King Chin

King Chin

Рождение : 1978-03-03, Taiwan


King Chin
King Chin


Beowulf/Chin King
A hacker named Intoxicant is threatening to destroy a famous internet forum. While people are gathering in the system and expecting something to happen, six different users begins to suspect each other. When the countdown of annihilation begins, the chaos between trust and truth is about to grow.
Rumor has it that the legendary Alpha is planning the greatest comeback ever! He is the Godfather of fraud, yet no one has actually seen him. With the rumor of his return spreading, law enforcement assigns their best men to investigate the case. As part of the police strategy, "actor-wanna-be", Gene, gets recruited by the department as an undercover agent to infiltrate one of the crime gangs. That was the easy part. Now the gang leader’s own plans to lure Alpha involve making Gene a celebrity. With Gene’s growing popularity, news anchor, J.C. Chang (Gene’s long-time dream-girl), gets intrigued by his story - dedicating herself to the discovery of "the real Gene". While dealing with the police, the crime gang, and his dream girl, Gene suddenly becomes the object of everyone's attention. In all this confusion, how can Gene pull it all together and escape almost certain catastrophe?
Formula 17
More interested in romance than sex, "Formula 17" swoons with youthful innocence. Naive country-boy Tien-Tsai travels to Taipei, where his quest to lose his virginity is impeded by his insistence on finding true love first. The film's Chinese title translates as "17-Year-Old's World" which accurately describes its niche.
Двойное видение
Тайваньский полицейский Хуанг Хуо-Ту с трудом приходит в себя после событий двухлетней давности - тогда он дал показания против собственного кузена, уличенного во взятках, и обезумевший родственник взял в заложницы его дочку Мей-Мей. Девочка осталась жива, однако Хуанг после того случая потерял уважение коллег и впал в затяжную депрессию. Тем временем в городе начинаются странные убийств, для расследования которых из США приезжает уважаемый эксперт. В качестве переводчика к нему приставляют Хуо-Ту...