On an abnormally hot summer day in Oslo, a strange electric field surrounds the city as a collective migraine spreads across town and the newly deceased awake from death.
Безуспешно испытав все виды экстрима, обычный менеджер Мартин решает уйти в горы, чтобы почувствовать себя реальным мужчиной — добывать себе пищу луком и стрелами, как это делали викинги. Пока жена в шоке, а полиция пытается понять, что делать с агрессивным здоровяком в звериной шкуре, который в провинциальных супермаркетах меняет сигареты на боевой топор, к Мартину прибивается молодой Муса, у которого явно нешуточные проблемы с законом...
Однажды в заснеженном лесу Золушка встретила прекрасного принца. Они понравились друг другу с первого взгляда, но назвать своего имени девушка не решилась. Ведь она всего лишь сирота на посылках у вредной мачехи и ее дочери. Золушке повезло — охотник вручил ей три волшебных орешка, исполняющих любые желания. Один из них даровал ослепительное платье и приглашение на королевский бал.
Ice Cream Salesman (voice)
Элла Белла Бинго и Генри — лучшие друзья, но однажды новый мальчик приезжает в их район, и все меняется.
A taxidermist has been living alone on an island for more than forty years, after the loss of his love. A visit from the doctor confirms his biggest fear - the life he knows is coming to an end.
Когда мама 10-летнего Оскара оставляет его с его дедушкой, чтобы поехать в Америку, он настраивает сумасшедший план пересечь Атлантический океан в гребной шлюпке с его новым другом Леви и его близорукой лошадью.
1204 год, Норвегию раздирает гражданская война. Незаконнорожденного сына короля Хокона III Сверрессона и Инги из Вартейга хранят в глубокой тайне. Мальчик был внебрачным сыном короля и родился после его смерти, что спровоцировало кровавую междоусобицу. Биркебейнеры (ополчение, созданное его дедом, королем Сверре Сигурдсоном) признали мальчика наследником трона Норвегии. Однако католические священники объявили охоту на ребенка с целью его уничтожения. В 1206 году группа вооруженных биркебейнеров помогла Инги и Хокону бежать на север под покровительством короля Инге Бордссона. По пути их небольшой отряд попал в снежную бурю, но два могучих воина, Торстейн Шевла и Шьервальд Шрукка, продолжали продвигаться на лыжах, неся ребенка на руках. Когда Хокона доставили в Тронхейм, король Инге взял его под своё покровительство.
Oslo in beautiful autumn. Ingvild is a stage manager at the National Theatre, and trying to make a life change, with her artistic ambitions. Not liking actors, she still manages to get into two very different affairs.
Alfred (voice)
A zany, musical road movie about two old friends and a badger who embark on an excessively grand adventure. Starring the musical duo Knutsen & Ludvigsen, world famous in Norway.
For over 40 years, Harold has been running a successful business, Lunde Furniture, together with his wife, Marny. This comes to an end when IKEA decides to open a new superstore right next door to Harolds small furniture shop. Harold and Marny lose both their shop and their home to the bank, and to make matter worse, Marny is starting to lose her memory. In mounting anger and desperation, Harold wants revenge. He arms himself with a pistol, gets into his old Saab, and sets off for lmhult, Sweden, to kidnap his nemesis, the founder of IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad.
Gösta Pomerans
Lasse and Maja find an old mysterious coffin that turns out to belong to the eccentric family von Broms. A centuries-old family fights flare up again and suddenly the coffin gets stolen. Who wants to steal it and why?
Politimesteren (voice)
Из национального заповедника похищают главное его достояние — орла редкой породы. Но при похищении удается спастись его птенцу. Патрульная машина Плодди вместе с верными друзьями спешит на помощь. Им предстоит выяснить, кто же этот коварный похититель, а заодно и присмотреть за малышом, пока не найдется его мама.
