George Hennessy


Love's Last Laugh
Scenario Writer
Ruth Hiatt is the object of Raymond McKee's affections, but her mother, Sunshine Hart, and a bogus Baron, Kewpie Morgan, are providing him reasons to be uneasy in his courtship. Most of the action is set around a swimming pool on a ship.
Their First Acquaintance
Bob Taylor was a valuable man. Talbot, his employer, told Miriam as much, showing his daughter the good round sum which his new clerk had handed him that evening for a real estate deal he had made in Talbot's absence. It was after banking hours and Talbot slept with the money under his pillow. The next morning he went off in a tearing hurry and forgot the roll of bills.
A Modest Hero
It is house cleaning time. Mother-in-law leaves, but insists that husband must be put to work, but husband hires a man, while he goes fishing. Our hero substitutes himself for the cleaner and appears to rob the lady of her silver. He is kept too busy, and later proves a hero in spite of himself by rescuing the fair young housewife from the drunken cleaner, who walks in late.
The Switch Tower
Arrogant tramps, a railroad man , counterfeiters, detectives and a boy to the rescue.
The Perfidy of Mary
Rose and her cousin Mary dwell in the land of romance, but real Romeos are scarce in this prosaic age. Yet Rose, in spite of a gay young Lothario who steps in the way of her own true love, finds her way to love-land. That was where Mary's perfidy came in. It showed up Lothario's true character, while at the same time it brought Mary back to her own determined young lover.
The Unwelcome Guest
Just before she dies, an elderly married woman stashes the horde of money she's secretly accumulated beneath the false bottom of an old shipping trunk. After her death, her husband, believing himself penniless, has to leave their old home and move in with his son's family, where he's treated with no respect or consideration. Also on the scene is a newly-hired kindly young housekeeper. She and the old gentleman become close friends and eventually run away together (taking the old shipping trunk with them).
Pirate Gold
Elusive as is the pursuit of pirate gold it is found in this picture and brought to the ship by the very mutineers themselves. Here fate intervenes with justice and the miscreant mate after a series of exciting adventures is outwitted through his own weakness.
The Informer
The young lover leaving home at the opening of the war to join the Confederate Army, tells his brother to take care of his fatherless sweetheart during the perilous times which are to follow. But the brother weakens and fails to be true to his trust. He permits her to believe that her lover is dead. Caught in the neighborhood, however, between the lines of the enemy, the brother appears before them at the crucial moment. In retaliation the false brother turns informer. Both forces are aroused to arms and during the attack upon the girl defending her wounded lover and family alone in the negro's cabin retribution comes in the form of a stray bullet.
Gold and Glitter
As the husband leaves for the lumber regions, his wife gives him a memory message to be opened after his arrival. Attracted by a maid, cherished by the love of two old brothers, he forgets it until sometime later. The message serves its purpose, however, for through it, after a thrilling experience, the maid learns the true value of the man's love, while he in his turn, goes back to his waiting wife and finds there, along with his shame and regeneration, his heart's desire.
Nine-year-old Nedda is a direct descendant of the Trevors, a family that can trace its roots back to the reign of King Charles I. Alas, the Trevors suffer severe financial reverses, and Nedda is yanked from the luxury of her ancestral home in Britain to be raised on New York's Lower East Side. Ten years later, the grown-up Nedda stands accused of the murder of her mother.
The One She Loved
Roy Norris, a young author, proposes to pretty Mary Ford and is accepted. The first year or more of their married life is one of bliss, made all the sweeter by the arrival of their first-born. The little trio, father, mother, baby, are bound together by love, until unreasonable jealousy possesses the young couple. While at work in his studio, the young author is visited by his wife just as he is complimenting his stenographer on her valuable aid, and from this the wife sees grounds tor suspicion. On the other hand, the young husband, seeing his wife talking to a stranger, becomes suspicious.
So Near, Yet So Far
It's love at first sight for the Boy, but obstacles-- namely shyness, and the temerity of other suitors-- place themselves in the way of his love. Unknowingly, the Boy and the young woman of his fancy both stay at the home of mutual friends-- But all is not well, as robbers lurk outside the house.
