Nikita Tarasov

Nikita Tarasov

Birth : 1979-12-03, Riga, Latvian SSR, USSR


Nikita Tarasov


Head Neurosurgeon
2027. A medical corporation launches a TV show to promote its revolutionary invention - the human head transplant. A group of young thrill-seekers gather on an island to play a dangerous game. The rules are simple: win or perish.The prize is priceless - immortality.
Strong-willed Olga Nikolaevna is the boss at home and at work. The only one who breaks the order in her life is her son-in-law-like nothing else. Then one day, the flurry of mutual claims becomes so great that right on a family holiday, the situation gets out of control.
Длительные свидания
Father Alexey (a member of the Auctioneer group Oleg Garkusha), an elderly, eccentric and kind priest, spends his days alone, except for visiting his sick brother and his daughter. One day he receives an assignment to visit a deaf girl Violetta (Vasilisa Perelygina) in prison, falsely accused of setting fire to a church. When Father Alexei recognizes her as an orphan, whom he baptized as Barbara in infancy, a new meaning appears in his life.
A group of heroes assembled by the eccentric billionaire goes into closed Perimeter full of abnormal activity which is inexplicable in terms of science. This journey will change all members of the group and reverse their notion of reality.
Сквозь время
Twenty-year-old Elya is a student and a future ecologist. One day, Matvey, the head of a construction company, comes to her university to talk about a development plan on the site of an old forest park. Elya does not hesitate to smash his project to smithereens. Matvey is intrigued by the girl's self-confidence and uses his usual methods of influence - he simply tries to "buy" her. But Elya doesn't need a sponsor. Then Matvey, surprised by her impregnability, offers Elya a bet: seven romantic days according to his rules. If after that the girl still decides to leave, he will refuse to build a skyscraper in the forest park. She agrees when Matvey really suspends the design work. Elya sees herself as something like the heroine of the film Pretty Woman, but Matvey turns out to be not at all the person she imagined.
The plot of the film develops in Moscow in the 1930s. A famous writer on the rise of his career suddenly finds himself at the center of a literary scandal. The play based on his play is removed from the repertoire, colleagues defiantly avoid meeting, in a matter of days he turns into an outcast. Soon after, he meets Margarita, who becomes his lover and muse. Inspired by her love and support, the writer takes on a new novel, where the characters are people from his environment, and the main character is the mysterious Woland, whose prototype is a recent acquaintance foreigner. The writer plunges headlong into the world of his novel and gradually ceases to notice how fiction and reality are intertwined into one whole.
The One
On August 24, 1981, the newlyweds Larisa and Vladimir Savitsky stepped on board the plane following the flight Komsomolsk-on-Amur - Blagoveshchensk. 30 minutes before landing, the civilian aircraft AN-24 collided with another aircraft and broke into pieces at an altitude of more than 5 kilometers above the ground. No one was supposed to survive ... but a miracle happened. Larisa Savitskaya woke up in the middle of the wreckage of the plane in the impenetrable taiga. Now she herself had to create a real miracle, which only a strong-minded person is capable of.
First Oscar
The film follows two student cinematographers who, as the war approaches Moscow, refuse to be evacuated and instead volunteer to be front-line cameramen capturing the horrors of war and heroism of the soviet soldiers. At the same time, we witness another storyline taking place in the US. After the premiere screening of the already completed documentary “Moscow Strikes Back”, one of the members of the Academy Awards selection committee is trying to persuade his fellow colleagues to establish a new category of Best Documentary in the upcoming Oscars event.
Mr. Knockout
The film tells the story of the legendary Soviet boxer Valery Popenchenko, USSR and European champion and winner of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. His life was a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs - from his childhood in Tashkent’s Suvorov Military School and service as a border guard, to his first victories and failures, and his friendship with Dynamo sports society coach Grigory Kusikyants.
When She Comes
Office clerk Maxim witnesses a car accident. The affected girl is experiencing clinical death, which lasted 4 minutes. After her “return”, Maxim’s life changes dramatically: all his dreams are realized with the help of a girl’s mysterious gift. How far will Maxim lead his desires?
Six Degrees of Celebration 8
Continuation of the New Year saga "Yolki". This time, all the stories in the film will be based on real events.