По сюжету знаменитой сказки, Ганс и Грета оказываются в лесу, куда их заводит отец, чтобы избавиться от детей по требованию мачехи. Брат и сестра попадают в ловушку ведьмы, чей домик построен из сахара хлебобулочных изделий. Ведьма намерена съесть детей, но тем удаётся убить её, забрать драгоценности и сбежать. После того случая в пряничном домике проходит 15 лет. Ганс и Грета вырастают и становятся охотниками за ведьмами
Археолог Сигерд Свендсен уже много лет одержим историей судна викингов Осберг. Единственная надпись, найденная на этом корабле написана на языке рун и гласит: «человек знает мало». Сигерд уверен, что судно Осберг скрывает ответ на тайну о Рагнароке — конце дней в норвежской мифологии. Когда его друг Аллан находит подобные руны на камне с севера Норвегии, Сигерд убеждается, что руны — это карта сокровищ. Вместе они отправляются в экспедицию, которая заводит их в «нейтральную зону» между Норвегией и Россией, которая не населена уже многие десятилетия. Здесь Сигерд находит истинное значение рун, которые хранят ужасающую тайну.
Храбрая маленькая девочка Соня отправляется в опасное путешествие, чтобы найти Рождественскую звезду, освободить королевство от заклятия и вернуть давно пропавшую принцессу. Но коварные враги всеми силами пытаются помешать ей. И тогда в покрытых снегом норвежских горах начинается настоящее волшебное приключение…
A German couple, Niels and Maria, and their teenage son Markus move to the Norwegian coastal town of Hammerfest, hoping for a new beginning in the land of endless twilight. Instead they find themselves drifting further apart. Niels submerges himself in his work as an engineer and an affair with a co-worker, Maria works overtime and Markus struggles at school. One night, after a double shift, Maria’s car collides with something – or someone – on the road. But from tragedy comes mercy: the accident catalysing all three family members towards reconciliation.
События фильма разыгрываются в декабре 1942 г. в Вермланде на шведско-норвежской границе. Швеция стоит перед угрозой нападения нацистской Германии. Двое молодых солдат оставляют свой пост на контрольно-пропускном пункте N 83, чтобы посмотреть на немцев, но случайно оказываются на территории Норвегии, оккупированной нацистами. На следующий день командир КПП лейтенант Арон Стенстрём узнаёт, что один из пропавших солдат его брат Свен. С группой своих солдат он отправляется через границу, чтобы спасти брата.
A tired young man sits on the train for a long journey from Oslo to Lillehammer. His fellow passengers are very friendly and will gladly help him to sleep. The young man however wants as little attention as possible.
It's the summer of 1951 in Oslo. Lillian and Amund Wang are blessed with their first and only child. Adrian Wang - a boy or a girl?
Ульрик, отсидевший больше двенадцати лет за убийство любовника жены, выходит на свободу. Жизнь налаживается с большим трудом: сын стал взрослым и обзавелся собственной семьей, лучший друг-гангстер подбивает на новое дело и сразу три женщины — бывшая супруга, коллега и квартирная хозяйка — добиваются его внимания.
A young man dreams of becoming a journalist, in order to write stories which may change the world. This does not turn out as planned, and instead he ends up as a reporter for the celebrity magazine Se og Hør. We are observing a man who gradually loses all inhibitions in order to reach the top in the country's largest weekly magazine.
Toill Kåre
Is The Fjord Witch superstition, or is it true that Satan's bride lives across Melkelva in the forest by Grytefjord? Does Tordenskjold find himself or someone else entirely? Who would win in a magic battle between Jesus and Harry Potter? These and other questions are answered in Kurt Josef Wagle's lost video footage.
Politimesteren (voice)
Плодди — одушевленный и очень умный полицейский автомобиль. Он умеет не только ездить без водителя, но и разговаривать! Осенняя буря обрывает провода, оставляя город без электричества. Отважный Плодди берется протянуть новый кабель через горы. Но когда работа почти завершена, Плодди касается разорванного электрического кабеля и получает мощный удар током!.. Все думают, что наш герой выведен из строя, и дело не будет закончено, но происходит чудо — Плодди становится электрической машиной и снова готов к подвигам!
