Bartlett A. Carré

Рождение : 1897-07-10, Melrose, Massachusetts, USA

Смерть : 1971-04-26


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Bartlett Carré was involved in the film industry during five decades, spanning both the silent and sound film eras. He spent most of that time in production capacities, either as a production supervisor or manager, associate producer, or assistant director. He appeared in numerous films, mostly in small uncredited roles, or as a stunt man, but he did have one starring role in the 1925 silent film, Flying Hoofs, and directed the 1935 film, Gun Smoke. His first participation in film was in the small role of Jake Watkins in the 1924 silent film, Behind Two Guns. He last worked in films in 1963 where he was either the associate producer or production supervisor. He was the brother-in-law of the actress, Lenore Ulric.


Пляжные тусовщики
Production Supervisor
Профессор антропологии собирается написать книгу-исследование "о поведенческих особенностях молодёжи и их соотношении с примитивными племенами". Для сбора материалов он отправляется на пляжи Майами, где знакомится с компанией сёрферов и начинает за ними наблюдение…
Человек с рентгеновскими глазами
Associate Producer
Врач ставит над собой опыт. Капли, которые он закапывает в глаза, дают ему зрение, позволяющее видеть вещи насквозь.
Production Supervisor
Пожилой маг Эрасмус Крэйвен, скорбящий вдовец, скучает дома в компании своей очаровательной дочки. Привычное семейное спокойствие нарушается появлением ворона, вернее, другого волшебника в образе ворона, который самым бесцеремонным образом требует сначала вина, а потом — чтобы его срочно превратили обратно в человека, а именно, в волшебника Адольфуса Бэдлоу. Превращение удалось, но и тут наглец не успокаивается: он рассказывает хозяину замка, что зря тот скорбит по жене, ибо супруга его живехонька и проживает нынче в соседнем замке с злобным колдуном доктором Скарабусом, который и превратил его в птицу. А может, и не сама супруга, но по крайней мере ее неупокоенная душа так точно. Естественно, наш «вдовец» отправляется в замок, надеясь на то, что рассказ нежданного гостя — вымысел. Но правда оказывается куда более серьезной, нежели можно было себе предполагать.
Истории ужасов
Production Manager
Фильм состоит из трёх историй. В первой из них под названием «Морелла» дух умершей в молодости Мореллы вселяется в ее же дочь для того, чтобы отомстить своему мужу Локку… Вторая история называется «Черный кот». Чтобы отомстить своей жене за неверность, Монтрезор убивает ее и замуровывает в стене вместе с любовником Фортунато. Но он не замечает того, что в импровизированную могилу проскользнул кот… Третий рассказ имеет название «Правда о том, что случилось с мистером Вальдемара». Вальдемар погружается в состояние между жизнью и смертью. Кармайкл соглашается вывести его оттуда при условии, что тот покинет свою жену Хелен…
Колодец и маятник
Production Manager
1546 год. Испания. Получив известие о смерти своей сестры Элизабет, Франсис Барнард отправляется выказать соболезнование её мужу, аристократу Николасу Медине. Но Франсис решает задержаться в его замке, не получив вразумительных объяснений причин, из-за которых умерла Элизабет. Но Медина, который в детстве стал свидетелем того, как его отец, участник испанской инквизиции, замучил до смерти его мать и дядю, сам находится на грани умственного расстройства, полагая, что он похоронил Элизабет, когда она была еще жива.
Властелин Мира
Production Manager
Конец девятнадцатого века. Ученый Робур, летающий на огромном аэрокосмическом корабле «Альбатрос», хочет сделать мир спокойным, уничтожив оружие и армии всех стран на Земле. Утопия! На борт «Альбатроса» в результате катастрофы попадают четыре человека. Одному из них, агенту правительства Строку, удается воспрепятствовать планам безумного ученого…
Властелин Мира
Associate Producer
Конец девятнадцатого века. Ученый Робур, летающий на огромном аэрокосмическом корабле «Альбатрос», хочет сделать мир спокойным, уничтожив оружие и армии всех стран на Земле. Утопия! На борт «Альбатроса» в результате катастрофы попадают четыре человека. Одному из них, агенту правительства Строку, удается воспрепятствовать планам безумного ученого…
Reform School Girl
Production Supervisor
A teen girl is thrown into reform school for refusing to squeal on her delinquent boyfriend where she ends up meeting his ex-girlfriend and the jealous tempers fly.
Reform School Girl
Assistant Director
A teen girl is thrown into reform school for refusing to squeal on her delinquent boyfriend where she ends up meeting his ex-girlfriend and the jealous tempers fly.
Вторжение обитателей летающих тарелок
Production Manager
Джонни повёз Джоан на свидание и в темноте сбил на дороге маленького зеленокожего инопланетянина. Парочка естественно сразу заявила в полицию, но тело пришельца не нашли. Зато начали находить трупы местных жителей…
Dragstrip Girl
Assistant Director
Girl loves hot cars and a rich dragstrip racer. Her parents don't like either one.
