Lee Beggs


The Red Rider
Mayor 'Soapy' Caswell
"Red" Davison(Buck Jones), the sheriff of Sun Dog, sacrifices his job and his good name to save his best friend, "Silent" Slade from the hangman's noose, following a framed-up court decision which sentences Slade to hang for the murder of "Scotty McKee (J.P. McGowan). Davidson allows Slade to escape from jail and follows him to aid him in proving his innocence.
Lazy River
Det. Ed
Ex-convicts try to stop a Chinese smuggling ring.
Stepping Along
Boss O'Brien
Johnny Rooney is a fast-stepping young politician and Molly Taylor is an even faster-stepping showgirl in "George White's Scandals" in a tale of New York City's theatrical and political life during prohibition and the jazz-age.
Janice Meredith
Benjamin Franklin
It is 1774, the eve of the American War of Independence. Janice comes from a Tory household. She cavorts with American and British alike, is pursued by Charles Fownes, patriot and friend of General Washington.
Samuel Adams
The story of a family caught up in the American Revolutionary War.
The Iron Trail
Dr. Cyrus Gray
Alaskan railroad magnate Curtis Gordon hires engineer Dan Appleton to design a railroad route up the Salmon River to the rich gold country. Gordon turns down the engineer's proposed route in favor of his own, and Appleton quits. Murray O'Neil, a rival builder, hires him and falls in love with his sister Eliza, while Appleton courts Natalie, Gordon's stepdaughter. Following Appleton's plan, O'Neil lays the trail with a bridge crossing the river in face of Gordon's opposition.
Billy the Bear Tamer
A young man's girlfriend is forbidden by her father to see him again. When the father takes his family on a hunting trip to the woods, the girl and her suitor hatch a plan where he dresses up in a bear suit to "menace" the family, then leaves and reappears as himself to "save" them. However, things don't go quite to plan.
Bertie’s Stratagem
Just out of college, in love with Letty Grey, whose father is quick-tempered and opposed to him, also possessing a wealthy rival, Bertie feels he doesn't stand much show until he tells his troubles to Belle Chester, his cousin. Her sympathy and encouragement brace him up wonderfully. Meanwhile, Letty's father has bullied her into submitting to an engagement with the rival, Clarence Merkle, who is a susceptible gentleman of some 40 summers. Bertie learns of this, and in despair, again consults Belle. She tells him she will reconnoiter the enemy. She visits Letty, is introduced to Merkle, and learns he simply cannot resist a woman's wiles. She then secures a classy walking rig, tells Bertie to put it on, assists him to fix up as a fair young damsel, and gets him introduced at Grey's house as her friend from the West.
The Vanishing Vault
While stopping at the Bronzegilt Hotel, Slick and Slim, two high-class and well-dressed burglars, overhear Baroness Vodka tell the manager she wishes to place her million-dollar box of jewels in the hotel vault, which is set into the wall at the end of the hallway. The manager accordingly escorts her to the big safe, and she watches him place the little box inside. Next morning the manager goes to cash a check for the Baroness, and finds the whole vault has completely vanished.
The Boarding House Feud
Aching for an opportunity to get square with strong-willed Mrs. Drexel, boarding house mistress and mother of his sweetheart, Constance, Billy sees his opportunity when his uncle Battledore is suddenly called out of town. He hangs out a "Boarders Wanted" sign in front of his uncle's house, then with a big roll of bills the young man, just after Mrs. Drexel has given all the servants a raking over, lures them all away from her. When her boarders troop down to breakfast and find no breakfast awaiting them they all quit on the spot with feelings beyond description.
The Master of His House
Becoming extremely tired of his wife's propensity for indulging in bridge whist parties and other social functions, to the sad neglect of her domestic duties, Walter Greene determines to teach her a lesson.
A Study in Tramps
Because of a family feud, Bobby Scrawn's love for Mary Stretch seems hopeless, particularly after the young man has been spanked with a fence picket wielded by the sturdy arm of Pa Stretch. A few days later Mrs. Stretch gives a preliminary talk on tramps and how they can be saved. She announces the subject will be continued at her home on the following Thursday. Mary gets a startling idea and tells Bobby of it. Thursday arrives and twenty or more women are listening to Mrs. Stretch talk on hobos, when "Hungry Hank," a tough-looking and ragged tramp, applies at the kitchen door for a "hand-out."