Three small-time criminals finally get the chance to climb the ladder - but manages to mess it all up in royal manners....
Jernanger is a tale about the tempered Eivind who isn't scared of anything- except love. Eivind, lives aboard a boat in the South of Norway. The boat lies low and lopsided in the water. Thirty years ago Eivind left his homestead and his teenage sweetheart behind, and he has not been back since. He was meant to go back when everything was honky-dory- only that never happened. Then young Kris appears...
The Wanderer
Группа студентов-медиков отправляется в горы, чтобы провести там несколько дней на каникулах. Вместо отдыха и развлечений в декорациях идиллического норвежского пейзажа молодые люди попадают в кошмарный сон — им приходится бороться за жизнь в схватке с пропавшим здесь когда-то во время войны отрядом немецких солдат, превратившихся теперь в зомби.
Stalin Knudsen
На дворе конец 70-х. Карл и Роберт — лучшие друзья, их любимое занятие — курение гашиша. Им же они и приторговывают вот уже десять лет, считая такой способ заработка практически миссионерской деятельностью, ведь наркотик — это жизнь, и они буквально осчастливливают граждан города Осло. Последняя партия чистейшего гашиша тянет на 45 килограммов. Тут появляется их старый друг Гленн с намерением помочь им заработать на этом как можно больше. Однако после сделки друзьями начинает интересоваться полиция, им приписывают распространение героина. Карл и Роберт не могут поверить в происходящее, ведь они ненавидят героин всей душой и принципиально не имеют с ним дела.
Niels Vibe Stockfleth
Историческая драма о конфликте на далеком севере, между саамами и норвежскими чиновниками в далеком 1850-1853 годах. Когда конфликт вычерпал себя и перерос в огромный бунт, по тем временам не виданный до сих пор для северонорвежской зоны. По некоторым данным даже в честь этого поставили памятникам саамам в центре Норвегии, уже в 20 веке, так как тот мужественный бунт помнят до сих пор.
Arild runs into the father of his former class mate Kjell in the mountains. Controversy from the past unfolds during this brief meeting.
The controversial story about "Jesus", placed in Oslo today. Jesus drinks, curses and attends to prostitutes, to fit in to modern life.
Bent, Frank and Susie live in the same street, and when they finally meet they have to face new problems. Unknown problems concerning themselves. The question is: Do they manage to solve them?
Married gay couple, Henry and Martin live in Homolulu. Like all marrieds they have different opinions, and they certainly have on straight, heterosexual marriage. Clever twist of play on sterotypes with a not so hidden political message.
Three friends since childhood are trying to work out their complicated relationships. Jonny tries to be best friends with Magnus, Magnus tries to be married to Tuva, and Tuva tries to have sex with Jonny.
Pelle The Police car is a movie about a little girl called Maria who gets her bicycle stolen by some filthy thieves with filthy plans. Uncle Rikhard, a local policeman wants to help little Maria, but there is one problem. Uncle Rikhard has no police car. But one night Maria wishes for a miracle, and out from the blue comes Pelle The Police car, and the hunt for the thieves can begin
Juni's Father
Reidar is a resident at Solihøgda psychiatric institution. He is expecting the Earth to be hit by a huge meteor any time now, but until then he is busy trying to keep his fellow patient, Juni, from killing herself.
Дина была еще совсем маленькой, когда случившееся по ее вине несчастье навсегда отвернуло от нее отца. Девочка жила в полнейшем одиночестве, и только забота друга семьи Джейкоба смогла остановить ее прогрессирующее безумие.
Дина выросла и превратилась в красавицу, но так и осталась для всех странной девушкой, от которой можно ждать самых невероятных выходок. Однако влюбленного в нее Джейкоба это не пугало несмотря на значительную разницу в возрасте и общественное мнение, он женится на Дине. Что не принесет счастья ни ей, ни ему…
Jan's fastfood-business is going bankrupt, his girlfriend has left him, and he is being exploited by his live-in father. Therefore, he has nothing to lose when he gets mixed up in the kidnapping of famous rock star Iver Mo. But Jan has never been able to do anything right his whole life, and there are others who want to get their hands on the ransom money.