Dragstrip Girl
Production Supervisor
Girl loves hot cars and a rich dragstrip racer. Her parents don't like either one.
Voodoo Woman
Assistant Director
Deep in the jungles a mad scientist is using the natives' voodoo for his experiments to create an indestructible being to serve his will. When a party of gold seekers stumbles upon his village, the scientist realizes that Marilyn the expedition's evil leader is the perfect subject for his work.
The She-Creature
Assistant Director
A mysterious hypnotist reverts his beautiful assistant back into the form of a prehistoric sea monster that she was in a past life.
The She-Creature
Production Supervisor
A mysterious hypnotist reverts his beautiful assistant back into the form of a prehistoric sea monster that she was in a past life.
The Oklahoma Woman
Production Manager
After six years in jail Steve returns to claim a ranch left him in a will. The town is in the middle of a rough election masterminded by saloon owner Marie. Steve is soon on the side of the opposition candidate and his pretty daughter. The town's tough sheriff is on no-one's side, least of all Steve's
Assistant Director
After her husband is gunned down, Rose Hood takes his place as sheriff of a small Western town.
Swamp Women
Production Manager
An undercover policewoman helps three female convicts escape from prison so that they can lead her to a stash of stolen diamonds hidden in a swamp.
Apache Woman
Production Supervisor
A government agent ventures west to look into reports that Apaches are behind a recent wave of frontier attacks. Begins to suspect a set-up.
Побег в Бирме
Production Manager
A fugitive in British Burma hides on a tea plantation, thanks to a mutual attraction with owner Gwen Moore.
The Fast and the Furious
Production Manager
A man wrongly imprisoned for murder breaks out of jail. He wants to clear his name, but with the police pursuing him, he's forced to take a beautiful young woman, driving a fast sports car, hostage and slip into a cross-border sports car race to try to make it to Mexico before the police get him.
The Body Beautiful
Production Manager
Susan Morrow, the secretary to Robert Clarke, a model photographer, is upset when her boss pays too much attention to model Noreen Nash. Morrow's younger sister takes a candid photo of her sister in her underwear, with face hidden, and sends it to Clarke. He is intrigued and tries to locate the mystery girl but, meanwhile, enters the photograph in a contest. It wins, provided Clarke can identify the girl. He offers a reward and hires a friend to search for her. Meanwhile, back the agency, Nash offers to pose as the missing girl, but she and Clarke quarrel and she walks out. Rather than leave her boss in a fix, Morrow admits she is the girl in the picture.
Hannah Lee: An American Primitive
Production Supervisor
Professional killer Bus Crow is hired by cattlemen to eliminate squatters. When Marshal Sam Rochelle is sent to investigate, saloon owner Hallie has to be a reluctant witness.
Phantom from Space
Production Supervisor
After a UFO sighting, a mysterious phantom in a bizarre outfit starts attacking people in San Fernando Valley.
Cowboy and the Prizefighter
Associate Producer
Red Ryder KO's a fight racket with sidekick Little Beaver (Little Brown Jug) and a new friend.
The Fighting Redhead
Associate Producer
Red Ryder gets a telegram from his old friend Dan O'Connor asking for help in his fight against Faro Savage and his gang of rustlers. A gun dropped by Faro during a rustling raid makes Red and Sheila O'Connor, Dan's daughter, think they have ample proof against Faro but they are stymied by the law. Buckskin Blodgett and the Duchess, Red's aunt, find the body of O'Connor who was killed when Faro's men sent the sheriff out on a ruse. Sheila, discovered while rifling Faros office for evidence, escapes but not before she is recognized. Faro kills one of his own henchmen and then frames Sheila for the murder. Red and Little Beaver set out to clear Sheila and to try to find evidence against Faro and his gang. Written by Les Adams
The Great Dan Patch
Production Manager
David Palmer, a young chemist, returns to his father's Indiana farm, to marry a local school teacher, Ruth Treadwell. David meets again his father's horse-trainer, Ben Lathrop, whose daughter, Cissy, has left high school to help her father. Palmer marries and becomes wealthy through an invention, and is able to indulge his socially-ambitious wife. His father dies and Palmer returns to Indiana, where his interest in harness-racing is rekindled, as is his interest in Cissy Lathrop.
The French Key
Production Manager
Private detective Johnny Fletcher and his sidekick Sam Cragg skip out on their rented room, but when they sneak back to retrieve their luggage, they discover a dead body on the bed, holding a gold coin in its hand. Fletcher is told by a coin collector that the piece is an old and valuable Spanish coin, but Fletcher soon begins to suspect that the man is himself involved in the murder. Fletcher's investigation leads to he and Sam getting caught up in a murder and gold smuggling scheme.
