Jorge Laplace


La Absoluta
The Spanish national soccer team will change forever thanks to Madrid's Iker Casillas and Barcelona's Xavi Hernandez. Both, along with the best players of their generation, will turn a historically losing side into the best team in history.
30 días para ganar
After a lifetime of suffering social rejection due to their children's disabilities, a group of parents decides to create the first Mexican alpine ski team in order to give them visibility and so that they can feel what it means to win.
100 Days with Tata
During the pandemic, actor Miguel Ángel Muñoz documents his 100-plus days living in a tiny flat with his beloved Tata, 95, who becomes an Instagram star.
23 Disparos
23 Disparos
The Perfect Bunny
To find the perfect partner is not an easy job.
30 Years of Darkness
When the Spanish Civil War came to an end, Manuel Cortes was unable to flee the country. After a long journey, he managed to get back home in the dark without being discovered. His wife, Juliana, told him how the winning forces were shooting many of their fellow citizens. Manuel and Juliana decided to dig a small hole in the wall for Manuel to hide in. He could not even begin to imagine that this small hideaway was to become his private jail for the following 30 years. This is the story of the so-called post-war moles, people who had to put their lives on hold in order to escape from the repression imposed by the victors of the civil war.
Cuestión de suerte
Life is a question of luck.
Palomita Mía
Manuel Franco, Manolita's father, has died. Mother and daughter decide to cook their favourite dish to celebrate it; a tasty liver steak. When the child goes to get the meat she realized that the butcher's is close. Convinced that she have to arrive home with the dinner she decided to pay the last visit to her dead father.