Vincent Zhao

Vincent Zhao

Рождение : 1972-04-10, 中国,黑龙江,宁安


Vincent Zhao Wenzhuo (born 10 April 1972 in Ning'an, Heilongjiang, China), sometimes credited as Vincent Chiu or Chiu Man-cheuk, is a Chinese actor and martial artist. Zhao is best known playing the Chinese folk hero Wong Fei-hung in the Once Upon a Time in China film and television series, True Legend (2010), The Blade (1995) and Green Snake (1993).


Vincent Zhao
Vincent Zhao


Invisible Tattoo
1935. A large industrial city in southwestern China where most of the inhabitants work in the salt industry. Power in the city is divided between two gangs. When a war breaks out between factions, the tattoo artist is forced to take on a dirty business
The Legend and Hag of Shaolin
His name was Hong Xiguan. Legendary master from Southern Shaolin and Hung Ga school’s founder. In this film Hong is a young monk who carried the treasure map of the Ming Dynasty that Master Cai Jiuyi entrusted to him before his death. In the process of fighting against different enemies such as the forces of Wu Sangui, the scum of Heaven and Earth, and the Witch of White Lotus, Hong Xiguan gradually integrated Qi Jiajun Kungfu, Shaolin Kungfu, and Guangdong local boxing in the late Ming Dynasty, creating the "fighting world" Hung Ga.
Во время проведения торгов за нефтяное месторождение происходит теракт. Когда китайский ветеран, ложно обвинённый в убийстве местного чиновника, сбегает в леса, за ним следом отправляют опытную украинскую наемницу, чья цель - найти и уничтожить беглого китайца, угрожающего сорвать хитрый план американской нефтяной корпорации и местного коррумпированного военного.
Во время проведения торгов за нефтяное месторождение происходит теракт. Когда китайский ветеран, ложно обвинённый в убийстве местного чиновника, сбегает в леса, за ним следом отправляют опытную украинскую наемницу, чья цель - найти и уничтожить беглого китайца, угрожающего сорвать хитрый план американской нефтяной корпорации и местного коррумпированного военного.
The Great Beast of Mountains and Seas
Master of Primal Chaos
On the way to Xianyou Grandmaster Hunyuan found himself in the Spider Forest and was accidentally swallowed by the thousand-year spider spirit. His disciple Lu Xiaodao killed the spirit but spider's venom penetrated the Hunyuan's body and transformed it in the same spider color. In order to solve this problem the Grandmaser and two his disciples were instructed by the Deer Tong Fairy (Lutong Fairy) to go to Nine Immortals Mountain (Lingxiao Valley of Jiuxian Mountain) in search of the Crescent Lake. On the way, they started a series of ridiculous stories with a group of monsters.
Детектив Ди и убийца одиноких небес
Во время правления императрицы У в столице Чанъань произошло несколько странных смертей. Слухов об убийстве в Храме Мучеников становится все больше. В это же время, на свадьбе, невеста убивает жениха и его родителей, а после кончает жизнь самоубийством. Что заставило молодую девушку, мечтавшую о свадьбе, совершить такой поступок? За расследование берется детектив Ди.
The Jade Goddess of the Supreme Emei
Bai Yuanming
Elderly Nun Wumei inadvertently obtained a special martial art "Yanshi's Offering", where the practitioners can control others in distance, no matter they're living or dead. At the same time, Emperor Qianlong's nephew Yonghan held a grudge since his father Hongshi died tragically after being cut from his clan status. Under the guise of killing people who had been opposing Ming Dynasty, he plundered the martial art skills of all sects and tried to usurp the throne. His new goal is the Emei secret skill "Yanshi's Offering." Bai Yuanming, who is proficient in medicine, came to Emei to relieve the malaria crisis. He met Li Erhuan, a female disciple of Emei, and was involved in disputes. Under the pseudonym Sun Ziyi, Yonghan sneaked into Emei to provoke a dispute in an attempt to profit from it, and was eventually defeated by Bai Yuanming and Li Erhuan
Единство героев 2
Wong Fei-hung
Хуан Фейхун разрушил штаб-квартиру Общества Белого Лотоса в Гуанчжоу и захватил додзё Сумо Общества Канна, атаковал непосредственно базу штаб-квартиры Общества Канна и, наконец, спас Чжан Чжидуна, внеся большой вклад в антияпонскую войну по-своему.