Strange Impersonation
Production Manager
A female research scientist conducting experiments on a new anesthetic has a very bad week. Her scheming assistant intentionally scars her face, her almost-fiancee appears to have deserted her and she finds herself being blackmailed by a women she accidentally knocked down with her car. So what is one to do?
Gun Smoke
Production Manager
U. S. Marshals Nevada Jack McKenzie and Sandy Hopkins come upon an overturned stagecoach with the driver and the passenger dead. They learn that the passenger, Hinkley, an archaeologist, has discovered an old Indian site that contains gold relics, and a gang has robbed him of the relics he was carrying. Jane Condon, daughter of Hinkley's partner who was also murdered, tells Nevada that an old Indian guide, Shag, is the only one who knows where the site is. The outlaws find Shag first, and kill him after forcing the information from him. Hinkley's son, Joel, arrives and knows where the site is and leads Nevada and Sandy there ahead of the outlaws.
That's My Baby!
Production Manager
A love triangle occurs between the publisher's daughter Betty Moody. comic book artist Tim Jones, and the company's wily manipulative manager Hilton Payne. In addition, Betty's dad, Phineas Moody suffers from severe melancholy; and an emergency cure of laughter is required to save his health.
Voice in the Wind
Production Manager
Former concert pianist, victim of Nazi torture, pursues a confused, melancholic existence on the island of Guadalupe.
Border Vengeance
Assistant Director
A rancher is murdered after discovering that 40 head of his cattle have been rustled. A neighboring family is accused of the crime and flees across the border, then tries to find the real killers to clear their name.
Gun Smoke
Parker, seeking revenge on Culverson, is bringing in a flood of sheep. Branning signs on at the Culverson ranch to help fight them off. Standing in his way is hired gunman and crooked lawyer Sneed. T
The Man from Hell
A cowboy recently released from prison is determined to go straight, but he winds up in a tough western town where he finds trouble everywhere.
The Woman Condemned
Assistant Director
Jerry Beall, a young newspaper reporter, intrigued by the charm and beauty of Barbara Hammond, a girl accused of murdering a female radio-star, sets out to prove her innocence in the face of a damaging array of circumstantial evidence, abetted by the lack of truth in many of Barbara's statements. But Barbara winds up in a romantic clinch instead of the electric chair, after a series of sequences that reveal the fallacy of jumping to conclusions.
The Woman Condemned
Production Manager
Jerry Beall, a young newspaper reporter, intrigued by the charm and beauty of Barbara Hammond, a girl accused of murdering a female radio-star, sets out to prove her innocence in the face of a damaging array of circumstantial evidence, abetted by the lack of truth in many of Barbara's statements. But Barbara winds up in a romantic clinch instead of the electric chair, after a series of sequences that reveal the fallacy of jumping to conclusions.
Rawhide Romance
Ranch Hand Hank
A cowboy at a dude ranch falls for the spoiled daughter of a rich guest at the ranch. Later he uncovers a gang of thieves who are robbing the guests.
Call of the Coyote: A Legend of the Golden West
Doctor (as Barthlett Carrie)
A cowboy protects a girl from those who murdered her father for his gold mine.
Lightning Range
Hester and Hezekiah plan to get Dorothy Horton's inheritance. But when Pete and his men rob the stage they learn of the scheme and send Jim to replace Hezekiah. The Deputy Marshal breaks this up but Black Pete arrives wearing the Marshal's badge and has the Sheriff take him away while he flees with the inheritance money.
Her Splendid Folly
Assistant Director
Solomon Ginsberg is the President of International Pictures Corporation and hires Joan McAllister, an unemployed stenographer, to double for his star, Laura Girard. While on a location trip, Laura is killed in an automobile accident, and in order to save the money already invested in the film Ginsberg, aided by the film's leading-man, Wallace Morely, with whom Joan is more than a little infatuated, persuades Joan to assume the identity of the dead actress, whose death is being concealed.
The Fighting Cowboy
Henchman Pete
Bill Carson arrives and tells Cash Horton that his supposedly worthless mine contains valuable tungsten. Duke learns of the mine's value and tries to have them both killed. Failing, he has the Sheriff arrest Bill for murder. Unknown to Bill and the Sheriff, the victim is alive and well.
The Reckless Rider
Disguising himself as an outlaw, a marshal comes to the aid of a man and his daughter who are being terrorized by a criminal gang.
Texas Tornado
Slim - O'Byrne Ranch Cook
Tex Robbins, a Texas Ranger, posing as "Wolf" Cassidy, a notorious Chicago gangster, works his way into the rustling gang and hideout of "Three-Star" Henley, but his plans go wrong and he has to fight his way to victory.
45 Calibre Echo
Assistant Director
A cowhand and his sidekick come to the Texas border country looking for the man who had lured the cowhand's sister in bondage in Mexico. But the man doesn't want to be found and has hired some gunmen to see that he isn't.
Smashed Back
Charles Vance