Emily Chu Bo-Yee

Emily Chu Bo-Yee

Рождение : 1960-10-31, Taibei, Taiwan, China


Emily Chu Bo-Yee


The Magic Sword
WO Chinese warlords are fighting each other. Then there is a blacksmith who finds out how to make steel and the tragedy begins. He is forced to make steel, but to make the amount of steel for an army it is very difficult and lot of people must die. This big budget swords play-fantasy new wave martial arts movie was well made and is not only a movie for martial arts movie fans.
The Spiritual Love
Pleasing the libidos leads to intimate encounters with the arcane. A frightful thought to us all, unless true love is to prevail.
Visa to Hell
Cop & robber story with a twist. A cop is trying to nail a bad guy (played by Dick Wei). This pisses the bad guy enough that he goes to the cop's house and kills both his wife and his daughter. When the cop gets there, he catches Dick Wei on his way out and ends up cornering him. Dick, who doesn't want to give the cop the satisfaction, jumps to his death. But the cop follows him into hell to make him pay.
Bloody Hero
A band of outlaws seek revenge after their Triad superior double-crosses them in a counterfeiting operation.
The Plot
A triad boss runs a family business, who deals in arms. He has a good relationship with his sister Amy, until she finds out that he killed their father.
The Dignified Killers
Huei (Lam Wai - Long Arm of The Law) returns home and gets heavily involved in gangster activity once more working alongside boss Luo (Ku Feng). Re-connecting with friend Ping (Emily Chu - A Better Tomorrow) who's now working as a bar girl to earn money for her father's operation, gangster activity is now mixed with romantic activity. Something that enrages Huei's triad brother Sen (Lung Siu-Wa) to the point of betrayal...(www.sogoodreviews.com)
Hero Without Courage
Hero Without Courage is a Taiwanese Comedy starring Eric Tsang.
Smashing the Coffin
Taiwanese horror.
Hell Can't Wait
Taiwanese horror-comedy film.
Heart Beat
Taiwanese thriller.
Ghostly Love
Siu Chui / Siu Lin
"Chinese Ghost Story" clone, with "Erotic Ghost Story" treatment. Scholar Tsin Fai arrives in a strange village where the beautiful Siu Chui mysteriously arrives in his room and into his bed. Next day, in the street, she treats him as a stranger...
Devil Curse
Chan Che's Wife
A young man, Chan Che, takes a business trip to Bangkok, where he bumps into lovely Thai girl Chuma, who just happens to be a witch, and the daughter of a wizard. She casts a spell on Che, so that he'll love her. Che returns to HK and his wife, and he starts to act strangely. Through her evil statue-god, Chuma turns the man into a raging wife-killer.
King of the Children
The story begins when Tiarn Tiarn is about to be born. Her father was fighting the demon who has stolen lots of children. Her mother is killed and her father has taken up the fight. Years later, trying, now an adolescent, Tiarn Tiarn and her grandfather battle the demon and try to free her still, demon-possessed father.
Светлое будущее 2: Ураганный огонь
Вторая часть фильма рассказывает о том, как бывший гангстер Хо, выйдя из тюрьмы, при помощи своего брата-полицейского Кита внедряется в банду фальшивомонетчиков. Когда жизни ее главаря Лунга начинает грозить опасность, братья переправляют его в Нью-Йорк под защиту своего друга и брата-близнеца Марка Гора — Кена. Спасая Лунга, Кен бесстрашно сражается с наемными убийцами, подосланными мафией. И следуя чувству долга, он оставляет свои дела и отправляется в Гонконг, чтобы вместе друзьями разобраться с бандитами на месте.
Return of the Demon
Return Of The Demon tells the story of a group of treasure hunters who accidentally unleash a malevolent, soul-stealing ghost who is attempting to reincarnate himself. A series of misadventures follow as the heroes try to contain their foe, including an extended sequence where one of the group becomes possessed by the spirit of a dog and transforms into a werewolf-style creature. Fierce, the leader of the treasure-hunting crew, is played by veteran character actor Shing Fui-On
The Big Brother