Лига кунг-фу
Wong Fei Hung
Современный молодой человек случайно призывает из прошлого четырех мастеров кунг-фу. Знаменитый Ип Ман, Вон Фэйхун, литературный персонаж Чен Чжэн и Хо Юаньцзя заставят молодое поколение вспомнить традиционные китайские ценности и научат хорошим манерам.
Единство героев
Wong Fei-hung
30-летняя женщина возвращается в Поднебесную после многих лет изучения западной медицины. Цели и мечты у нее самые благородные — совместить западные и восточные учения, чтобы помогать людям и спасать жизни. Но знания попадают не в те руки, и вот уже коварная компания создает из людей киборгов. Защищать мир придется мастеру боевых искусств, возлюбленному героини.
Бог войны
General Qi
1557 год. Морские разбойники уже несколько десятилетий грабят восточные рубежи Поднебесной. После того, как пираты захватили большой портовый город Цэньган, столичный генштаб посылает на помощь старому полководцу Юй Дао его более молодого и амбициозного коллегу Ци Цзигуана, уверенного в том, что в войне с пиратами можно поставить точку. Для этого необходимы две вещи — железная дисциплина и новая армия.
The Boundary
The story starts from pile murder, murderer exactly ten years ago, a woman was shot dead by police. A decade ago, it has not found an important clue surfaced, what old things associated with the murder a decade ago after a decade of existence in the end? All this seems to be back to square one again. Liu Ye plays Justin was forced to intervene series of investigations, throws a period spanning 10 years of disputes, he played with Chiu ??? what will happen to the story, the same two men who have lost a loved one, the final showdown, behind, relating to a shocking secret, life and death, love and hate, good and evil, black and white, good and evil, truth and lies a major reversal in
The White Haired Witch of Lunar Kingdom
Jin Duyi
In the twilight of the Ming Dynasty, the Imperial court is plagued by corruption as tyrants rule over the land. With the Manchurians preying on a weakened empire, war is imminent. To save the victims from their suffering, sorceress Jade Raksha fights the soldiers that oppress people for their own gain. As payback, local government officials decide to pin the murder of Governor Zhuo Zhonglian on Jade, turning her and the members of her cult into wanted fugitives for a crime they didn't commit.
Wu Dang
Tang Yunlong
In early Republican China, rumors were going around about the treasure in Wudang Mountain. An American conspirator took his well-trained kung fu daughter to Wudang by sponsoring a Taoist martial arts competition, to steal the treasure. Out of expectation, a disciple represented Wudang to compete with other martial arts masters for the championship. During the competition, resentment incurred against different parties, the relationship became complicated, a Korean female Tai Chi descendant fell in love with the American conspirator and the secret of the treasure had been revealed. The treasure is the key of the magnetic field of Wudang, if it's stolen, Wudang would be devastated. To protect Wudang, a group of young heroes rallied around to defeat grant masters. It's the time the long-lost Wudang martial arts returned
Shuo Zhao
Действие происходит в Китае во времена империи Цинь, в исторический период «Весны и осени». Генерал Тхуан Гу убивает Императора и подставляет семью Чжао, с которой у него давняя вражда. Пользуясь этим, он убивает весь род Чжао (более 300 человек). Единственный выживший — младенец Чжао У, которого спасает врач семьи Чжао - Чан Инг (Гэ Ю). Вскоре после этого Тхуан Гу принимает родного сына Чанг Инг за Чжао У и убивает его вместе с женой Чанг Инга. Чжао У растет в доме Тхуан Гу, который не подозревает о его происхождении и относится к нему как к сыну, а тот, в свою очередь, тоже относится к нему, как к отцу. Однако Чанг Инг вынашивает план мести и однажды рассказывает Чжао У всю правду.
