Original Music Composer
Kingdom of Castile, 15th century. A group of nobles, who question the dynastic legitimacy of Princess Juana, daughter of King Enrique IV, conspire with the purpose of overthrowing him.
Original Music Composer
Молодая пара английских туристов нанимает лодку, чтобы отдохнуть на острове Альманзора, недалеко от южного побережья Испании. Когда они прибыли, то нашли остров пустынным, там не было ни одного взрослого, только дети. Дети ведут себя странно - они молчат и только хихикают. Вскоре англичане выясняют, что в местных ребятишках сидит злая сила, которая заставляет их убивать взрослых. Теперь приехавшей чете предстоит борьба за собственные жизни. Дело осложняется тем, что их противниками являются хоть и психованные, но всё же дети. А кто способен убить ребёнка?
Original Music Composer
Enrique buys a color television just to satisfy a personal pleasure long time deferred but, from that moment on, he becomes obsessed with it in such way that eventually he is incapable to differ reality from fiction.
The life and the lovers of a few young women in a provincial town.
Chris Miller lives with her stepmother Ruth in a large secluded mansion in the countryside. Both women have been traumatized by the mysterious disappearance of Chris’ father but their isolation is soon interrupted by the arrival of a mysterious young drifter, Barney, who they take on as a handyman. All the while, an unknown scythe wielding killer has been stalking the area, leaving an ever growing body count, and it’s not long before the women grow increasingly suspicious of Barney…
Original Music Composer
A new vision of the Knight of the sad figure, which lives obsessed by the chivalry and its codes of honor. Accompanied by his unusual squire Sancho Panza, Don Quixote recalls some of the adventures they've shared.
Karina arrives to a mansion to work as a governess of a group of singing children. She must take care of their education, and she decides to use music to teach them. Meanwhile, the record company where the children work is busy with another project. Their biggest star, Marta, is getting ready a song to represent Spain in the Eurovision Song Contest 1971. Carlos, the composer of the song, titled "En un mundo nuevo" ("In a new world") meets Karina in the mansion and starts feeling affection to the girl, something Marta, who is Carlos' girlfriend doesn't like at all. She is also jealous of Karina for her musical abilities, and when one day Marta catches Karina with Carlos singing a song composed for the governess, she gives him an ultimatum, if Karina doesn't leave the mansion at once, she will break her contract with the record company and won't sing "En un mundo nuevo" in the Eurovision Song Contest...
Американская революция..... но Кингу с его бандой на это наплевать - они по-прежнему продолжают грабить банки. И вдруг выясняется что у некоего мистера Монтеро есть чек на миллион долларов, и этот чек оказывается нужен не только Кингу, но и другим баньдюгам....
Original Music Composer
A group of Mexican revolutionaries murders a town priest and a number of his christian followers. Ten years later, a widow arrives in town intent to take revenge from her husband's killers.
Original Music Composer
Конец 19-го века. 12 лет тому назад в одном из парижских театров, во время выступления, произошёл несчастный случай, когда один из актёров получил страшные ожоги лица и умер. В настоящие дни в том же самом театре, славящемся своими экстремальными и смелыми постановками, начинают происходить убийства людей (поначалу – девушек), которым неизвестный, всё время появляющийся со зловещим карликом, плескает в лицо кислоту. Инспектор полиции начинает расследование и приходит к заключению, что эти смерти связаны с тем давнишним несчастным случаем и что убийца испытывает излишнюю тягу к молодой начинающей актрисе…
Mario Leyva, famous singer in full glory harassed every day more for his "fans", takes the life that they allow him, dedicated to his art and directed professionally by his "manager". His popularity makes him be mixed in the advertising of a brand of cigarettes by advertising phrases that repeat themselves in all the languages.
A promising goalkeeper of Real Madrid sees his chance when a teammate is injured and is summoned to replace him. But the misfortune is primed with him when an untimely car accident damaged her spine and is forced to give up that had to be the game of his life. Tired of so much bad luck, he retreats to a seaside hotel, where chance will go up to the stage.
Original Music Composer
Мадам Фурно владеет школой для трудновоспитуемых девушек во Франции. В школе царит строгая дисциплина, порядок, которые вызваны суровыми наказаниями, издевательствами и пытками учениц. У мадам Фурно есть юный сын Луис, которого она старается держать подальше от девушек. Тем временем в школе начинают происходить странные исчезновения учениц...
Original Music Composer
Juan arrives in Madrid with the intention of succeeding as a singer. With the only company of his guitar, he goes from club to club asking for work.
An Army captain in Argentina learns why his lonely men are deserting to an outlaw's gaucho gang.
The press announces the arrival of an alien invasion. At the same time, a professor investigates a series of phenomena related to radioactivity and a woman.
A millionaire leaves all his fortune to his older granddaughter. But his two granddaughters are twins and nobody knows who's the older one is.
Original Music Composer
In 1829, a young man goes to London in search of his uncle, an irate watchmaker, in order to provide him with a home and a job.
Original Music Composer
The title of this story is taken from the name of the great Argentine singer Carlos Gardel, the idol of the antihero Toribio portrayed by Alberto Argibay. Toribio's goal in life is to emulate the famous singer and making his own way successfully in the music business. Yet at the same time, he does not stop his illegal means of making ends meet, stealing and petty thievery. Discouraged when his big break never quite materializes, Toribio heads for disaster when he joins up with a large smuggling scheme.
A teacher arrives to a small village in Santiago del Estero and must educate children against the will of their parents.
In a town that relies heavily on horses, two men try to get rich by patenting and selling bags that hold the animals' body waste.
Directed by Román Viñoly Barreto