Bruce Morrow

Bruce Morrow


Bruce Morrow


Dirty Dancing - The Phenomenon
A look at the legacy and impact of Dirty Dancing
Dirty Dancing
Expecting the usual tedium that accompanies a summer in the Catskills with her family, 17-year-old Frances 'Baby' Houseman is surprised to find herself stepping into the shoes of a professional hoofer—and unexpectedly falling in love.
Morgan Stewart's Coming Home
Delivery Man
After seven years in boarding school, Morgan Stewart is finally coming home. He discovers it's not the same happy home it used to be....
"Cousin" Bruce Morrow
A black doctor ex-convict returns to the all-white town he knows as home and discovers a deadly disease threatening the citizens. He must fight prejudice and time if he is to save the town.
Between Time and Timbuktu
Contest announcer
A poet-astronaut is shot through an area of space called the Chronosynclastic Infundibulum. He is duplicated into infinite copies of himself, each of whom finds himself in a bizarre situations on a different world. (These scenarios are all derived from the novels and short stories of 'Kurt Vonnegut Jr.', including Cat's Cradle, Welcome to the Monkey House, 'Harrison Bergeron', and 'Happy Birthday, Wanda June'
Will the Real Norman Mailer Please Stand Up?
Portrait of Norman Mailer at the time of the Pentagon demonstrations in 1967, documenting Mailer's involvement and arrest, together with two TV appearances and shooting on the set of his second film 'Beyond the Law'.