Przemysław Bluszcz
Рождение : 1970-03-13, Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
Malwina (Weronika Książkiewicz), a successful car designer, falls in love with Bruno (Michał Żurawski), a successful couples therapist. While he can save any relationship, his own love stories create a series of spectacular disasters. Handsome and funny, he could be the man of dreams, if not for the fact that he acts like a black cat on women. He brings bad luck to his chosen ones, which ends the most fiery romance with a bang. Unaware of Malwin's risk, she succumbs to his charm at first sight. Despite the fact that a series of unfortunate events begins in her life, Bruno is not going to give up this time. In order to save the love of her life, she must find the cause of her heart failures. However, he will not succeed without a bit of luck.
Told across a number of years, part of the ever waging war between the police and the criminal empires spanning Eastern Europe, we follow one young man's life, his childhood and adolescence and ultimately his descent into the criminal underworld. His path soon crosses with a policeman who will stop at nothing to catch him.
Mąż Sprzątającej
A storm causes damage to a bridge that connects the world of the living with the world of the dead. For this reason, the information about Maria’s own death reaches her with delay.
Marta is a romantic and a loser in school. She shares a room with her sister Kasia and grandma, who tells her granddaughters insurgency stories instead of fairy tales. In the room behind the wall, the parents - Tadek and Elżbieta - live their married life. He is an intelligent constantly humiliated by the state, he also makes his own moonshine after work and silently envies his prosperous brother in law. She is the leader of the "Solidarity" union at work, with the need for freedom and a dream to get out of Poland. The real adventure for the family starts when they manage to get their dream orange Fiat 126p. Ela and Tadek discover their appetite for trading and trips abroad, and the growing Marta will fall in love for the first time.
Домохозяйка, обожающая детективы, принимается за расследование убийства женщины и попутно узнает самые сокровенные тайны жителей маленького городка.
Karolina (Katarzyna Zawadzka) works in a bank, she is energetic, self-confident, go-getting. When the latest currency product comes into her hands - a loan in Swiss francs, the woman gets a great chance to prove herself. Having the full consent of his boss - Adam (Tomasz Karolak), he unscrupulously starts persuading clients to take the most risky and unfavorable investments. Jan (Jan Frycz) is the gray eminence of the Polish financiers. In his phone, he has contacts to the presidents of the largest banks in Poland. His cynical ideas and decisions affect the economy and the fate of hundreds of thousands of people overnight. Such as Artur (Rafał Zawierucha) - an ambitious head of an IT company who decides to use currency options to develop his business. His partner is Mateusz (Antoni Królikowski), who dreams of independence, his own place and the longed-for move away from his in-laws.
Anything is possible in Warsaw rising from the war rubble in 1953. The omnipresent uncertainty, denunciations, and the sense of constant surveillance are tamed with the help of vodka and good company. A renowned writer, Mister T. lives in a hotel for authors and makes a living by giving extra lessons. One day, a young countryside man moves into the next-door flat with big dreams of working as a journalist. Mister T. becomes his mentor and teacher. The pace of the protagonist's life quickens once the authorities begin to suspect him of an evil wish to blow up the Palace of Culture and Science, and Secret Police agents start to watch every move he makes. It is hard to stay serious in this ridiculous reality.
Ojciec Magdy
Stories of three women struggling with alcohol. Dorota is a great prosecutor. Using her immunity, she tries to avoid responsibility for her offenses committed under the influence of alcohol. Her husband, a famous politician, helps her keep the problem secret and rescues her from many troubles but he slowly loses patience. A respected children surgeon Teresa has lost her family due to drinking problem, all she is left with is her job at the hospital where she is the main doctor. The situation goes out of control when the woman comes drunk to the hospital. A student, Magda, likes to party hard and because she is a good student and has a great job, no-one opposes that. At one moment, the girl loses control. A tragedy happens.