Burglarius Billy
Finding that his attentions to Nellie are undesirable in the eyes of Jenkins, her father. Billy tries to elope with the girl, but the young people's plans are overheard by the old gentleman, who disguises himself in Nellie's cloak and veil and attends the meeting place himself. Father beats Billy up and chases him away from the place after ordering him never to come back. Billy conceives a brilliant idea. With his handkerchief over his face, bandit-fashion, he sneaks up to the Jenkins home that evening and climbs in a convenient window...
The Young Man Who 'Figgered'
Bobby Tucker, while strolling about a Railroad Station, spies Nan Tubbs, a charming young lady whom her father and mother are very anxious to marry off to some rich young man. While waiting for a train she smiles at Bobby and he smiles back. Papa catches them at it, and horrified, hustles her away, after delivering a severe lecture on the subject of flirting. A few minutes later Pa Tubbs happens to pick up a sheet of paper on which Bobby had been industriously "figgering," and finds written on it, "My profit $50,000." Deciding the young man must be a millionaire in disguise, Pa Tubbs immediately makes amends by introducing his daughter to Bobby, who is rather bewildered, but tells them, "My father is Major-Gen. Tucker." This augments the young man's prestige, and he is invited to spend a week at the Tubbs' home.
The Green Cat
Within twenty-four hours after Bedelia, an old maid, has lost her green cat, she is begging Boggs, of the National Detective Agency, to find her lost pet and offering him $1,000 reward as an added inducement. Billy, Boggs' assistant, goes out on the case and finally tracks down a kitten which had received an accidental bath from a can of green paint. Boggs decides he will earn the reward a little easier, and tells his daughter Constance to get him a stray cat, which he intends to paint green, then claim the reward.
The Green Cat
Detective Boggs
Within twenty-four hours after Bedelia, an old maid, has lost her green cat, she is begging Boggs, of the National Detective Agency, to find her lost pet and offering him $1,000 reward as an added inducement. Billy, Boggs' assistant, goes out on the case and finally tracks down a kitten which had received an accidental bath from a can of green paint. Boggs decides he will earn the reward a little easier, and tells his daughter Constance to get him a stray cat, which he intends to paint green, then claim the reward.
Billy's Wager
The wealthy Mr. Billy gives a party at his palatial residence. He is in love with the handsome widow, Mrs. Constance, and has a deadly rival, the Count De Meaux. During the evening the latter makes a wager for five thousand dollars with Billy that he could not earn his own living for one month without help. Billy takes the bet and the widow promises to marry him if he wins it. He is not to accept assistance of any kind from friends, nor draw any money from his bank, and he is to start out penniless. The wager is to expire at twelve midnight on Hallowe'en.
Forcing Dad's Consent
Constance and Billy are sweethearts. Mr. and Mrs. Boggs, her parents, are both prim, straitlaced people. Pa Boggs has little use for young men of the present generation and when Billy awkwardly drops a race-track badge on the floor, Boggs rises up in his wrath and orders the "perfidious gambler" from his house forever.
Forcing Dad's Consent
Mr. Boggs
Constance and Billy are sweethearts. Mr. and Mrs. Boggs, her parents, are both prim, straitlaced people. Pa Boggs has little use for young men of the present generation and when Billy awkwardly drops a race-track badge on the floor, Boggs rises up in his wrath and orders the "perfidious gambler" from his house forever.
The Egyptian Mummy
Prof. Hicks
In order to make money, a man hires a bum to pretend to be a mummy, so he can sell the "body" for scientific experiments.
The Egyptian Mummy
In order to make money, a man hires a bum to pretend to be a mummy, so he can sell the "body" for scientific experiments.
In Bridal Attire
A young man finds himself forced to take a trolley car and a motorcycle in order to get to his wedding. Complications ensue.
The Evolution of Percival
Because of his effeminacy, Percival and Mildred are humiliated wherever they go. After some very distressing incidents in a restaurant, on the boardwalk and on the beach, she becomes thoroughly disgusted, and breaks off the engagement, saying she wants to marry a real man. Percival is almost heartbroken and confides his troubles to a friend, who suggests he make a hero of himself by fighting "Young Hickey," a pugilist.
