Alfredo Ripstein Jr.

Рождение : 1916-12-10, Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Смерть : 2007-01-20


Тайна отца Амаро
Почти наши дни. Одно из государств Латинской Америки. Социальные катаклизмы, восстания, нищета, перемены, но традиционные религиозные устои незыблемы. Молодой падре Амаро, недавно принявший сан, нарушает строгие правила, влюбившись в молодую прихожанку.
Otilia Rauda
Otilia is both blessed with a body that is the epitome of feminine perfection and cursed by an ugly mole that mars her beautiful face. The juxtaposition between fabulous beauty and disfigurement proves unsettling for the villagers and she grows up friendless, save the family's hired hand Melquíades. Though most figured she would end up as a prostitute, she is married off to Isidro, the local police chief. Cruel and petty, this ogre of a man brutalizes her and eventually infects her with venereal disease, rendering her sterile. With the help of Melquíades, Otilia takes a series of lovers to spite her husband. One day, the wounded Ruben -- a wanted outlaw -- staggers onto her doorstep and immediately she is in love. Much to Melquíades' chagrin, she harbors and tends to the criminal as her husband is out hunting for him.
"La Nueva Jerusalem" is a small community of believers lead by Papá Basilio and Mamá Dorita. They're waiting for the second coming of Christ, so they've abandoned the world, searching for a new spiritual life. Mamá Dorita sees in young Tomasa the signals of the chosen one. The young girl will be the new leader in "La Nueva Jerusalem".
Падшая любовь
о роману Нагиба Махфуза "Тупик Милагро". Действие происходит в бедном районе Мехико и ограничено небольшим двориком, главной достопримечательностью которого является бар дона Рутильо. С его посетителями и знакомит фильм. Зритель постепенно знакомится с многочисленными персонажами, выписанными с теплом и любовью, узнает об их взаимоотношениях, жизни, радостях и проблемах. Чава, сын дона Рутильо, очень хочет вырваться из бедной, однообразной рутины и уехать в Штаты, для чего изучает английский язык. Авель любит местную красавицу Альму (Хэйек), дочь донны Каты. Уже немолодая и щербатая Сусанита, владелица дома, мечтает найти мужчину для своего доброго сердца. Дон Рутильо влюблен в... продавца из магазина одежды, что очень не нравится его пышной супруге и сыну. У Альмы появляется шанс выйти замуж за старого и обеспеченного дона Фиделя, но тот умирает от сердечного приступа за партией в домино.
The Beginning and the End
The film tells the story of the Boteros, a middle-class Mexican family struggling against poverty after their father's death. Ignacia (Egurrola) is the Boteros mother, a desperate woman who chooses to sacrifice the destiny of her three older children, in order to protect Gabriel (Laguardia) the youngest one. She believes Gabriel will climb the social structure and bring back the lost fortune to the family. But destiny has other plans for the Boteros and tragedy will overcome eventually. Based on the novel of Nobel Prize winner Naguib Mahfouz.
Cinco mil dolares de recompensa
A gunfighter is appointed sheriff of a town that is terrorized by a gang of criminals.
Chabelo y Pepito detectives
A commanding friend Pepito and Chabelo ask them to help uncover a gang who kidnaps children. They accept and are out to steal to join the band. Whenthey find that the band mesmerizes children with toys and then the kids are controlled by young boys and they controlled in turn by strangers with long hair and blue eyes.
Chabelo and Pepito vs. the Monsters
Chabelo and Pepito are cousins ​​and belong to a group of scouts. When hiking a farmer warns of the danger of a cave where a cursed treasure.
Pepito y la lámpara maravillosa
Pepito The child misbehaves because his stepfather is scolding. Buy a sauceboat but when his cat rubs it a genie appears. The child understands that it is the magic lamp and asked all sorts of goodies and the solution of their tasks, but when he needs money stepfather tells of genius. The stepfather asked to topple his partner's plane. Pepito refuses and flees with the lamp and throws it into a river to avoid falling into its power. The stepfather drowns while trying to rescue him.
The story of Mother and Daughter for a Husband and Stepfather who was killed by shotgun.
Rosario and Carlos, husbands, are part of a theater company. In a scene of jealousy, she should shoot and kill him. Carlos has had an affair with Zulma, another acriz of the company. On opening day, in the final scene, Rosario accidentally kills her husband. Someone change the gun ...