Andrzej, warden of the prison
The story of Julita's meeting with her mother, who is serving a life sentence for murder.
On a mission from Stalin, a Russian officer sets out to convince Polish soldiers held at POW camps to collaborate with Communist authorities.
sierżant Berg
Конвой перевозит очередного убийцу, когда случайно выяснятся, что это другой человек и который не должен доехать до места назначения живым.Но не все в конвое знают об этом.
jako Prezes klubu
Fine-arts student Zosia is a young daredevil mural painter who enlivens Warsaw with lovely graffiti. She lives with her mother Roma and grandmother Romy in a beautiful villa that has come under threat from property developers. Romy has long lost the deeds to the house. Will the women lose their home? And will they want to stay there once Roma finds new love and granny reveals a secret from long ago?
A timid accountant tries to earn his living as a rather unsuccessful hitman, until one stormy night he pulls a trigger for the first time and becomes a target for the vengeful mafia boss, murderous gangsters, trigger-happy cops and a gorgeous blonde from hell – and if he’s not careful his own wife might catch wind of his double life too.
Боясь за безопасность своей семьи, охваченный националистической паранойей капитан армии готов любой ценой защищать то, что ему дорого.
pilot Ju-87
Young couple living in the old house suddenly discover an elevator which takes them directly to year 1939.
How was it possible that a single man influenced contemporary world so significantly? This film is an attempt to capture the phenomenon of a common man’s metamorphosis into a charismatic leader — an attempt to see how a Gdansk shipyard electrician fighting for workers’ rights awakened a hidden desire for freedom in millions of people.
Facet w czerni
История семерых закадычных друзей-полицейских. Один из команды погибает при невыясненных обстоятельствах. В убийстве коллеги обвиняют сержанта Рышарда Кролиса. Пытаясь докопаться до истины, он проводит собственное расследование, в результате которого обнаруживает паутину лжи и коррупции, в которой погрязли высокопоставленные чиновники.
Magik's father
One of the biggest Polish film premieres of 2012 and eagerly anticipated for over a decade, it is the story of the late 90s generation and the three friends behind the music: Magik, Focus and Rahim. The fact-based film directed by Leszek Dawid charts the relentless struggle for success of Paktofonika, against the backdrop of crumbling traditional values in dreary 90s Silesia. The contradictory ideals of hiphop - the rebellious, edgy lyrics against the ‘system’ juxtaposed with the money and fame sought by the artists - are superbly captured in this dark, unforgettable drama.
Stefan, ojciec Kazika
Drukarz Bogdan
История антикоммунистической борьбы во Вроцлаве в 1981 году. События фильма происходят за десять дней до того, как в Польше вводят военное положение. Владислав Фразинюк, лидер местного движения Солидарности, вместе с четырьмя товарищами похищает из банка 80 миллионов, чтобы организовать подпольное движение сопротивления.
Priest Edmund
Bogus Kowalski is such a radical 17-year-old rebel that he even decides to have a "Fuck Off" tattoo on his forehead. His anger and frustration cannot be diminished by anyone, including his mother, Polish teacher and priest.
Porno film producer
В большом, точно не названном городе начинается день. В бизнес-центре, в большом кабинете руководителя международной корпорации раздается звонок. Бизнесмен вглядывается в экран телефона, но все-таки отвечает. Звонит неряшливый толстяк, едущий в разболтанном фургоне. Он спрашивает о решении по поводу слежки. После секундного колебания бизнесмен подтверждает поручение. Он не предчувствует, что одно «да» вызовет лавину событий, которые повлияют на судьбы жителей города. Это начало истории, в которой пересекутся дороги многих людей, а каждое их решение будет иметь последствия не только для них самих. «Ноль» — это рассказ о любви и ненависти, о предающих и преданных, о тайнах, которые открываются по ходу этих странных суток. Запущенный механизм неизбежно изменит жизнь героев. Неизбежно ли?
