Path of Terror (2014)

When Your Past Crosses Your Path

Genre : Horror

Runtime : 0M

Director : Jeff Moore


Ashley (Michelle Cohl) is a beautiful young woman looking forward to spending a romantic evening with her man. But plans of fun quickly become a life or death struggle when she finds intruders in her home. Trying to talk her way out of being hurt, she locks eyes with a familiar face from her past that triggers a series of tragic events she ultimately faces head on during this night of terror. With her adrenaline pumping, she must remain calm and try to find a way out of this alive. The odds are not in her favor and she knows it. Expected Release: Winter 2014


Michelle Cohl
Michelle Cohl
Ashley Fader
Mike Williams
Mike Williams
Shane Harding
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith
Luke Harding
Rick D. Smith
Rick D. Smith
Kyle Brennan
Jason Prescott


Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore
Benjie Solorzano
Benjie Solorzano
Camera Supervisor
Benjie Solorzano
Benjie Solorzano
Mike Williams
Mike Williams
Production Artist
Jeff Moore
Jeff Moore
Camera Operator


Friday the 13th Part 2
Five years after the horrible bloodbath at Camp Crystal Lake, a new group of counselors roam the area, not sensing an ominous lurking presence that proves the grisly legend is real.
Wrong Turn 4: Bloody Beginnings
A group of friends take refuge in a deserted sanatorium after they are left stranded in a snowstorm. Later, the place becomes a death trap when man-eating cannibals surround them.
Wrong Turn 2: Dead End
Retired military commander Colonel Dale Murphy hosts the simulated post-apocalyptic reality show where participants are challenged to survive a remote West Virginia wasteland. But the show turns into a nightmarish showdown when each realizes they are being hunted by an inbred family of cannibals determined to make them all dinner!
Wrong Turn
Chris crashes into a carload of other young people, and the group of stranded motorists is soon lost in the woods of West Virginia, where they're hunted by three cannibalistic mountain men who are grossly disfigured by generations of inbreeding.
Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead
A group of people find themselves trapped in the backwoods of West Virginia, fighting for their lives against a group of vicious and horribly disfigured inbred cannibals.
Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort
A sudden and mysterious inheritance brings Danny and his friends to Hobb Springs, a forgotten resort deep in the West Virginia hills. Hobb Springs is being looked after under the watchful care of Jackson and Sally, a socially awkward couple who introduce Danny to the long lost family he's never known. A clan by the name of Hillicker. But soon Danny learns his relatives have a different way of living, that for generations, the Hillickers have observed ancient traditions rooted in cannibalism and other taboo rituals.
Wrong Turn 5: Bloodlines
A small West Virginia town is hosting the legendary Mountain Man Festival on Halloween, where throngs of costumed party goers gather for a wild night of music and mischief. But an inbred family of hillbilly cannibals kill the fun when they trick and treat themselves to a group of visiting college students.
Dead bodies begin to turn up all over the city, each meeting their demise in a variety of grisly ways. All investigations begin to point the finger at deceased killer John Kramer.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Teenagers in a small town are dropping like flies, apparently in the grip of mass hysteria causing their suicides. A cop's daughter, Nancy Thompson, traces the cause to child molester Fred Krueger, who was burned alive by angry parents many years before. Krueger has now come back in the dreams of his killers' children, claiming their lives as his revenge. Nancy and her boyfriend, Glen, must devise a plan to lure the monster out of the realm of nightmares and into the real world...
A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
Dream demon Freddy Krueger is resurrected from his apparent demise, and rapidly tracks down and kills the remainder of the Elm Street kids. However, Kristen, who can draw others into her dreams, wills her special ability to her friend Alice. Alice soon realizes that Freddy is taking advantage of that unknown power to pull a new group of children into his foul domain.
Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Just when you thought it was safe to sleep, Freddy Krueger returns in this sixth installment of the Nightmare on Elm Street films, as psychologist Maggie Burroughs, tormented by recurring nightmares, meets a patient with the same horrific dreams. Their quest for answers leads to a certain house on Elm Street -- where the nightmares become reality.
New Nightmare
A demonic force has chosen Freddy Krueger as its portal to the real world. Can Heather Langenkamp play the part of Nancy one last time and trap the evil trying to enter our world?
Jason X
In the year 2455, Old Earth is now a contaminated planet abandoned for centuries -- a brown world of violent storms, toxic landmasses and poisonous seas. Yet humans have returned to the deadly place that they once fled, not to live, but to research the ancient, rusting artifacts of the long-gone civilizations. But it's not the harmful environment that could prove fatal to the intrepid, young explorers who have just landed on Old Earth. For them, it's Friday the 13th, and Jason lives!
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood
A young girl who possesses the deadly power of telekinesis accidentally unchains the bloodthirsty Jason Voorhees from his watery grave.
Friday the 13th Part III
An idyllic summer turns into a nightmare of unspeakable terror for yet another group of naive counselors. Ignoring Camp Crystal Lake's bloody legacy, one by one they fall victim to the maniacal Jason, who stalks them at every turn...
Friday the 13th: A New Beginning
Homicidal maniac Jason returns from the grave to cause more bloody mayhem. Young Tommy may have escaped from Crystal Lake, but he’s still haunted by the gruesome events that happened there. When gory murders start happening at the secluded halfway house for troubled teens where he now lives, it seems like his nightmarish nemesis, Jason, is back for more sadistic slaughters.
Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
After his revival in a hospital morgue, Jason fixes his vengeful attention on the Jarvis family and a group of hitherto carefree teenagers.
Friday the 13th
Camp counselors are stalked and murdered by an unknown assailant while trying to reopen a summer camp that was the site of a child's drowning.
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives
Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that Jason Voorhees isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.
Freddy vs. Jason
Freddy Krueger enlists Jason Voorhees to kill on his behalf on Elm Street, in order to restore fear and haunt children's dreams.


Lost In Detroit 2
The sequel to the award-winning short film "Lost in Detroit" picks up with Leah (Maria Wasikowski) looking for a place to park to meet her friends at the Tigers game. Worlds collide as Natalie (Niki Cipriano) and Monica (Michelle Cohl) make their escape and look to Maria for safety. With a gang of deranged lunatics hot on their trail, running through the streets of Detroit looking for anyone who can help is their only hope.
Lost in Detroit
A film crew working on a 48 Hour Film project in Detroit goes missing. Some found footage surfaces on a SD card and tells the gruesome tale of what happened to the film crew and actors that fateful day.