The Heart and How to Use It
They are very different, but they have one dream - to reach heaven. The famous Moscow stand-up comedian Ilya Pogorelov was publicly accused of lying by his ex, and now he needs to "just" survive. And the shy provincial Sanyok wants to break out of his cocoon and live for real at least a little. By chance (or providence), Sanyok and Ilya set off together on a journey to the sea to find themselves, make their dreams come true and find love. The duet "Pogorelov and Sanyok" formed along the way will travel across the floor of Russia, blow up TikTok, make millions laugh and move - make hearts beat faster and remind you how to enjoy life.
Sincerely Yours
1961 year. USSR, Chelyabinsk. The young postal worker Nyurka is known for her spontaneity and kind disposition. In search of love, she travels a path full of small victories and big disappointments. No matter what happens, driven by an unquenchable thirst for happiness, Nyurka steadfastly continues to move towards her goal.
Sumo Kid
Vitya Kasatkin has an unusual hobby - he is engaged in Japanese sumo wrestling. His love for sumo was instilled in him by his father, who left the family 8 years ago and went to Japan. For many years, the boy has been living with one dream - to get to a youth tournament in Japan, in the hope that his father will see him, understand that he was wrong, and return to them.
City Day
The crazy comedy "City Day" tells about one day in the life of the inhabitants of the provincial Lyubyakino. Celebrating the City Day, people did not notice that the president himself had planned the working trip through the town. Sudden news plunges everyone into shock and creates chaos: the mayor, the district police officer, the priest and other heroes from this place, lost in the outback, forgotten by God and progress, must, in the shortest possible time, bring the city, actively celebrating, as the last time, into a decent look, in a hurry to mask the problems from the view from the guarded cortege and to depict that this is a place of high culture of everyday life.
Pharmacy of Happiness
In the future, all diseases have disappeared, and people don't need medicines. They come to the pharmacy for spiritual joys: a languid look, an anti-scandalous vaccine and vitamins against lies.
A young and reckless father decides to take to his own hands his son's education.
A well-known civil servant from the Mayor's Office in a provincial Russian town receives a note: You'll soon die. He takes no notice, and gets ready for his normal Sunday – family problems, his personal life, work, other matters… But this Sunday turns out very far from normal. From the very start things come crashing down, smiting everything in its path, including all plans, external composure, and even his own life.
A young girl Abigail lives in a city whose borders were closed many years ago because of an epidemic of a mysterious disease. Abby's father was one of the sick - and he was taken when she was six years old. Going against the authorities to find his father, Abby learns that her city is actually full of magic. And she discovers in herself extraordinary magical abilities.
Iron Mask
Servant at the Court of Peter I
Commissioned to map the Far East territories of the Russian Empire, cartographer Jonathan Green sets off on a long journey of unbelievable adventures—making breath-taking discoveries and meeting mysterious creatures, Chinese princesses, deadly masters of oriental martial arts, and even the King of Dragons.
The Victory Will Be My Gift To You!
Stas Lemeshev
«The Victory will be my gift to you!». This is the promise, which the 17-year old volunteer soldier makes to a very young hospital nurse, with whom he is madly in love. Many years later following a tragic accident the protagonist of our story will get hold of the volunteer’s diary. He lives is a bustling vicious city sparkling with steel and other expensive tinsel. He has achieved almost everything that a modern citizen might dream of – ha has successful career, a striking well-groomed wife and other attributes of his status. From time to time he shares his success formulas with hundreds of students of a business school dreaming of making a similar career.
Anyone But Them
When the world is in danger, superheroes come to rescue humanity. They are stronger, faster, smarter than ordinary people and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. But what would happen if superheroes would not be around, and the world's rescue team will be made of selfish, irresponsible twenty year old weirdos?
The Last Trial
The house of culture “Mir” (from Russian: “Peace”) is being taken over by masked people. People who came to the premiere of the show have to face death. Now they are to pass a dreadful challenge, preserving their dignity and courage. This is a thriller about the struggle against the world evil, terrorism, and a win of the word over weapons. The dramatic and emotional story embraces everything — struggle, confrontation, betrayal, heroic deeds, and love!
