Arisa Andô

Рождение : 1961-03-05,


Andou Arisa is a former voice actress (seiyuu) from Tokyo, Japan.


Professor Pain
Ayami Kumehara
The students of Aoi College, who are all 19 by the way, have always suspected that Professor Ohse might be some sort of pervert or cretin, but no one could have guessed how depraved he really is. As it turns out, he's really a terrorist who decides to hold the entire campus hostage, and make all of its comely young lasses submit to his desire for torture and depravity.
Братья-гонщики Летс и Гоу
Fencer of Minerva
Hilda (voice)
Princess Diana runs away from an arranged marraige and straight into the arms of slave traders who capture her and she is forced to become a slave. She finds her long lost childhood friend/love there, who happens to be the sworn enemy of her families throne, and becomes his, but of course with the family wanting her back all is not ideal.
Crimson Wolf
Mizuho (voice)
An archaeological expedition finds the mummified bodies of Genghis Khan and his army somewhere in Mongolia. Unaware that the location is cursed, the explorers wake up the former ruler of the Mongolian empire. He warns the intruders that a large calamity will befall the world in one thousand days. The only ones who can prevent this from happening are three persons who bear wolf-shaped arrow scars. They must join forces and kill the "three emperors" so that the Khan's soul can once again sleep for a thousand years.
Domain of Murder
Sayoko Toyama (voice)
On the trail of a missing husband, private investigator Goro crosses paths with a deranged killer.
Dark Warrior
A Silicon Valley whiz kid, billionaire creator of the most intelligent computer on Earth, has got bigger problems than being on the cover of Time magazine. The thing is, the corporation he works for is planning to use his ideas to take over the world. As if that weren't enough, they're planning to wipe the slate of humanity clean and install their own race of preprogrammed superbeings in their place. The unwitting prototype?...
Kekko Kamen
Mayumi Takahashi (voice)
The story takes place at the Toenail of Satan's Spartan Institute of Higher Education. This school is extremely strict, punishing the lowest scoring students with harsh whipping and public shaming. Kekko Kamen won't stand for that though, and rescues female students from being exposed in public while wearing nothing but her mask.
Lightning Trap: Leina & Laika
Kyōko Yoshida
In present day Tokyo, traveling has never been more comfortable than aboard the Lightning L808, Japan's new luxury passenger plane. One day, on what seemed to be a routine flight, Haruka Leina and the plane's passengers were unaware of the mysterious and top secret cargo brought aboard, which attracted the attention of international terrorists set on obtaining it. Now, with a dangerous hostage situation at hand, only special agent Laika Strange and brave Leina may be able to save the passengers, and keep the deadly cargo from falling into the wrong hands...
Blue Flames
Emi Naito (voice)
Ryuuichi is a high-school student tired of living in a small town with small people. He's determined to claw his way to the top of Tokyo, and he'll use any woman he can to do it.
Peacock King: Spirit Warrior - Castle of Illusion
The story starts out at a dig in lake Biwa where archaeologist may have discovered something hidden by the 6th king of evil. The evil king is resurrected and is trying to resurrect an evil demon. Kujaku a priest/monk and friends he meets along the way must discover his own true hidden talents in order to stop the 6th king of evil from making Hell on Earth literally
Violence Jack: Evil Town
Aira Mu
After disasters have all but destroyed the Earth, leaving entire cities buried, one man named Violence Jack tries to avert a civil war brewing among the wretched inhabitants of a subterranean metropolis called Evil Town. The known world is now a nightmare after a series of natural disasters. Survivors struggle to survive the harsh conditions. Evil Town is divided into three warring factions each fighting for supremacy.
Fist of the North Star - TV Compilation 2 - Six Sacred Fists of Nanto! Rei, the Star of Justice
Airi (voice)
Compilation film covering the Rei story arc of the Fist of the North Star TV Series
Hana no Asuka-gumi! Shin Kabukichō Story
Based on the popular girl's manga Hana no Asukagumi! (The Glorious Asuka Gang!) by Takaguchi Satosumi.
Город чудищ
Soap Girl
Столетиями существовало секретное соглашение между Землей и Черным Миром, параллельным измерением, населенным меняющими форму, и обладающих сверхъестественной силой, сохраняющее мир. Настало время для продления этого пакта, но некая воинствующая фракция из Черного Мира готова на всё, чтобы договор не подписали. Судьба мира зависит от двух специальных агентов из разных миров, которым поручили обеспечить успех соглашения. И они уж постараются не подвести свои миры!
Девичья Сила - Фильм
Solnoid Bridge Crew (voice)
Уже несколько веков в космосе идет война между Солноидами (войны-амазонки) и Параноидами (инопланетяне). Проиграв очередной бой, флот солноидов отступают к своему новому дому - планете Хаос. Одному из кораблей удается опередить остальной флот, но, столкнувшись с крейсером параноидов, экипажу приходится принять неравный бой. Отважная команда и не подозревает, что стала жертвой тайного эксперимента лидеров враждующих рас, цель которого - остановить затянувшуюся войну.
Кулак северной звезды - Фильм
Кен, Кулак Северной Звезды, избранный наследник этого древней школы боевых искусств. Нанося удары по точкам психического давления можно гарантировано убить человека через пять минут. Мир в котором он живет мрачен и смертелен, мир разрушенный ядерной войной. Кто-то из выживщих приспособились к новому миру и пытаются построить новое общество порядка и мира в этом мире хаоса. Другие в это время упиваются анархией на руинах разрушенной цивилизации и используют свою силу, чтобы эксплуатировать слабых и беззащитных. И Кен должен сражаться не только с бандами мародеров, но и со своими друзьями, и даже со своим собственным братом Рао, чтобы помочь тем, кто нуждается в его помощи.