomen are masterfully staged by Yuen Cheung-yan, the brother of Matrix and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon martial arts choreographer Yuen Woo-ping. The result is both a great action movie and an exceptional dramatic film.
Thug attacking Betty in bar
Девушка, мечтающая сниматься в кино, уезжает из родного города. Но правда жизни такова, что продюсеры видят в ней только порно-актрису. Кто же мог подумать, что незнакомый парень, спасший её от бандитов, окажется самим Брюсом Ли.
The surface of the Earth is under attack, thousands of people are killed in this unprovoked attacked. The cause, Princess Dragonmon and her army of monsters have decided to invade. Princess Dragonmon is an alien whose race has been hiding under us for centuries waiting to attack and the time is right. A doctor has been preparing for something like this and turns his assistant Rayma into the cyborg hero known as Inframan. Now only Inframan stands between the Earth and Princess Dragonmon but when a close friend is captured and brainwashed, can she be stopped with this inside man feeding her info?
Jiao is framed for rape and murder (and, later, two more murders) by Chen and his son - the same people who framed Jiao's father and left him orphaned. Into the mix comes THE LADY OF THE LAW, Miss Leng, whose job it is to find the guilty. This she does, and she and Jiao find themselves battling pretty much everyone else who's appeared in the movie up to this point.
A provincial detective seeks to take down a local gambling syndicate with the help of two convicts.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Fary, a French banker in Tientsin, is victim of an hold-up. Wang Yue-Cheng robs a pagoda statue that is a priceless jewel, and part of China's national heritage. Fary informs the French authorities, who declare themselves unable to help him out. Meanwhile, Fary's daughter, Louise, is abducted. A Chinese detective, Tchao Tchun, is then called upon, to try to rescue the jewel and the girl before something untowards happens to them.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Молодой курсант заканчивает полицейскую академию, и ему тут же дают задание - обезвредить опасного преступника. Ему также дают понять, что этот преступник находится рядом с человеком, предавшим его отца и виновным в его смерти. И наш герой отправляется на задание, чтобы поймать преступника и отомстить за отца.
shaw production
Martial Arts Choreographer
The aggressive and dangerous Chin empire occupies the put-upon Chao kingdom while the hero-filled Wei empire is paralysed by an indecisive ruler.
Man of Iron was positioned as something of a follow-up to Boxer From Shantung, the rise-and-fall story of Ma Yung Chen and it reunites the directors and some of the cast in a similar but much slighter tale of a lesser gangster's rise and fall in Shanghai. While the opening narration specifically recalls the events and tragic conclusion of BOXER, this one is set 20 years later in the same section of Shanghai but otherwise has nothing to do with the events or characters of the previous film.
Yuen Woo Ping, who would in time become one of the world's leading martial arts choreographers, blocked the fight scenes for this Kung Fu action extravaganza. A small Chinese town is being torn apart by a conflict between local farmers and Japanese soldiers of fortune, who have been brought to town to liberate supplies of a rare Chinese herb. A martial arts expert gifted in both Chinese and Japanese fighting disciplines passes through town, and takes it upon himself to settle the feud.
Chin's man
Tan Jen-chieh's life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He's hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father's likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other's throats, they learn they've been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.
Martial Arts Choreographer
Tan Jen-chieh's life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He's hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father's likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other's throats, they learn they've been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.
Lung's Disciple (extra)
Lei Li lost his right-arm in a sword duel with the master of a martial arts school, long ago. Now, he is able to defend himself well with just his left arm, and kung fu techniques. That he proves with just the help of his friend Chung-Chieng, when he crosses his path with a beautiful girl in need, Pao Chiao. Even against impossible odds, he will prove a great warrior.
Martial Arts Choreographer
A violent martial artist is bent on avenging his older brother, who was killed by a cabal of four wicked businessmen and a cheating wife.
Flying Fighter King Deng Fei
Eight demon swordsmen and their gang have spread menace across many sword teaching schools. The students seek the help of Fang who alone can combat them. Will Fang take up the challenge.
Shang's thug [extra]
A noble swordsman fights to recover the magical blade that has protected his country for centuries after being blinded and betrayed by a ruthless villain. A cunning killer has blinded the brave warrior chosen to defend his country with an enchanted sword, and murdered his family. After recovering, the sightless defender sets out to recover the weapon, and seek revenge against his murderous nemesis.
Feng's Disciple (extra)
Ванг Ю здесь играет младшего ученика школы Золотого меча, которого совершенно не воспринимают всерьез его собратья по школе. Он решает уйти из школы, но ревнивая дочь его учителя в порыве ярости отрубает ему правую руку. Его подбирает девушка-отшельница и, поставив на ноги, доверяет ему книгу своего отца, в которой подробно описан стиль однорукого фехтования. Но он уже не хочет сражаться, и лишь долг и признательность учителю вынуждает его вернуться в школу, когда в городе появляется таинственный мастер-убийца, вознамерившийся полностью уничтожить всех последователей школы Золотого меча.
Ghost-faced To is murdered in a mortuary after paying a visit to Muk Lan-fa. A set of teeth is found missing from another dead body. Lan-fa’s sister Sau-chen follows the leads on a business card To left behind to a dental clinic which suddenly bursts into flame. The news of her sister’s abduction by the infamous Japanese criminal Katsu Saburo soon reaches Lan-fa. Working together with her police friend Ko Cheung to crack the case, Lan-fa analyses photo evidences in minute detail. The duo order the retrieval of a pole that has survived the explosion intact while lying in wait at the clinic. Sau-chen, who has escaped, saves the duo from the chiller where they are detained. Inspector Yeung retrieves the operation plan concealed in the pole and the secret codes in the set of teeth, but the spook is shot dead by Katsu before he could reach the Hell’s Gate and the treasure buried there. Constable Kwan, and others and wipes out the gang at the Hell’s Gate.
BDG thug [extra]
Celebrity Sadora is seriously wounded in an air crash. Police commissioner Suen and subordinate Ko Cheung find out Sadora was under duress from the Black Dragon Gang to collude with the criminals who had held his daughter hostage. When Ko, assuming Sadora's identity to safeguard his life, is abducted by the gang, Suen turns to 'Black Musketeer' Muk Lan-fa. By blatantly refusing to cooperate with the authorities, Muk escapes the surveillance of both the police and the gang. Acting alone, she scouts the location of the lair but ends up being imprisoned in the same cell with Ko. The captives use every trick in the book to escape. An undaunted Muk returns to infiltrate the den, while her sister Sau-chen, Suen and Ko are lying in wait. The hostages are released and the gang wiped out in a battle fiercely fought. (Synopsis based on visual audiomaterials)
God of Thunder's fellow
The Goddess of Hua Mountain is imprisoned for falling in love with a mortal, meanwhile her son is raised in secret until he can attempt to free her.
During the period of the Republic of China, in order to raise military income, Zhuge Qingyun, the thief, joined forces with Feng Yufei, the descendant of the Guanshan Taibao, to deal with various forces, and to understand the mystery of Mr. Yangdu's treasure map