Father's Timepiece
Through the carelessness of his office-boy, Stillwell drops his watch and puts a dent in the case. He arrives home in a rage to find his daughter Marjorie talking to Reggie, her lover, whom he detests. Stillwell sends the boy packing and his daughter tearfully leaves the room. Later, at a street crossing, Stillwell is knocked down by an auto and helped to his feet by "Slippery Jim," a pickpocket, who, at the same time relieves the old gentleman of his watch. Pete, a hobo, also runs to Stlllwell's assistance, and is accused of taking the watch. He is arrested and locked up. Reggie, looking to secure a cheap watch, visits the pawnshop where "Slippery Jim" had sold the dented timepiece, and purchases it.
Father's Timepiece
Old Stillwell - Marjorie's Father
Through the carelessness of his office-boy, Stillwell drops his watch and puts a dent in the case. He arrives home in a rage to find his daughter Marjorie talking to Reggie, her lover, whom he detests. Stillwell sends the boy packing and his daughter tearfully leaves the room. Later, at a street crossing, Stillwell is knocked down by an auto and helped to his feet by "Slippery Jim," a pickpocket, who, at the same time relieves the old gentleman of his watch. Pete, a hobo, also runs to Stlllwell's assistance, and is accused of taking the watch. He is arrested and locked up. Reggie, looking to secure a cheap watch, visits the pawnshop where "Slippery Jim" had sold the dented timepiece, and purchases it.
Our Fairy Play
The Payne family of Lonesomeville set up a Fairy Play, founded upon the story of "The Sleeping Beauty," and Helene Payne secures the wealthy Mrs. Wilson's financial support. She is a lady no longer young, but insists upon playing the ingenue lead. Miss Tibbitts. a mournful old maid, is secured for their "Danseuse." Willey Finley gives out the parts, while Doctor Heffernan is given the directorship.
The Maid from Sweden
In search of a maid, Mrs. Cook, an aristocratic and extremely proud society woman, goes to an employment agency and hires Luna, fat, awkward and straight from Sweden. The new maid creates quite a stir in the staid and fashionable home of Mrs. Cook. While capering about in her room above, she brings down the ceiling. Mrs. Cook saves her from being discharged and then calls up the plasterer, whose name is John Haines, a widower, and the father of Bert, the chauffeur, in love with Marie Cook, their daughter. John fixes the ceiling, and on his return home finds a note from his son saying he is going to be married and suggests his father follow his example. John tells the news to Luna, proposes to her, and without a second's hesitation, she accepts him.
Mr. Bruce Wins at Cards
Casino Owner
Mr. Bruce wins at cards but spends the night desperately trying to protect his winnings from the crooked casino owners.
Cousins of Sherlocko
Two mediocre detectives try and catch a notorious pickpocket. Meanwhile, an innocent man is mistaken for the pickpocket and is forced to put on a disguise to evade capture.
Making an American Citizen
Ivan Orloff
A recent immigrant learns several hard lessons about how husbands in America are expected to behave.
Canned Harmony
Evelyn's Father
The Professor will not allow his daughter to marry a non-musician, but Billy, her would-be suitor, cannot play a single note. When he is about to give up, Billy’s roommate suggests bluffing his way into the Professor’s favor with the aid of a suitably musical disguise and a well-hidden phonograph player.
The Detective's Dog
Richard Toole
When Kitty's family adopts a homeless dog they couldn't guess how much it would be of help in her fathers detective work.
His Double
A father who is determined his daughter should marry a count leading the boyfriend to dress up as the count to thwart his plans.
Broken Oaths
Colonel Beggs
Vinnie, Colonel Beggs' daughter, complains to her father that Lieutenant Sterling is paying her unwelcome attentions. The Colonel assures his daughter that she has no cause for fear. He immediately forgets the incident, as important military developments occupy his time. But soon Vinnie has a more serious complaint, and the Colonel is forced to act.
Fra Diavolo
A Terrible Lesson
The Owner of the Gambling Den
The story involves a man who goes to a gambling den regardless of the protestations of his wife. He is extremely lucky and his luck attracts attention. Strangers become friendly with him and he being a "good feller," "sets up" the crowd. After the night's playing, he is advised by the owner of the den that it would be hazardous for him to attempt going home alone with so much cash on his person. Chance decides to remain over night. He is shown to a room. During the night, he not only finds that he has been trapped, but an attempt is made on his life. (Moving Picture World)
A Man's a Man
The Joy-Rider
A Jewish man is treated poorly by a member of the upper-class. When tragedy strikes, the Jewish man has an opportunity for revenge, but he turns the other cheek.