Inspector Jacobsen
Ulrik Hansson is 45 years old and lives a secure life in a Swedish residential district together with his wife Monika and their two children. He's got a well-paid job as an architect and builds a new detached house which the family will move to. Everything is just great. He thinks. One morning he wakes up and shockingly discovers that they're gone. The whole family...
While Eva Magnus and her daughter, Jenny, are taking a walk, they discover a dead body floating along the riverside. Eva runs to the nearest phone booth and pretends to call the police. Then she leaves the body for someone else to find. Why? Konrad Sejer, the police officer investigating the case, links it to another unsolved murder of a woman killed in her bed. A woman that used to be a childhood friend of Eva Magnus.
Einar Stormoen
The rise and fall of the "progg"-band "Verket".
Anthology film based on three short stories by Knut Hamsun, updated to modern times.
A few months after a girl with developmental disabilities is murdered in the remote village Høtten, the two young men who most townsfolk think killed her go missing. A police detective is sent to investigate and finds this very challenging.
An old lady and her dog are fed up of crime and decide to take action. She loads her purse with small rabbit traps so that every time a purse snatcher has a try at her bag they get a horrible payoff. However can she get away with he vigilante actions or will violence lead to more violence?
Thrane has always had his own method of dealing with life. He tends to slip away. But when he sees beautiful Mol the same day he moves to a new apartment, he knows he'll be staying, even though she's married. Her husband is away workdays. Starring one of Norways finest actors; Bjørn Sundqvist.
Billy T.
Adapted from a novel by Norway's justice minister Anne Holt. Lesbian policewoman Hanne Wilhelmsen (Kjersti Elvik), who has a live-in lover, tools about Oslo on her Harley-Davidson. After a number of women vanish, police find blood but no bodies, and Wilhelmsen begins a search for the suspected serial killer.
A Jewish family leaves Germany after surviving the Holocaust and heads to Norway. Mendel, their youngest son, is too young to make sense of the Holocaust but tries to comprehend his family's actions during the war and their nightmares now. His imagination frequently runs away from him.
Dimwitted, somewhat misanthropic Oslo mail carrier Roy's quiet life changes dramatically on the day he steals a set of keys and lets himself into the apartment of a deaf woman who seems to be in trouble with a psychotic criminal. Though he doesn't know it at the time, his and her fate are about to intertwine and this is not going to be to his benefit.
On a day in April 1996, four stories play out in the confines of a flat in the heart of Oslo.
Forteller / Narrator
This video has won festival prizes in Chicago and Rotterdam and has been declared Norway’s finest video for tourists by “Aftenposten”, one of Norway’s largest newspapers, witch wrote: “The reality of this region, communicated by craftsmen who know what they are going, is by itself fantastic enough. Here you will see real people – fishermen and Sami – in our best known travel destination, in magnificent, flowing scenes revealing rapturous artistic flair. Three cheers!” Life in this part of the country is totally dependent on nature. Winter storms, cold polar nights, the midnight sun and warm summer days. Communities that rebuilt themselves after being totally destroyed during World War II. You can take part in all of this and experience life at the North Cape, the northern outpost of Europe. You will find yourself watching this video time and time again…
Провинциальная Норвегия, 50-е годы. Юная Мария живёт уединённой жизнью. Она не веселится на вечеринках, не ходит на танцы, почти не общается со своими одноклассниками. Отец Марии, деревенский священник, воспитывает её в строгости, требует соблюдения всех религиозных норм. Ей запрещено даже носить современную одежду. Девочка хочет быть такой, как все её сверстники, вырваться на свободу из тюрьмы, в которую превратил её существование суровый отец. Она просто хочет жить...
Jakob Holm
Действие фильма происходит в мрачной обстановке: лачуга в Гренландии, где трое человек, нанятых охотниками на тюленей, очень быстро сходят с ума.