Terapeuta Maciek
Piotr (Paweł Królikowski) jest psychiatrą. Siedzi na nocnym dyżurze, gdy na jego oddział przywożą chłopaka. To Kamil (Lesław Żurek), syn którego nie widział całe lata. Chłopak znika ze szpitala równie szybko, jak się pojawił. Jednak Piotr postanawia nawiązać z nim kontakt. Zaprasza go do siebie i poznaje ze swoją piękną, młodą narzeczoną (Anna Geislerová). Po wizycie Kamila kobieta uświadamia sobie, że Piotr jest dla niej zagadką i naprawdę nic o nim nie wie. A Piotr rzeczywiście skrywa mroczną tajemnicę…
Operation Danube was the cover name for the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact armies in August 1968. The fleet of Polish tanks which arrive to liberate their neighbor, ostensibly threatened by a counter-revolution, includes the old tank nicknamed Ladybird, which is the last to leave the barracks.
porucznik Jan B. Różycki
The film presents the last days of Gen. Sikorski, right before the Gibraltar catastrophe. The commander is accompanied by his daughter Zofia and a group of closest collaborators. They are all guests in the palace of the Governor of Gibraltar, Mason Macfarlane, who is supposed to persuade Sikorski to give back documents on the murder of Polish officers in Katyn. When Sikorski refuses, a plan of attempt on his life comes into action. Who stood behind it? Who executed it and how? Was Zofia on board of Liberator too?
Канун 2000 года. Зося Альбрехт-Радецка — счастливая жена и мать, ее второй брак очень удачен, а дочка Зоси, 12-летняя Флорентина, обожает своего отчима. Казалось бы, лучше и быть не может. И все-таки Зося упрекает судьбу за то, что она не подарила ей встречу с Якубом на 13 лет раньше. Когда она просыпается, оказывается, что ее мечта каким-то чудом исполнилась, и ей теперь на 13 лет меньше. На календаре май 1987 года, рядом с ней — ее первый муж Дарек, Флорки еще нет на свете, а за окном — закат ПНР. Когда Зося понимает, что все это — не кошмарный сон, она начинает действовать. Во-первых, нужно поскорее освободиться от мужа-тирана, во-вторых, как можно быстрее встретить Кубу…
handlarz Jan Bala
К отставному русскому военному офицеру приезжает дочка. Отец, рассказывая о своей жене, вспоминает ежедневную жизнь в «Малой Москве» в шестидесятых годах XX века. Тогда молодой капитан вместе с красивой женой Верой, был послан в самую «крутую» советскую базу в Польше, в Легници. В Легници Вера знакомится с Михаилом, польским подпоручиком, который с самой первой встречи старается сблизится с красивой россиянкой…
Three stories of young disillusioned Poles of different background and region of origin. What binds them together is that they all meet on the bus to London shortly after Poland's entry into EU.
"I am" tells the story of Kundel, a boy searching for his place in life, his identity. After running away from an orphanage where he is treated as an outcast among outcasts by both his peers and the adults in charge, and being rejected a second time by his alcoholic mother, who had earlier abandoned him, the resolute 11-year-old finds a "home" on a deserted old barge on the outskirts of his hometown. He is still an outcast, but he is an outcast on his own terms, rejecting both patronizing charitable gestures and coercion by local thugs. In the process he makes one true friend, a girl from an affluent family who is also an outcast, despite living in material comfort.
Uczestnik blokady
Piotr manages to buy a splendid though dilapidated villa from the eccentric 80-year-old painter Mimi. The woman treats him like her long-lost only son whereas Piotr tries to send her away to old people's home.
Kamil's father
During a ride a woman picks up a hitchhiker. From the very beginning the man doesn't come across as trustworthy and the woman, anxious and feeling the growing threat, decides to pick up one more person. In the confined space of the car the three strangers begin a tense game. The characters hide some secrets that, revealed in small steps, will lead to tragic events.