Third installment in the Gangdagu series that followed the unofficial 1990 Korean Dragon Ball film. Sequel to "Hypnotic Queen Beauty." No translations/subtitles accessible. Possibly the same director, as his name in Korean is in the credits. There is little information is available on the cast/crew, or release details. Original Korean Title: 깡다구 화이터 03 흑룡파 일당과의 대결
Second installment in the Gangdagu series that followed the unofficial 1990 Korean Dragon Ball film. Sequel to "Invaders of Planet Lewis." No translations/subtitles accessible. Possibly the same director, as his name in Korean is in the credits. There is little information is available on the cast/crew, or release details. Original Korean Title: 깡다구 화이터 02 최면술의 여왕 뷰티
Korean, apocryphal and very free adaptation of the famous manga ‘Dragon Ball’, where the popular Son Goku acts as a detective, while the Earth is invaded by aliens known as ‘saiyans’. A discarding neuronally toxic tape where there is also room for giant robots and intergalactic kung fu.
Initial installment in the Gangdagu series that followed the unofficial 1990 Korean Dragon Ball film. No translations/subtitles accessible. Possibly the same director, as his name in Korean is in the credits. There is little information is available on the cast/crew, or release details. Original Korean Title: 깡다구 화이터 01 루이스 행성의 침략자
The young warrior Son Ogong (Son Goku) goes on a outrageous quest to acquire seven magical orbs, along the way beating up evil persons who want to steal the orbs for their own ends.