Mr. Mack
When Edvarda arrives at the little Norwegian village, to stay with some family, she find the Lt., Thomas Glahn, very interesting. Soon they fall in love. It's a very passionate relationship, but this leads to problems. Both of them are very strong in their opinions, and both are behaving a little strange. Love turns to hate, and instead of doing all they can to please each other, they do all they can to hurt the other person psychological. They both do a great job, and what began as a love story turns into a sad and depressing story of two ruined persons. The story is told by Thomas Glahn from his "exile" in Thailand, where he in the beginning of the movie receives two green feathers from Edvarda.
The father
Inheriting a piece of land with a really old oak of which they are very attached, a family believes the grandmothers soul lives in the old tree. When losing his job, the family father has to decide if he is to keep land and oak.
Very funny, bizarre movie set in a disgustingly filthy diner.
Hindu god Indra has a daughter Agnes, who visits Earth to find out if people have legitimate complaints. She marries a lawyer from Bergen and has children, but is disillusioned by marriage and embarks on a journey among men.
A story about a young boy, Otto, whose childhood is brought to an abrupt end when Frank, an older boy, suddenly enters his life.
Maren, a young girl, is the sole survivor of the Black Death in her Norwegian village. Using instincts, folklore, luck, and the clairvoyant powers granted her by being born with a "Victory Cap," Maren survives on her own, waiting for other people to discover her plight.
Set against the beautiful backdrop of northern Norway, this film tells the story of a telegraphist in a very small community at the turn of the century.
Norwegian war drama. The old sea-captain retires, but the next day German WWII occupation of Norway begins. He then kisses his wife good-bye and is off to Army HQ. There he finds a lack of leadership and morale that offends him. They even laugh at him and his out-dated uniform and officer-rank. Secondloitnanten then finds and leads his private troop of volunteers against the German attack. The movie tells the story of a man that refuses to give up, even when everybody else leaves. He will fight for the country he loves and do his duty.
After a series of ever more daring raids on laboratories and farms to rescue what they believe are mistreated animals, a radical commune of animal liberationists find themselves under a vicious attack by the very groups they had expected the least trouble from: other (more moderate) animal liberation groups. At the instigation of these more moderate groups, the only rich boy in the group is arrested, and he becomes subject to a smear campaign which has him bedding all the women in the group - a particularly damaging libel, because one of the girls is underage. This is the first film to be directed by Thomas Robsahm, the Norwegian son of the great Italian actor, Ugo Tognazzi (now deceased)
Karl Simonnæs
A love story during the Second World War in Scandinavia. Ann Mari, a Norwegian, works as a nurse in the Winter War of 1939/40 between Finland and the Soviet Union where she falls in love with the Finish soldier Markus. The war stops temporarily, and they settle down in northern Norway. Soon Norway gets occupied by Germany and Markus leaves Ann Mari, as Finland goes to war again to win back the lost territory.
"For the Days Are Evil" - Based on Anne Karin Elstad's novel with the same name. The Norwegian-American Robert returns to his place of origins after many years overseas. He gets an intimate close relationship with the 36 year old woman Hildegunn, who is married to Tore. Hildegunn is the central figure in the movie. Her warm relationship to Robert soon create reactions with the people in the tiny fjordvillage, but Hildegunn is too blinded by emotions to see the destructive tension that is growing. "For Dagene Er Onde"/"For the Days Are Evil" is a gripping and intense story about how evil can grow from envy and collective misunderstanding, and destroy marriage, friendship and love.
About a Swedish family during WW2 who help their friends, relatives and refugees to cross the border from Nazi occupied Norway.
Mr. Håkonsen
Мог ли подумать юнга Хаакон Хааконсен, что это рутинное плавание обернется для него великим приключением и настоящим испытанием на мужество, выносливость и смекалку? Еще в начале похода юноша начал догадываться, что на борту корабля затевается что-то недоброе. Опасения подтвердились, когда лейтенант Меррик, оказавшийся самым настоящим пиратом, поднял мятеж и захватил судно. Морская стихия - налетевший шторм - уносит Хаакона от банды корсаров и выбрасывает его на уединенный остров. Но именно на этом клочке суши негодяи прячут награбленное. А значит, героя ждет новая встреча с пиратами, которые не раз пожалеют, что связались со смелым и хитроумным юнгой!