Настоящая легенда
Su Can / Su Qi-Er
Со, генерал в армии принца, устал от войн и покидает пост на самом взлете, оставив вместо себя своего сводного брата Юаня. Вместе с женой, родной сестрой Юаня, Со перебирается в провинцию, где вскоре у них рождается сын. Но Юань на самом деле уже давно и люто ненавидит семью Со, отец которого когда-то убил его собственного отца, и все эти годы изучал смертоносную технику кулака пяти ядов. И свой гнев он обрушит на Со, когда тот будет ожидать этого меньше всего.
Dragon Get Angry
A national feud and the philosophy of martial arts cause a conflict between two big families, one from China and one from Japan, which forced a mixed couple to separate. Their love stirred up bloody fighting between the Chinese and Japanese in the ancient martial world. Rong Hoi Shan, a kung fu genius, settled the disputes with his high martial arts skills. Lignite your sensations with a series of true kung fu fighting scenes, and it’s the essence of Chinese martial arts.
The Sino-Dutch War 1661
Zheng Chenggong
Based on the story of Zheng Chenggong and focuses on his battle with the Dutch Empire for control of Taiwan at the Siege of Fort Zeelandia.
Fist Power
Brian Cheuk
Cheuk is a mainland security officer who's thrown into a race against the clock when he discovers a man is holding an entire school hostage in exchange for his adopted son, so it's up to Cheuk to use his formidable martial arts skills to retrieve the boy and bring him back before the man decides to kill everyone.
Body Weapon
Officer Wu Chi-Kwan
While investigating murder cases involving masked rapists, Officer Ling herself is raped and her husband murdered by the suspects, on their wedding night. Rather than relying on her fellow police officers to solve her case, Ling chooses to use her own body as the weapon to take revenge on her violators.
The Blacksheep Affair
Yim Dong
A patriotic Chinese cop is reposted to fictional East European country Lavernia as punishment for ignoring orders during a plane hijack operation. There he encounters his ex-girlfriend, who fled to Lavernia after Tiananmen Square. Their paths soon tangle with the charismatic but evil leader of the Japanese cult Aum Shinryuu
Mahjong Dragon
Quick Hands
North Quick Hands, a gambler, killed a gang in revenge for his friend, for which he was sentenced to prison. South Tin-lone waited for Quick Hand's release, so that he might be recruited into the gang. But Quick Hands refused. Meanwhile, Sau Tin, a Hong Kong policewoman addicted to gambling, went to Dongguan to seek a husband. She helped Quick Hands to leave China by arranging a fake marriage, as he promised to teach her some gambling tricks. South Tin-lone and his gang followed Quick Hands to Hong Kong and a series of fights ensued...
Wong Fei Hung Series : The Final Victory
Wong Fei Hung
In late Qing, restless and upheavals occurred everywhere in China. So Hat Yee, the leader of a patriotic society, together with the sup-porters started to initiate a revolution against the corrupt and dictatorial government. Unfortunately, the wicked governor, Lee Chun destroyed their apple cart. He manipulated Man King Long as a spy to lure the revolutaries into a lethal trap. In such an zero hour, Wong Fei Hung and the other revolutaries had no alternative, but only fought to the death. Could these righteousness fighters get the final victory?
Wong Fei Hung Series : The Ideal Century
Wong Fei Hung
In cruel political platform, it is the universal rule that the winner would be the one who rules the game and elimination of inferior is inevitable. Here in the story of "The Ideal Century", the participants try to dominate one another, not only for hopes and desires, but also for survival. Ng Mung Ching (Ng Yiu Li) and Chi Kei (Lam Po Yee), the adherents of aggressive General Yu, came to Guangzhou and undertook a secret mission. Righteous Kung-Fu master Wong Fei Hung (Zhao Wen Zhuo) destroyed the plan and it agitated Kei, who conspired it for so many eyars. This time, Hung did lay himself in trouble water and the counter strike back of Kei marked the beginning of the dreadful struggle.
