François Créton

François Créton


François Créton


L'histoire d'Annette Zelman
Robert Le Vigan
Paris in 1942. Annette is 20 years old, Jean is barely older, they love each other and the future is bright for them. But the deportation of the Jews of France will change their destiny. Upset at the idea of their only son marrying a Jewish woman, Jean Jausion's parents decide to keep young Annette Zelman away from them... and denounce her to the Gestapo. The machine was launched, but it was too late. Annette was deported to Auschwitz on June 22, 1942.
The Worst Ones
The story centres on a group of teenagers street cast in their neighbourhood and selected to play in a feature film during the summer. The film tells the story of this film shoot and of the connections that will be formed during it.
At 24 years old, Zack has all the appearances of a young man who feels good in his own skin. His secret is well kept. He's talented carpenter, he builds tree houses with his father. But his passion is boxing, which he teaches as a volunteer. Zack is thinking of moving in with Marjorie when his father has a work accident and falls into a coma. He must face alone the task of running the small family business. The weaknesses he thought he had overcome will be brought back. And as a newcomer, Ines, enters his life, his secret is in danger of being revealed at any time: Zack is illiterate.
Мишель, бывший наркоман и вечный ребенок, мечтающий о мотоциклах, тусуется со своим старшим сыном Лео и его друзьями. В пятьдесят лет ему приходится справляться с ребенком от бывшей подруги, научиться не повторять ошибки прошлого и стать хорошим человеком.
Scenario Writer
Мишель, бывший наркоман и вечный ребенок, мечтающий о мотоциклах, тусуется со своим старшим сыном Лео и его друзьями. В пятьдесят лет ему приходится справляться с ребенком от бывшей подруги, научиться не повторять ошибки прошлого и стать хорошим человеком.
Etienne, 18, tries to find his place within his family. The father, a former skinhead, can’t bear any longer his son’s behavior. He finds him indolent, lazy, dreamy, a night bird. Yet the young man is looking for his father’s admiration, while opposing him at the same time. This paradox, this identity crisis will bring Etienne to a point of no return one morning when his father asks him to come and help him dismantle a small camp of refugees just outside the village.
Red Star
Adel is a 57-year-old man. He dedicates all his time to his local soccer club, and gets by doing temporary work. Then he learns that he is no longer eligible for the government’s low income benefit.
By Your Side
Manu returns to her childhood home for her mother's birthday. She intends to stay for a few days. The visit brings a wave of memories from the past. Then there's also the difficult present with her psychologically unstable sister - A psychological drama about a family torn apart by schizophrenia.
Beautiful Loser
Michel, a former junkie weaning himself off drugs, raises hell with his seventeen-year-old son, Léo, while also trying to manage as best he can the baby that he's just had with his ex, Hélène. But the years of dope have taken their toll.
Beautiful Loser
Michel, a former junkie weaning himself off drugs, raises hell with his seventeen-year-old son, Léo, while also trying to manage as best he can the baby that he's just had with his ex, Hélène. But the years of dope have taken their toll.
Страх[и] темноты
The teacher (voice)
Уникальный анимационный проект, объединивший лучших художников в жанре комиксов. Впервые им было предложено «выложить» на кинопленку мурашки по коже, обнаженные нервы и дрожь потных рук — все, что связано с самым древним человеческим страхом — страхом темноты. Прикосновение паучьих лапок, странные звуки в пустом доме, ощущение чужого присутствия и собачий вой в тишине ночи… Стильный черно-белый кошмар, который не стоит смотреть в одиночестве на сон грядущий.