A young boy named Pelle falls in love with the drug addict Lena. Then he and his friend Proffen tries to save her from the drugs.
Gothic thriller about Old Martin who heeds the voice of Anna, who calls him back to the mountain cabin where he left her to die while she gave birth to their surviving son.
Sundquist and Eidsvold play the two deep sea divers, who agree to do a quick unscheduled dive before taking their Christmas vacation, to help an oil company who's got a oil-valve caught in a trawl. The dive is to take only 5 minutes, and the divers will get a nice bonus. But things go wrong. The diving bell gets tangled in the trawl, and while trying to hoist up the bell, they tear asunder the oxygen tanks. Suddenly the bell is stuck, and the crew is unable to get it up. Caught in a diving bell at the bottom of the sea, rapidly running out of air, both the divers and the crew on the surface are racing against time to find a solution; how to get the two men up ALIVE!
Allan and Lisa flee the war-torn city of Sweetwater with their young son for the safety of the municipal dump in this sleepy war drama. They join other displaced survivors who were driven from their homes. After Lisa gives birth to another child and Allan has a fling with the prostitute Mary Diamond, he trades Lisa for a gun. Allan leads a resistance group trying to retake their city who would rather fight and die than live in exile.
Two boys who were found sick on a boat in the sea near northern Norway, are hospitalized with mysterious symptoms. The secret service starts investigating the case, confiscates the bodies. When Hoff notices that the whole event shall be kept secret, he begins to investigate on his own.
Arnfinn Madsen
"Across the Border" - Jacob and Rachel was killed on their flight from the Nazi occupation to Sweden in 1942. A year later their bodies are discovered, but after the war the case is re-opened, and the guilty ones is game.
Struggling worker tries his luck in the stock market - with great success. But it doesn't last.
On a dark night, under a full moon, a childless couple find a crying baby on their doorstep and decide to adopt him. As the years pass, they come to discover that their young son is not like other children.
This is a tale that has an epic scope in scenery "the northern snow-covered lands of coastal Norway" and is dramatized by moments of tumultuous stormy weather. But the focus is on Heikki (Stein Bjorn) a young man who is inspired by the northern lights to take a horse-drawn sled and make his way to the sea, hoping to come back with abundant fish. He is overtaken by a snowstorm and is forced to find shelter in a small, isolated cabin that is home to a half-crazy widow, her baby, and a blind man. Driven to arson by her internal demons, the woman destroys the cabin. She and the blind man perish, but Heikki manages to save the baby. He is now faced with an even greater challenge as he holds the infant and looks in the direction of the coastline.
Norwegian TV-movie from 1984 about punks in Oslo.
Drama about a group of young people in 1933 Berlin in search of an identity find themselves drawn to dangerous movements in society.
Ole Henrik
Two men discover that they have a close relationship with the same woman. They both love her. Without saying anything to the woman that they know about the other, they both try to win her over.
Ole Hodden
A group of migratory rail road workers arrive in a small town in Norway, and cause social conflict. One of the men, Sjugur, stands apart as a strong, independent man. The girls like him, but he has set his sights on the daughter of a wealthy landowner.
A political drama about Roald, a young man stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time. Roald is politically ambitious but he does not have enough real-world savvy to protect himself from the shark-infested waters around him. After all, he has only been in office for a short time. His tendency to compromise on issues gets him into trouble in an election year when it is discovered that the CIA has been funding the Norwegian Young Labour Party.
On a dark winter's night about Christmas-time, a couple leave town to visit the man's dilapidated childhood home. During the night, something happens that dramatically alters their lives.
A father is struggling to keep a good life with his son. His last business project was a flop. He is about to loose everything when two men with a gun turns up and makes him a proposal.