Walther Grotenhuis


Ghosts of Viggo
A documentary in which after being released from prison, former criminal Viggo wonders why he developed from a sensitive little boy into a merciless criminal. He decides to give up his criminal existence for good and dives into his past to avoid making the very same mistakes a second time. Viggo realizes that the damage he suffered because of his family might jeopardize his new life. His quest, in which he drags his two sister, leads to painful confrontations with their past and also with one another. The secrets of their incestuous family and manipulative father are unraveled little by little.
Ghosts of Viggo
A documentary in which after being released from prison, former criminal Viggo wonders why he developed from a sensitive little boy into a merciless criminal. He decides to give up his criminal existence for good and dives into his past to avoid making the very same mistakes a second time. Viggo realizes that the damage he suffered because of his family might jeopardize his new life. His quest, in which he drags his two sister, leads to painful confrontations with their past and also with one another. The secrets of their incestuous family and manipulative father are unraveled little by little.
Enjoy Your Meal!
Filmmaker Walter Grotenhuis remembers how he used to look forward to Sundays when he was a boy. That was the day that his family would eat meat for lunch. But several decades later, this is no longer the special occasion it was back then. On the contrary: thanks to globalization, we can eat whatever we want whenever we want, regardless of the season, and for the lowest prices imaginable. But what are the consequences? While a single delicious meal is prepared in a Dutch kitchen over the course of the film, Grotenhuis traces its ingredients, showing the effects of the production of the food on its environment. Following in the footsteps of films like Food Inc., We Feed the World, and Our Daily Bread, Enjoy Your Meal questions the modern-day food industry without condemning it outright.
De Koele Woede van Bernhard Willem Holtrop
Bernhard 'Willem' Holtrop is ? van Europa's meest controversi? cartoonisten. Zijn cartoons hebben vaak opschudding veroorzaakt: prijzen en rechtszaken houden gelijke tred met Willems fascinaties voor seks en macht. Wie is die man en welke visie is de bron van zijn cartoons? We gaan op zoek naar de bronnen van zijn werk en hoe hij die transformeert tot een kunstzinnig universum. Een universum waarin zijn vrouw Medi een grote rol speelt. De koele woede van Bernhard Willem Holtrop is een documentaire over de liefde, temidden van het geweld en machtswellust uit zijn cartoons.