Lubna Azabal

Lubna Azabal

Рождение : 1973-08-15, Bruxelles, Belgium


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Lubna Azabal is a Belgian actress, born in Brussels to a Moroccan father and a Spanish mother. After studing at the Conservatoire royal of Brussels, she began a theatrical career in Belgium. In 1997, she took her first film role when Belgian film-maker Vincent Lannoo chose her to act beside Olivier Gourmet in his short film J'adore le cinéma. She performs in both French and Arabic films. She was raised trilingual (French, Spanish and Berber). She also speaks fluent English and Arabic. Her most widely known role is in the 2005 Golden Globe-winning Palestinian political thriller, Paradise Now. She can also be spotted in a smaller role in Ridley Scott's recent film Body of Lies. Azabal won the Black Pearl Award 2010 (Abu Dhabi Film Festival) for Best Actress for her role in the film Incendies. She also won the Genie Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role at the 31st Genie Awards. Description above from the Wikipedia article Lubna Azabal, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia.


Lubna Azabal
Lubna Azabal
Lubna Azabal


You Promised Me the Sea
Rennes, nowadays. Saïd still lives with his parents. He is having a secret affair with Vincent. Unable to face his family, he agrees to an arranged marriage with Hadjira. After an unhappy love affair and a few run-ins with the law, she too has resigned herself to obeying her mother. Trapped by their families, Saïd and Hadjira join forces in spite of themselves, to find their own freedom.
And Yet We Were All Blind
Who has never heard of pregnancy denial? This condition, often caused by miscellaneous circumstances, escapes our understanding and even science. How can the mind of a pregnant woman hide a child growing in her body?
Голубой кафтан
Все меняется в отношения портного средних лет и его жены, когда у него появляется новый красавец-ученик.
For My Country
Aissa, a young officer of Algerian origin, tragically loses his life during a fresher initiation ritual at the prestigious French military academy of Saint-Cyr. As the death tears through his family, controversy arises over Aissa’s funeral plans when the Army refuses to take responsibility. Ismael, his older, rebellious brother, tries to keep the family united as they fight to win justice for Aissa.
The Love
Fatima Zahwani
Moroccan-Dutch Karim returns to his family home and opens up to his parents about being into men. Their reaction inspires a journey of discovery through Karim's isolation as he attempts to break an ingrained culture of silence.
Kamal resolves to change his life for the better, and so leaves Belgium to help victims of the war in Syria. But when he arrives, he is forced to join a militia and is left stranded in Raqqa. Back home, his younger brother Nassim quickly becomes easy prey for radical recruiters, who promise to reunite him with his brother. Their mother, Leila, fights to protect the only thing she has left: her youngest son.
At 24 years old, Zack has all the appearances of a young man who feels good in his own skin. His secret is well kept. He's talented carpenter, he builds tree houses with his father. But his passion is boxing, which he teaches as a volunteer. Zack is thinking of moving in with Marjorie when his father has a work accident and falls into a coma. He must face alone the task of running the small family business. The weaknesses he thought he had overcome will be brought back. And as a newcomer, Ines, enters his life, his secret is in danger of being revealed at any time: Zack is illiterate.
Life Suits Me Well
Mid-1990s, little town in Morocco and seemingly ordinary family. Fouad is dedicated to his work in local postal services. He is climbing the signal posts and tries to keep people’s connections running. He radiates warmth and is the soul of his family and local community. Until one day, his health begins to deteriorate and his mind starts to fade. Each day, his neurological disease gets worse and paralyzes his physical and mental health. Loved ones of Fouad are facing the challenge of reconciling the changing family dynamics and a fading life.
Абла — владелица местной домашней пекарни в Касабланке, где она живёт с 8-летней дочерью Вардой. Когда Самия, молодая беременная женщина, стучится к ней в дверь, Абла ещё не представляет, что её жизнь навсегда изменится.
Confronted with the apparent darkness of the world, three people search for meaning, love and kindness in the capital of Europe.
Действие происходит в Касабланке в Марокко. Во время семейного обеда у молоденькой девушки Софии начинает болеть живот, и ее двоюродная сестра Лина вдруг обнаруживает, что сестра рожает. В патриархальном обществе роды незамужней женщины это страшное преступление! Лина студент-медик, ей удается организовать роды Софии в больнице, но что делать дальше? Как быть с ребенком, как избежать позора, что рассказать родным?
Тель-Авив в огне
Salam, an inexperienced young Palestinian man, becomes a writer on a popular soap opera after a chance meeting with an Israeli soldier. His creative career is on the rise - until the soldier and the show's financial backers disagree about how the show should end, and Salam is caught in the middle.
Мария Магдалина
Мария Магдалина – рассказ об одной из самых загадочных личностей в мировой истории. Бросив вызов предрассудкам своего времени, Мария оставляет близких и присоединяется к группе единомышленников, лидером которых является Иисус из Назарета. Здесь она найдет свое место и окажется на судьбоносной дороге в Иерусалим.
