Crawford James

Crawford James


Crawford James


No Mirror Land
Mirrors don't exist in this world, so people are given a double to live with. Who is the reflection, and who is the reflector?
The 6th Day
Security Guard
A world of the very near future in which cattle, fish, and even the family pet can be cloned. But cloning humans is illegal - that is until family man Adam Gibson (Arnold Schwarzenegger) comes home from work one day to find a clone has replaced him. Taken from his family and plunged into a sinister world he doesn't understand, Gibson must not only save himself from the assassins who must destroy him to protect their secret, but uncover who and what is behind the horrible things happening to him.
Sixteen Tongues
Adrian Torque
The lives of an assasin and her hacker girlfriend are shattered when they cross paths with a rogue cop holed up inside an S/M hotel.