Laura de la Uz

Laura de la Uz

Рождение : 1970-01-01,


Laura de la Uz


El Mundo de Nelsito
Mission H2O
M (voice)
When evil M steals the water from Buenaventura and kidnaps Sara, Samuel and his friends board the powerful Knowledge Engine to set out on a dangerous adventure of epic proportions that will lead them to a distant and deadly world called Antares.
Maestra Chery
О танцовщике, который не хотел танцевать. История жизни легендарного кубинского артиста балета Карлоса Акосты. Карлос Акоста вырос в беднейшем квартале столицы Кубы в семье водителя грузовика. По настоянию и принуждению отца стал посещать национальную балетную школу в Гаване. Оглушительный успех на конкурсе в Швейцарии позволил Карлосу Акосте вскоре стать звездой балета мировой величины...
Espejuelos oscuros
A blind woman living alone in the country tells tales to a criminal holding her captive to keep him calm.
His Wedding Dress
In 90's Habana, a nurse and a home builder, hopelessly in love, live happily married. A circumstantial fact of her past life will put their feelings to test and undermine the most elemental principles.
The Wall of Words
A mother struggles to hold her family together after her son succumbs to a disease that leaves him disabled.
La película de Ana
Ana is a telenovela actress but because of financial troubles resorts to producing a prostitution documentary under false pretences.
Гавана, я люблю тебя
Rosa (Amiga de Novia de Angelito) (segment "El Yuma")
Мастера мирового авторского кино сняли 7 маленьких увлекательных историй, действие которых происходит в Гаване.
Chronic Love
Amor Crónico follows Grammy-nominated, Cuban-born CuCu Diamantes as she embarks on a whirlwind tour of her home country. Interweaving glamorous live performances with a fictional romance, the film pays tribute to the history of cinema in surreal fashion. Backed by a high energy Latin soundtrack, Cucu's journey is a visual love poem to the sites, sounds, and people of Cuba.
Los Minutos, Las Horas
Yoli always lived with her mother in a humble neighborhood in Havana. Until one day, a boy invites him to leave and Yoli decides to wait for him, trying to change his routine, even if it is for a day.
Рог изобилия
После статьи в газете, в которой сообщалось о том, что граждане по фамилии Кастиньейрас могут претендовать на многомиллионное наследство, дожидающееся своего законного владельца в британском банке, свои права на эти деньги предъявили более двадцати пяти тысяч кубинцев. Действие этой сатирической комедии происходит в маленьком кубинском городе, где новость о таинственном наследстве, оставленном некими английскими монахинями еще в 18-м столетии, производит эффект разорвавшейся бомбы. Все гордые обладатели фамилии Кастиньейрас тут же бросаются доказывать, что именно им-то и должны достаться вожделенные миллионы. Главный герой, Бернардито, решает возглавить эту безумную «золотую лихорадку».
El Benny
Based on the life of Benny Moré, the film concentrates on a period in the early 1950s when Moré leaves the orchestra of Duany and starts his own 'Banda Gigante'. In flashback we learn of his success in Mexico. Moré is caught in the events connected to Batista's coup in Cuba. Also, he tours Venezuela, where he suffers the machinations of a vengeful businessman. After collapsing and being hospitalised, Moré swears off alcohol. Some years later, he encounters his old band-mate Monchy, fallen on hard times.
Clandestine Stories in Havana
Argentine 40-year-old Laura, visiting Cuba for the first time on business, is divorcing her husband back in Buenos Aires. She's soon involved with smooth-talking cab driver Frank. Garment manufacturer Francisco, having lost his wife, children, and home, has traveled to Cuba to kill himself, but Frank's mother realizes that Francisco is the teenage lover who got her pregnant. In other relationships, a gay couple argue over whether or not to remain in the closet, and two documentary filmmakers have career conflicts.
The 50-minute "Madagascar" has the resonance and eloquence of the best poetry, as it deftly turns an adolescent's search for identity into a metaphor for post-revolutionary Cuba. Laura is a professor at a shabby, stultifying college. Her daughter, Laurita, stops going to school, wishes to move to Madagascar and quickly races through several phases. One day, she looks like a heavy-metal fan, another like a bohemian who weeps at poetry and art. Slowly, she crosses the line from ordinary adolescent confusion to intense neurosis and beyond, finally becoming so obsessed with religion and good works that she brings 10 homeless children into the cramped house she shares with her mother and grandmother.