Wong Fei Hung Series : The Headless General
Wong Fei Hung
China was in turmoil during the warlord period. Endless assassinations and brutal killings occured at any time. Ling Siu Sin (Suii Kwan), a homeless girl decided to take retaliation against General Cheng (Chan Yuen) for killing her father. However, she surprisingly found that he was already dead with his head missing. This incident was soon disclosed and everyone was stunned. In order to save the innocence and strike for the righteousness, Wong Fei Hung (Zhao Wen Zhou) and his disciples began to collect the evidence and hence started a fierce battle with the murderer.
Wong Fei Hung Series : The Suspicious Temple
Wong Fei Hung
Shaolin Temple, not only was the sacred place amongst the monks, but also regarded as the Chinese martial arts origin. Why did it become the battlefield of a fierce duel? After knowing that the head monk of Shaolin, Hung Chi was seriously ill, Wong Fei Hung together with his disciples Club Foot and Chu Yuk Wing went to Shaolin immediately. Out of his expectation, Chi refused to see him and the monks always embarrassed them during the visit. Even worse, Club Foot was imprisoned in the Labour Camp of the Temple without any reason. Facing all these strange things, ominous feeling bred from Hung's heart. In the meanwhile, Hung accidentally met Hung Wan, the one with a high social prestige in Shaolin. Wan then told him everything. The disclosure of the scandal inevitably angered the culprit who in turn sweared to eliminate Hung at all costs. On the blink of war, the buried page of Shaolin secret history was no longer be sealed.
On Man / Ting On
На глазах мальчика жестоко убивают его собственного отца. Ребенка усыновляет друг отца. Тот оказывается мастером боя на мечах, мечтающим сделать из мальчика непобедимого война. Повзрослев и обучившись мастерству боя на мечах, он намеревается отомстить убийцам своего отца.
Wong Fei Hung Series : The Eight Assassins
Wong Fei Hung
First in a series of made for TV films: Burnt by the seeds of hatred and grudge against Wong Fei Hung, Prince Shing recruited eight magnificent fighters, nicknamed The Eight Demi-god Fighters' to challenge Hung. The ky man, Priest Geing-fax was the ex-disciple of Shaolin Temple. He had learnt the highest level of Shaolin Kung-fu "Bone Marrow Revitalization Mehod" in which made him become invulnerable. Out of his griev-ances towards Shaolin, he sweared to eliminate all its adherents, especially Hung. Never and ever had Hung met such a formidable man before, however, he still accepted this lethal duel in the name of Po Chi Lam despiting the fact that he was really at the death's door.
The Chinese Feast
Master Chef Lung Kwun Bo
Former member of a triad, Sun seeks to emigrate to Canada. He decides to become a great chef of chinese cooking and follows the teaching master Au.
Однажды в Китае 5
Wong Fei Hung
Вон Фей Хун, его ученики Люн Фун и Клабфут и девушка Мэй, которую он повстречал в предыдущей части, возвращаются в родной По Чи Лам, где их дожидаются кузина Фей Хуна И, его отец Вон Кей Ин и два других ученика, А Со и Порки Лэн. По прибытию выясняется, что провинция голодает, и пираты постоянно нападают на фермеров. Суду и полиции самим нечего есть, и Фей Хун сотоварищи решаются помочь городу избавиться от морской угрозы.
Однажды в Китае 4
Wong Fei Hung
Мастер кунгфу Вонг Фей Хунг выигрывает «состязание львов», и теперь слава о нем гремит по всему городу. Новый губернатор, приехавший в город, затевает еще одно состязание, но на этот раз их противниками должны выступить иностранцы.
Green Snake
Fa-Hai / Faat Hoi
A mischievous snake who assumes human form interferes with the romance between her reptilian sister and a hapless man.
The Governor of Kau Man
Фонг Сай-Юк был лучшим мастером кунг-фу из Кантона времен династии Манчжу. Волею судеб Фонг оказывается перед необходимостью вступить в боевой турнир, победитель которого получит руку красавицы Тинь Тинь. Идея женитьбы таким путем кажется ему сомнительной, тем более, что драться придется с матушкой невесты, свирепой Шью Хуань! А тем временем над семьей Фонга нависает беда: над его отцом, членом враждебного императору общества Красного Лотоса, нависает смертельная опасность.