Синяя птица в моём сердце
Пытаясь наладить свою жизнь, бывший заключённый находит убежище в придорожном мотеле, управляемом одной женщиной и её дочерью Кларой. Мир и свобода, которые он нашёл в этом месте, заканчиваются, когда на Клару нападают, заставляя героя столкнуться со своими старыми демонами.
Lucie Tesla
Фильм рассказывает о высокопоставленных грабителях, отлично замаскировавшихся под министров и политиков, которые решают обвинить в убийстве судьи местных преступников.
Недалекое будущее после экологической катастрофы. Большинство населения Земли живет в голоде и нищете, а немногочисленная элита укрывается в защищенных городах, обеспеченных собственными плантациями. Среди них генетик Эрол, изучающий недавнюю гибель урожая. Расследование приводит его в необитаемые пустоши, где живет изгнанный из города ученый Семиль.
Попутный ветер
Жизнь фабричной работницы средних лет переворачивается с ног на голову, когда она переезжает по предложению работодателя в Марокко.
Lola Pater
When his mother dies, Zino decides to look for his father, Farid. But twenty-five years ago, Farid became Lola.
Ее звали Руби
Alice Tanner
Маленький городок-коммуна Аспаррен в департаменте Атлантические Пиренеи потрясён убийством девушки-подростка Фостины Таннер, которую все знали и любили. Затем наступили шок, беспокойство и нервозность. Расследование откроет немало секретов этого тихого провинциального сообщества.
Light Thereafter
Pavel, an emotionally volatile and socially alienated young man, sets off across Europe in search of his idol, the enigmatic painter Arnaud. Desperately lonely and adrift, Pavel tries to adhere to the host of characters he meets along the way.
My Revolution
The Arab Spring in Paris: Head over heels in love, Marwann, aged 14, hopes to win over Sygrid by cleverly re-inventing himself as a revolutionary. Questions of identity arise in this romantic tale of first love
Ustica: The Missing Paper
The Marchers
In 1983, in France experiencing intolerance and racial violence , three young teens and the priest Minguettes launching a largely peaceful march for equality and against racism, over 1,000 km between Marseille and Paris . Despite the difficulties and resistance encountered, their movement will bring about a real boost of hope in the way of Gandhi and Martin Luther King. They unite with their arrival more than 100 000 people from all walks of life and give France its new face.
Rock the Casbah
The whole family is reunited when Sofia comes back for his father's funeral. Quickly, inner problems are revealed.
Goodbye Morocco
Tangier. Dounia decides to sell on the black market the antiques uncovered on the building site she manages. She hopes to raise enough money to be able to leave Morocco with her son, who she hardly ever sees since her divorce. The death of a worker disrupts her plan...
Le Donne della Vucciria
In “Le Donne della Vucciria”, sixth Miu Miu Women’s Tale, Palestinian female director Hiam Abbass contemplates the transformative power of clothes, music and dance in a charming, evocative study of the women of the Sicilian city of Palermo.
Free Men
Warba Shlimane alias Leila
In Paris during WWII, an Algerian immigrant is inspired to join the resistance by his unexpected friendship with a Jewish man. Based on not very known facts about the Muslim community in Paris during WWII, when the Paris Mosque and its dynamic leader played a pivotal role in supporting the resistance and rescuing Jews.
Tout le monde descend
First Citizen (Tamora)
Сюжет картины основан на легенде о полководце Гнее Марцие Кориолане, жившем в Риме в пятом веке до нашей эры. Действие картины из Древнего Рима перенесено в наши дни, и вместо мечей главные герои «Кориолана» сжимают в руках автоматы.
Мгновение любви
Gadarine Nazarian
Картограф Уилл Шепард отправляется в путь для своей последней работы: создать новый, более точный спутниковый обзор Армении. Во время его назначения, у него завязываются отношения с эмигрировавшей армянской девушкой-фотографом.
Лента повествует о путешествии близнецов — брата и сестры — на Ближний Восток, где они надеются найти своих родственников.
Как пять пальцев
Amel Zeroual
Их было пятеро, все братья, все очень похожие и в то же время очень разные. Их вырастила рано овдовевшая мать. Один из них выбрал отдельный путь по жизни, несколько лет спустя он возвращается в семью в поисках убежища от преследующих его бандитов. Он раскрывает братьям тайну смерти их отца. Теперь они знают, что их отец был убит, и они готовы мстить за это.
Angela Di Biaggio
Лион, 1970-х годов. Три сестры — Сибий, Корин и Жоржет — дружно живут вместе со своей матерью-итальянкой Анной. Сибий — единственная блондинка в семье, из-за чего чувствует себя белой вороной. Она похожа на отца-француза Антуана, бросившего их много лет назад. О нем в семье говорить запрещено. Но девочка верит, что придет день, когда она встретится со своим отцом…
Bajo el mismo cielo
A pair of Moroccan immigrants in Spain splits apart. He returns to Morocco because he only find precarious jobs and his wife decides to stay. Their daughter is 11 and shares with a professor from her school a taste for writing, but she decides to follow her father. The girl's mother tries to recover her, for what is essential the mediation of the teacher.
Aliya Nabil
Three ex-servicemen return to Basra, each for a different reason.
Совокупность лжи
Aisha's Sister Cala
