Lars Lunøe

Birth : 1936-04-19,


Terribly Happy
Robert Hansen, 34, a young police officer from Copenhagen, is transferred against his will to the small town of Skarrild in Southern Jutland as a substitute Marshall. The transfer is Robert’s chance to start over. Whether he is allowed to return to his job in Copenhagen, all depends on how well he performs in this frontier town.
Krummerne: Så er det jul igen
The Judge
Jens Christians far
Jens Christian er en strømlinet karrieredreng og nyudnævnt formand for Flygtningenævnet. Arbejdet er livets omdrejningspunkt og alt er godt, indtil en bortadopteret søn melder sin ankomst, og en usædvanlig vanskelig asylsag lander på skrivebordet. Pludselig er det ikke rigtige valg ikke soleklart for Jens Christian, der står splittet mellem forpligtelser og følelser.
Facing the Truth
In his new film, an intriguing and delicately crafted drama, Malmros portrays the poignant story of a man, who grew up in very modest circumstances in the early years of the 20th century, but whose diligence, intelligence and willingness to endure hardship helped him to become a leading brain surgeon. A success story on the face of it, but a story about a man - who is none other than the director's father - a man of powerful emotions. The film explores the nature and origin of the guilt that repeatedly deprived him of happiness.
Two Penny Dance
The story of Juliane, a young woman who learns how to take her fate in her own hands and to trust nobody but herself. The plot is set in the Copenhagen tenements of the 1880s. Juliane is trapped in an unhappy marriage to a man who suffers extended periods of insanity. They have two children. She struggles to improve her social status, however, striving to attain the level of her two elder sisters is not easy. The great upheaval comes when she meets Otto, a smith, younger than Juliane, and in many ways her opposite. He is an ardent socialist, whereas she believes in herself. It is love at first sight when they meet and waltz on the pavement, but their passion really bursts into flame as time goes by. At last Juliane has found a man as strong-willed as she is.
The Kingdom II
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", "Riget" means "the realm" or "the kingdom" and leads one to think of "dødsriget", the realm of the dead.
The Bad Seeds
Policeman Lasse rehabilitates young prisoners by taking them on survival course in the Swedish wasteland. And before he has to retire due to illness, he arranges one last trip.
The Kingdom
Set in the neurosurgical ward of Copenhagen's Rigshospitalet, the city and country's main hospital, nicknamed "Riget", a number of characters, staff and patients alike, encounter bizarre phenomena, both human and supernatural.
Stolen Spring
At their 25th high-school anniversary some bourgeois citizens remember their time in school as a happy one. In reality it was quite the contrary. The school was a madhouse in which the teachers, especially Blomme, tormented the students. As a result one of them became a murderer.
The Silent Touch
Henry Kesdi is a silenced classical composer and a survivor of the Holocaust. He is coaxed out from retirement by an inspired musicologist, Stefan, who convinces him to compose a complex symphony on his neglected piano. As a help Kesdi gets his new musical secretary. His loyal wife reluctantly accepts her as his young lover.
Kærlighed uden stop
Peter von Scholten
Han frigav slaverne i 1848. Han talte konge og regering imod. Han elskede sine samtidige koner lige højt. Han var farverig, han var enevældig, han var Danmarks sidste generalguvernør på De vestindiske Øer, hans navn var Peter von Scholten. Filmen om ham er en pragtfuld historie om storhed, magt og stædighed på den ene side, og om kærlighed, loyalitet og vemod på den anden. Den er et farverigt galleri af personer, der viser tiden, danskeren i det fremmede – og det sorte menneske i relief til det hvide.
Barndommens gade
En rig mand
I en lille 2-værelses baggårdslejlighed, på Vesterbro i København, bor den 14 årige Ester (Sofie Gråbøl) sammen med faderen (Torben Jensen), moderen (Vigga Bro) og storebroderen Carl (Carl Quist Møller). Det er tidens typiske arbejderkvarter og lejligheden er uden nogen form for moderne bekvemmeligheder. Koks skal hentes i en mørk kælder, hvor hjemløse har søgt ly og logi for natten. Ester er en drømmer. Hendes ønske er at blive forfatter og hun skriver digte i det skjulte. Hun glemmer ofte tid og sted, når hendes tanker går på langfart.
It's a World Full of Children
Susanne, a journalist, and Morten, a cellist, desperately want a child, but are unsuccessful. The situation leads to desperate acts, occasional drunkenness, and solace for her with a discreet lover.
Borgmester Heidersvold
Efter et sanatorieophold pga. voldelig opførsel under en arrestation, bliver kriminalassistent Karl Jørgensen overført til bedrageriafdelingen. Her opdager Karl en sag, hvor hans ekskone og hendes nye mand er indblandet. Da Karl begynder at undersøge sagen, bliver han stoppet af politimesteren. Karl slår sig sammen med journalisten John Bullnes. De kommer efterhånden tættere på sandheden, men stoppes da en mistænkt begår selvmord. Karl bliver suspenderet og Bullnes sendes til Berlin på en opgave. Karl tager herefter sagen i egen hånd og anholder byens borgmester og en stor entreprenør. © Copyright 1997-2012, Lone Hansen & Per Kjær Fredborg
The Ghost Train
Spøgelsestoget (English title: The ghost train) is a 1976 Danish family film directed by Bent Christensen. It is based on the 1923 play The Ghost Train by Arnold Ridley.
Pigen og drømmeslottet
Siden hun var barn, har pigen Tine drømt om det smukke slot, hendes elskede tante er nabo til. Hun forelsker sig også i slottets unge ejer, Karsten, og han gengælder hendes følelser, selvom han længe har sørget over tabet af en kæreste. Denne kæreste viser sig imidlertid slet ikke at være død. I virkeligheden er dette en del af et komplot, som skal franarre Karsten hans ejendom ved at udnytte hans økonomiske problemer.
Gold for the Tough Guys of the Prairie
Slim O'Hara
Comedic western, where the 4 guys this time have to help find a gold transport. They get help from the cunning girl Shannahoo.
Count Haupt
This adaptation of Emile Zola's novel "NANA," is about the sexual liaisons of a woman who through her relationships with different men, enjoys a life of pleasure and luxury. However, her lavish life-style does not always bring happiness.
Tough Guys of the Prairie
Slim O'Hara
Wild West Danish comedy.
Mig og dig
The Red Horses
Stefan Willers
Doctor Glas
Klas Recke, Helga's lover
Doctor Glas finds himself attracted to a young woman, married to a corrupt clergyman. She's miserable in her marriage, so he agrees to help in anyway he can. But he is quickly torn between passion and morality.
The Reluctant Sadist
Svensktalende mand
A poor dandy embezzled large sums of money and buys the title Marquis De Sade to impress the upper class. The film premiered as "I am a Marquis."
Old Maids
Doktor Jørgensen
Bettina Eriksen, manager of her Uncle Teodor's nursing home, is being framed for murder. With the help of 2 older ladies, Bettina sets out to find out the murderer's identity and motive.