Memories of the Future
A story where the Cristero Rebellion creates a story of love, passion, and betrayal. When the Federal Rosas and his lover arrive in a town, a local woman feels strangely attracted to him. The woman will surrender under the pretext that the population is liberated when in reality she wants to consummate the passion that ignites her.
The Devil's Visitations
A young architect returns from Europe to live in the house of his uncles and cousins, where someone pretends to be the Devil.
Crown of Tears
Doña Refugio works in an office until the bounce and has three children: Fernando who is studying to be a lawyer, doctor and Nacho Edmundo to work in a company as a truck driver gas. Things become difficult within the family and each seek solutions to economic oppression living.
Dangerous Game
Two dark-comedy stories involving blackmail, murder and love triangles in Rio de Janeiro
La muerte es puntual
Lurid crime drama about drug traffic.
Time to Die
A man comes home after serving 18 years in jail for murder in this routine western. Although the man killed in self defense, rumors in town circulated that he murdered the victim in cold blood. The ex-con wants to get his life together, but the two sons of the slain man are gunning for the man who killed their father.
El hombre de la ametralladora
Police procedural: tracking a ruthless Chicago hitman who's found a gig in Mexico City.
La marca del muerto
Mad scientist brings his dead mad scientist grandfather back to life and makes a Frankenstein-type monster out of him.
The Living Coffin
A cowboy and his sidekick meet a ranching family that is haunted by spirits and vampires.
Del suelo no paso
Poetic-type dude gets mixed up with gangsters, a millionaire's dog and some stolen jewels.
Black Pit of Dr. M
Two doctors make a pact in which they swear that the first to die will return - if possible - to tell the other how to get a glimpse of the afterlife while still alive.
The Vampire
A pretty young Mexican girl returns to her hometown to make funeral arrangements for her beloved aunt, who has just died. Soon she begins to hear disturbing stories about the town being infested by vampires, and she eventually begins to suspect that her remaining aunt and the mysterious next-door neighbor may be involved.
Swamp of the Lost Monster
A disappearing body leads a detective and his sidekick into an encounter with a gill man.
Policías y ladrones
Executive Producer
When an inexperienced police officer discovers a corpse while inspecting a crime scene, he flees with no explanation. However, that action will help his unit to recover some stolen jewels during a robbery.
Orquídeas para mi esposa
Dos mundos y un amor
Cultural differences cause tensions in an international marriage.
Mi adorada Clementina
A woman in an unhappy marriage trades places with her grandmother's ghost; Grandma whupps the girl's husband into line AND proves to her own husband that she was innocent of the infidelity that he was suspecting when she died, fifty years earlier.
Crazy Love
Slapstick/musical comedy parody of historical dramas, send-up of "Locura de amor," about Queen Juana 'la loca' of Spain.
Returning veteran with PTSD/amnesia returns home and gets tangled up in a criminal investigation.
Una gringuita en México
A USA girl decides to vacation in Mexico and experience first hand all the stereotypical scenes she's seen in movies. When she gets there, everything isn't all charros and bandidos, though -- surprise, surprise!
Cuando acaba la noche
Newspaper reporter interests himself in contesting a manslaughter verdict on behalf of the son of a woman who saves his life.
Cartas Marcadas
Executive Producer
A tale of intrigue and deceit concerning two young lovers who, despite the fact that their relationship was originally founded on greed, soon discover that their feelings for one and other have grown more genuine than they ever expected.
La barca de oro
Executive Producer
Ranch-heiress chooses a husband.
La vida íntima de Marco Antonio y Cleopatra
Executive Producer
La mujer de todos
A beautiful woman of affairs falls in love with a handsome young man of great promise. Fearing for his future, the man's father begs her to leave his son so that her reputation will not hold him back.
Mexico of my Memories
Production Manager
After listening to the waltz "Carmelita", dedicated to his wife, President Diaz instructs Don Susanito seeking the composer Chucho Flores to give her a piano. Don Susanito located Chucho, a bohemian who lives drunk and surrounded by poets and artists. Don Susanito was named patron protector of artists and aspiring young stars of the stage, which leads to a series of adventures in the middle of songs, dances and loves.