A Rough Draft
Young Muscovite Kirill is a talented designer of computer games. One day, he is completely erased from the memory of everyone he knew and loved. Kirill learns that he has been chosen for an important and mysterious mission: to become a customs officer between parallel worlds, of which there are dozens in the universe. Will Kirill unravel the mystery of these worlds and who controls them? And is our Earth really just an imaginary "draft" -- a parallel world -- which in reality does not exist ...
Hudred Buk$
Barry Bug
The shop employee Leopold Baranowski becomes the owner of an unusual jacket. The hundred bucks banknote never runs out in the pocket of this jacket. Leopold's life becomes awesome - restaurants, boutiques, luxury cars and everything what he could only dream about. But a jacket has the real owner - Victor Khmara (candidate in the mayors of seashore metropolis). He mobilized all forces and connections for the search of precious thing.
Michael's perfect life changes dramatically when he discovers a portal wich allows him to travel in time. He travels back to the World War II to go through the quest of time and find his one and only beloved.
The word "rok" in Russian means both rock music and fate. The film's heroes, who want to conquer the musical Olympus of Moscow, are accompanied by both. This troika is not even a group yet, not a team, and probably not even friends. But that's at the beginning. The further the heroes leave home, the more dangerous their adventures and the people they met on the way become, and the more strongly the children change inside. The film is a journey, a search of the self, where the road to the dream is the greatest, most dangerous and unforgettable adventure in the life of the young provincial musicians.
The Kitchen: World Chef Battle
Louis Benoit
Victor Barinov at the personal request of the Russian President will go to Sochi at the world championship for professional chefs and to prove that he and his team are the best in the world! The hard struggle for the title of winner of Operations will help "dark horse" - his own son Ivan, which he suddenly found out on the eve of the championship.
Deputy Mikhail Petrovich
After an alien ship crash lands in a Russian city, many who see the inside and the occupants start to question their own existence while others demand the aliens leave Earth.
The Monk and the Demon
Николай I
Fantastic story of the first half of the XIX century about a monk named Ivan who must fight the dark forces in his monastery.
Breakfast at Dad's
Contemporary Moscow. Sasha Titov is a successful executive, reveling in the single life. One day, a ten-year-old girl, Alya, shows up at his penthouse, claiming to be his daughter. Can this incorrigible bachelor learn to be a father?
Battle for Sevastopol
The story of Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the most successful female sniper in history.
Kitchen in Paris
Louis Benois
The employees of the famous Russian "Claude Monet" restaurant are forced to move their business to Paris.
Intimate Parts
Residents of a big city, each of whom has their own sexual problems and desires, secret and, most often, shameful from the point of view of society, need to solve them. Each of the characters tries to solve their problems in their own way: someone sublimates them, someone turns to a psychotherapist for help, someone rushes into experiments... but sooner or later they all return to where they started, and they have to overcome themselves again and again to get at least a little, even a millimeter closer to their happiness.
D Day
A Russian remake of the '80s cult classic "Commando", where a retired special forces operative has to go on a final mission to rescue his daughter from the clutches of his old nemeses.
The Island
Somewhere in Northern Russia in a small Russian Orthodox monastery lives an unusual man whose bizarre conduct confuses his fellow monks, while others who visit the island believe that the man has the power to heal, exorcise demons and foretell the future.
The Man Who Kept Silent
Villain #2
Дневной представитель
Матерый вампир граф Дарлак возвращается в свой замок после столетнего отсутствия. У него прекрасный аппетит, и вскоре начинают пропадать и умирать люди. И только слуга графа, человек по имени Адам, остается жив и здоров. Хотя единственное его желание... самому стать вампиром. Адам - жертва кораблекрушения. В свое время граф подобрал его на берегу моря, вылечил и сделал его своим "дневным представителем". Адам - послушное орудие в руках зла, но любое орудие однажды может выйти из-под контроля.
Meyerhold's Biomechanics
The picture will be a reconstruction of long-standing events, where there are more questions than answers. Vsevolod Emilievich Meyerhold is a genius of the 20th century who forever changed the modern theater. A man of legend, a man with a tragic fate.
New film by Klim Kozinsky