Кучер кэба думал, что везет домой подгулявшего джентльмена, но доставил его труп. Скорее всего, вдрызг пьяного мужчину отравил снотворным знакомый, покинув двуколку на полпути. Мельбурн смакует подробности сенсации: здесь давно не слышали о подобном. На скамье подсудимых - молодой представитель высшего света, вместе с убитым претендовавший на руку богатой наследницы. Казалось бы, исход ясен, следователь, представив железные доказательства, потирает руки в ожидании смертного приговора. Но к делу привлечен второй сыщик, привыкший ставить палки в колеса своему коллеге. Его версия стремительно обрастает столь же неоспоримыми уликами...
This is the story of teenage girl Steph, who is brought up by her fiery aunt Jude after her pregnant mother Jass and Vietnamese father are killed in a car crash. The arrival of her late mother's diary reveals the colorful, sexy secrets of Jude and the foreman Alan that allow Steph to reinvent her vision of the world.
An ancient talking macaw named Mac becomes the saving grace for an elderly man threatened with a nursing home, when it is discovered that the talking bird knows the whereabouts of a buried treasure from its days with a pirate. His grandson decides to go off on the hunt only to discover that a resort now exists where the treasure is buried.
Line Producer
Comedy about two Australian garbage collectors starring Los Trios Ringbarkus.
Line Producer
A young woman investigates the death of her mother, who drowned when her daughter was still a baby. The question is: was it murder, suicide or merely an accident?
Executive Producer
The fate of a young Australian boy is somehow linked with that of a young Roman boy who had traveled to Australia by ship during the time of the Roman Emperor, Nero.
Associate Producer
The 'White Mouse' was at one point top of the Gestapo's Most wanted list in France. A saboteur who went on to lead 7,000 resistance members and rescued over 200 Allied airmen, the 'White Mouse' was also a woman. The New Zealand born Australian; Nancy Wake.
Parody of historical epics that focuses on real-life Australian explorers William John Wills and Robert O'Hara Burkes, who tragically tried to cross the Australian continent from the south, to the north, a distance of 3,250 km.
Line Producer
At the start of WWII the British Government decided to arrest all Germans in the UK no matter how long they had been there. Among those arrested were many Jewish refugees and many who were fully assimilated. This film records the story of a group who were sent to a POW camp in Australia aboard the Dunera.