This animated short by Miyazaki was created as a music video for the song "On Your Mark" by Japanese duo Chage & Aska. The narrative is non-linear with no dialog and loosely follows the song lyrics and chorus. The video feels like a very compressed version of an epic Miyazaki film. The story follows two police officers in a futuristic setting in their repeated attempts at rescuing a mysterious winged girl.
Includes the songs: Djembe, Gratitude (Live), Sabotage, The Hurricane Freestyle, Triphamnmer, Skills To Pay The Bills (Live), Time For Living, Sabrosa, Something's Got to Give, Screaming At a Wall (Live), Namaste' (Live), Futterman's Rule, 5-Piece Chicken Dinner, Jimmy James, Conga + Bass, Mullethead, Ricky's Theme, and So What 'Cha Want (Live with Cypress Hill).
Music video for the second single from the album "Sandy & Junior" (2006). The music video was inspired by the film "Tudo Sobre Minha Mãe" (1999), by Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar. It is different from the traditional format, as it presents a long narrative, in which the music appears more as a complement to the story told in the video. It was shot on 16mm cameras and became a short film.
Dance videos from the 1980's: Taylor Dayne - Tell It To My Heart | The Pasadenas - Tribute (Right On) | Technotronic - Pump Up The Jam | Time Bandits - I'm Specialized In You | Tiffany - I Think We're Alone Now | Moses - We Just Inner City - Big Fun | Wham! - Young Guns (Go For It!) | Sabrina - Boys (Summertime Love) | Bros - When Will I Be Famous? | B.V.S.M.P. - I Need You | Herbie Hancock - Rock It | Malcolm McLaren - Something's Jumping In My Shirt | Desireless - Voyage Voyage | Donna Allen - Serious | The Cool Notes - Spend The Night | Jeff Wayne & Justin Hayward - The Eve Of The War (Remix) | Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam - Head To Toe | Hithouse - Move Your Feet To The Rhythm Of The Beat | Drum Theatre - Eldorado
In this animated short film featuring Matthew Mcdaid's song, we accompany Joan on a journey through space as he tries to escape from the mossy walls of the factory he works in. Full short film in youtube "54321 - Short film by Pau Muns"