Brian K. Spector


Iranium is a timely documentary presenting the dangerous scenarios posed to the free world by a nuclear Iran. The film exposes the dangerous ideology guiding the Iranian regime, and the devastation caused both inside and outside Iran's borders.
Relentless: Struggle for Peace in the Middle East
Relentless: The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East was produced by the pro-Israel media watchdog group HonestReporting [sic]. The concentrates on the causes of the Second Intifada through an examination of compliance the Oslo Accords, by Israel and the Palestinian Authority. It pays particular attention to the failure of the Palestinian Authority to "educate for peace". The documentary shows interviews with Itamar Marcus, director of Palestinian Media Watch, S. El-Herfi, Raanan Gissin, Caroline Glick, John Loftus, Sherri Mandel, Yariv Oppenheim, Daniel Pipes, Tashbih Sayyed and Natan Sharansky.