Li Shuang


Record Love Song
Jin Tai Lang's Happy Life
When your parents don’t approve of your spouse, is a happy life possible? Mi Xiao is a reporter for a Beijing news agency who meets and falls in love with Jin Liang, a gynecologist. When Xiao Mi insists on marrying Liang, Xiao Mi’s single mother, Wang Shu Hua, nearly has a heart attack but is forced to accept the relationship. But when living with Liang’s father, Jin Tai Zhu, turns out to be more difficult than imagined, Xiao Mi’s mother refuses to just stand by and just watch.
Jin Tai Lang's Happy Life
When your parents don’t approve of your spouse, is a happy life possible? Mi Xiao is a reporter for a Beijing news agency who meets and falls in love with Jin Liang, a gynecologist. When Xiao Mi insists on marrying Liang, Xiao Mi’s single mother, Wang Shu Hua, nearly has a heart attack but is forced to accept the relationship. But when living with Liang’s father, Jin Tai Zhu, turns out to be more difficult than imagined, Xiao Mi’s mother refuses to just stand by and just watch.
Пекинский велосипед
Da Huan
Шестнадцатилетнему деревенскому парню крупно повезло. Приехав в Пекин, он нашел отличную работу в курьерской компании, выдавшей ему великолепный горный велосипед, который необходимо было выкупить. В тот момент, когда Гуе почти закончил выплаты, велосипед исчез. После долгих поисков пропажа нашлась, но у велосипеда был уже новый хозяин. Гуе приходит к решению выкрасть свое сокровище.
Lan Yu
A love story between a country boy in Beijing to study and a wealthy businessman set against the backdrop of the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident.
Durian Durian
Li Shuang
Yan and Fan are neighbors in Hong Kong's Mong Kok district. Yan is a 21-year-old prostitute who works for a pimp and spends her off-hours watching TV in her miniscule apartment or hanging out with other prostitutes at a local cafe.
Black Fire
Mengyu wants to go straight after inheriting his father's crime empire but evil police Captain Zhang pressures him to continue the criminal activities.
Revenge in the Great World
Mr. Deng, a distressed officer of Northeast army, comes to Shanghai to look for his trafficked wife. And he kills all bad guys after his wife's suicide.
You xia hei hu die
White Dragon Sword