ЦРУ охотится на руководителя серии террористических атак. Роджер Феррис является агентом национальной разведки, он перемещается по всему свету, пытаясь предотвратить любые нежелательные события. Око в небе, спутник, наблюдает за ним. На другом конце этой связи ветеран ЦРУ Эд Хоффман, который отслеживает события издалека. Чем ближе подбирается Феррис к своей цели, тем явственнее понимает, что доверие — это одновременно и опасная штука, и то единственное, что позволит ему остаться в живых.
Une chaîne pour deux
24 Bars
It is Christmas Eve. Separated from her young son, Helly struggles for money. A solitary man, Didier pays her to play his fiancée for the night. But the act comes to a tragic end. Left stunned, Helly meets Marie, who takes her in, on her way to the coast. There they encounter Chris. All three will end the night together. It’s their last move in joy and perdition.
Rana Sweid
Six days in the lives of an Israeli living in a kibbutz and a Palestinian living in Paris, which starts with an accidental meeting in the Berlin Subway during the World cup finals, will change them completely.
Рай – сейчас
История двух друзей, Халеда и Саида, автомехаников из Наблуса, расположенного на контролируемой Израилем территории. Они получают задание стать террористами-самоубийцами и совершить двойной теракт в Тель-Авиве. Один уверен в своем решении, считая его оправданным в борьбе за освобождение страны, другой сомневается, не имея достаточной твердости духа. Весь день они носят на себе пояс со взрывчаткой, думая о воле Аллаха…
25 Degrees in Winter
An Ukranian woman enters Belgium illegally and hides in the van of a driver abandoned by his wife. He ends up helping her to find her husband who had emigrated long before. They are joined by his wacky Spanish mother and cute young daughter.
One day Zano suggest a crazy idea to his companion Naïma: travel across France and Spain down to Algeria, where they might ultimately come to know the land their parents once had to flee.
Viva Algeria
This movie portrays three women living in today's Algeria between modern society and Islamic fundamentalism, self-determination and dependence. Goucem, a young woman who works for a photographer and mistress of a rich doctor, her mother Papicha, a former cabaret star, and her best friend Fifi, a prostitute, all live in a hotel in the city center of Algiers. Their difficult personal situation and the growing influence of Islam lead to dramatic consequences...
Повернуть время вспять
Немолодой инженер Антуан Лаво приезжает в Танжер работать в большой строительной компании. Но помимо работы, в этом знаменитом марокканском городе у него есть и тайная цель: Антуан надеется отыскать красавицу Сесиль — ту единственную, которая стала любовью всей его жизни и которую он так и не смог забыть. И там, среди песков и миражей, происходит чудо: встретившиеся после тридцатилетней разлуки влюбленные очертя голову погружаются в повторный бурный роман…
A Minute of Sun Less
Kamel Raoui, a young police inspector in Tanger, investigates the murder of drug-dealer Hakim Tahiri. The victim's mistress Touria, just living for her fatally-ill younger brother Pipo, is considered the main suspect, so Kamel learns more and more about their hard life circumstances. During the observation, the sexually-confused Kamel falls in love with the young woman, but realizes the imminence for Touria and Pipo too late.
Almost Peaceful
Set during the largely unexplored period immediately following World War II, the film follows a group of mostly Jewish Parisians who attempt to restart their lives and rekindle their capacity for happiness in the shadow of unspeakable horrors. Variety called it "thoroughly charming. Sad, gentle, and funny in the best French tradition of high quality cinema." A film by Marcelo Gomes
Бывший солдат армянского происхождения, отвергнутый своей семьёй из-за ранения брата в результате террористического акта, прибывает во Францию и оказывается под колпаком у Секретной Службы. Он одержим местью за драму, которая нанесла глубочайшую рану его семье и всей его жизни.
Far Away
Serge is a long distance lorry driver between Morocco andEurope. In Tangier, he tries to reconcile with his former girlfriend, Sarah. She has refused to have anything to do with him since her mother’s death and intends to join her brother in Canada. Serge appeals to Sarah’s protector, a young Arab named Saïd, to allow him to meet up with Sarah, promising in return to smuggle Saïd into Europe...
Les siestes Grenadine
Wahid and his daughter Soufiya return to Tunisia after a long stay in West Africa.Wahid would like to transform Soufiya into a real Tunisian, a true daughter of their land, but the country has changed a lot in there absence.
Pure fiction
Film based on the infamous 'Marc Dutroux' case that shook Belgium to its core.
L'amour égaré
A 19-year-old French woman travels to a country at war and finds herself trapped in a house full of women with a number of other young arrivals from all corners of the globe. In order to survive, she becomes an assistant to the director, Madame, who exerts a powerful fascination over Rabia. Their master-slave relationship drives Rabia to go beyond the limits of her convictions, until she can no longer bear the monster the system is turning her into
In his own natural habitat, the infamous Brussels' neighbourhood Molenbeek that appeared in the international news several times after terrorist attacks in Europe, director Koen Van Sande tells a story about paranoia and misunderstandings.