Phillip Wilburn


Cuddle Party
A bickering couple torment other participants as they attend a cuddle therapy group.
Hannah Mantegna
Digital Effects Producer
Joe Mantegna spoofs Hannah Montana.
Bienvenidos a Los Angeles
LAX Traffic Cop
Inspired by true events and shot on location at LAX airport, "Bienvenidos a Los Angeles" tells the timely story of Imani, a Nigerian single-mother living in Los Angeles, who offers to help a perfect stranger reunite with her son. In doing so, Imani learns this simple act of kindness threatens to jeopardize her own path to citizenship.
Stalking Emo
Two young filmmakers travel the country following comedy legend Emo Philips to literally multiple shows, interviewing his fans to discover the true nature of their fixation with coleslaw enthusiast and comedian, Emo Philips.