Scriptwriter Zee is a confirmed bachelor. Hero Wain is his devoted butler. Next door is no-good detective Gho and his complaining wife Kit. Kit is beautiful and vain. Zee takes Goh to a macho convention chaired by young and handsome Mau. Without Goh knows, Kit works as a waitress there. She falls heavily for Mau. Zee gets the highest prize - a beautiful slave girl. She immediately turns the Zee household upside down. Zee wants to escape. Goh learns Kit's romance with Mau. He asks Zee for help. But Mau defeats their every move. The slave girl becomes the master mind. She devices the plan and unveils Mau as a slave trafficker. Above all, she proves woman is much more macho than man.
Vampire's Breakfast
Angie Lin
Story about a newspaper reporter who stumbles upon a nest of vampires living in contemporary hong kong.
Scared Stiff
Alan and Halley are partners in a pest control company. Handsome Alan gets the girls and puffy Halley gets nothing. One night the two are injured in a car crash. Halley suffers slight injuries but Alan is dead for all purposes except his brain wave which still works actively. But when Halley cries over his "corpse", Alan bursts into ecplosive life. So the doctor decide to study this phenomenon and Alan agrees to be the guinea pig as he fancies the beautiful Dr. Emily. Halley discovers by accident a murder and is chased by the murderer who happens to be a police inspector...
Ah Chor
Действие завязывается в 30-х годах 20-го века, когда начинается любовная история между высококлассной проституткой Флер и богатым сынком уважаемых родителей Чаном Чен Пангом. Они вроде бы любят друг друга, но обстоятельства вокруг них настолько против этого, что вместе они могут быть только в лучшем из миров, куда они и намереваются отправиться, заключая договор о том, что покончат с собой. Но в то время, как Флер делает это, Чан Чен Панг не решается, оставаясь жить дальше. И призрак Флер, обреченный на скитания в ожидании своего любимого, вновь появляется в мире живых в 80-х годах, где знакомится с молодой парой, которые решают помочь ей разыскать до сих пор живущего Чан Чен Панга.
Светлое будущее
Еще недавно близкие друзья Хо и Марк были большими авторитетами в гонконгской мафии, жили по понятиям, с каким-никаким кодексом правил. Но первый попал на три года в тюрьму и, освободившись, решил завязать, а второй, покалеченный во время перестрелки, теперь побирается. Новый босс преступной группировки, беспредельщик, выбившийся из шестерок-лизоблюдов, с садистским удовольствием пытается отыграться на друзьях за прежние унижения, а, кроме того, хочет втянуть в свои грязные дела младшего брата Хо, инспектора полиции…
Witch from Nepal
A Hong Kong man goes on vacation to Nepal where a local tribe imbues him with magical powers which he must use to fight a growing evil.
Экспресс миллионеров
Конец 30-х годов. Авантюрист Чин после увлекательных приключений в России возвращается в родную деревню на китайской границе. За время его отсутствия дома многое изменилось. Местный начальник полиции со своими подчиненными ограбил банк и сбежал. Его место занял бывший начальник пожарной охраны Тсао. В окрестностях городка появляется конная банда, в рядах которой два американских ковбоя, собирающиеся напасть на экспресс из Шанхая с целью завладеть картой древних сокровищ.
Сердце Дракона
Молодой полицейский Тед, поступивший в спецподразделение полиции, получает первое задание. Во время расследования Тед узнает, что его братец Денни, непутевый толстяк и недотепа, оказался замешанным в торговле краденым. Спасение единственного родного человека становится главным заданием Теда.
Funny Face
A comedy about a couple of poor-looking people who take part in a TV matchmaking programme.
Duel of the Masters
Ah-fei and Dragon, students under the brother kung-fu masters Shorty and Uncle, are sent to clear the ghosts out of a haunted house. After a brief search, they soon find that the "ghosts" are nothing but props set up by a couple of con artists. After making quick work of the cheats, the fighting pair discover that there is actually a real ghost hiding in the house! Ah-fei and Dragon may have studied their martial arts well, but how do you beat up something that's already dead?
Nightmarish Highway
A car accident on a curvy road with a history of death is just the beginning of a woman's horror story.