Two Daughters of Eve
Calumny is one of the most despicable crimes against our neighbor, and while the wife in this story acted conventionally, she nevertheless maligned the other woman simply because of her profession, an actress. While out on a shopping tour, the wife and her husband enter a store, leaving their little child in the auto in the care of the chauffeur. This gentleman pays but scant attention to the child, so the little one wanders off and strolls into the stage door of a theater during the matinee. The parents upon their return to the auto discover the child's absence and trace him to the theater stage, where they find him in the arms of one of the show girls. The mother matches the child from the girl's arms, scornfully exclaiming, "How dare you contaminate my child with your touch?" For this remark, together with the derisive laughter it occasions, the girl vows to be avenged.
The Inner Circle
A lonely widower living in the Italian quarter of the city, whose only solace since the death of his wife is his little child, reluctantly becomes a member of a secret society existent among his countrymen. The active members of this society have observed the success of another Italian and feel that their they should share in his wealth. They send him a demand for $5,000, ostensibly to pay for the expenses of their society. The rich man is defiant of their demand, and consequently the society decides to kill him-- electing the newest member, the widower, to do the deed.
An Indian Summer
A lonely old widower arrives in town and seeks out a pleasant boarding place. The house he selects may be pleasant and homelike, but most of all it is owned by a widow, and managed by her daughter. The widow and the widower are impressed with each other at first sight and a romance is imminent. However, the widower realizes his hair is both white and scant and feels that unless he looks a little younger, his chances with the widow are slim. He writes to a hair tonic manufacturer for aid. While trying to keep the letter hidden from the widow, she becomes suspicious and imagines it is from another woman, so she turns about to make him jealous. Eventually a unique trick of fate smooths out all their misunderstandings.
A Temporary Truce
A Mexican is thrown out of a bar by a young prospector and swears to get even. Later he kidnaps the prospector's wife. In the meantime a group of drunkards shoot and kill an old Indian man. His son (Robert Harron) vows revenge and asks the tribal chief for help. The chief, however, knows better and tells him that revenge is useless. Robert Harron disobeys and mobilizes all young warriors for battle. The plot thickens. The prospector and the Mexican, who holds his wife captive, start shooting each other. However, when the Indians attack, these two make a temporary truce and join forces against the common enemy.
A Beast at Bay
Mary Pickford as "The Young Woman", is quite taken with Edwin August; in fact, he is her "ideal". But Mr. August's refusal to get mixed up in a street brawl makes him look like a coward to Ms. Pickford. Meanwhile, convict Alfred Paget has escaped from prison; and, he is "A Beast at Bay". While Pickford and August go for a ride in her automobile, criminal Paget ambushes one of his guards, taking the man's clothing and gun. Pickford drops off August, still arguing he is a coward, and drives off. Alone, Pickford gets out of her car to retrieve a fallen garment; then, on-the-lam Paget moves in to carjack her. From a distance, August witnesses Pickford being taken at gunpoint - can he save his girl, and prove he's not a coward?
A Lodging for the Night
Dick Logan, a young writer, stops at a little border town and takes lodging at the Mexican Inn. Two tramps see the amount of money he has and plan to steal it. In the town he befriends a Mexican girl by stopping her uncle from beating her for having broken a water jar. Retiring to his room, he is awakened by the two tramps breaking into his room. He steals out and gets lodging at a nearby house, which happens to be the home of the Mexican girl and her uncle. The tramps follow him and try again. The girl, however, saves him from harm, and it looks as if Dick had found a real heroine for a real romance.
The Old Actor
An elderly actor who lives with his wife and daughter is dismissed from his acting job because he is considered too old. On his way home from the theatre he panics at the thought of telling his family the bad news and decides to disguise himself as a beggar. His daughter's beau accidentally gives him a five dollar gold piece, thinking that it was a smaller coin. A chase ensues with a policeman, the daughter, and her beau in hot pursuit. When caught he is recognized by his shocked daughter, but is quickly forgiven by all. Meanwhile the actor hired to replace him has already been fired and a messenger is dispatched to rehire the Old Actor to the delight of his wife, daughter, and fellow actors.
The Lesser Evil
A young woman's peaceful existence is shattered when she is abducted by the crew of a boat of smugglers, who then also turn against their captain.
One Is Business, the Other Crime
Griffith intercuts between the lives of two couples married on the same day. One couple is rich, the other poor. Time passes, and in desperation over joblessness, the poor husband attempts to burgle a home, only to be captured at gunpoint by the mistress of the house. It is the home of the rich couple. While holding the poor intruder at gunpoint, the rich wife accidentally discovers evidence implicating her own husband in a bribery scheme.
Won by a Fish
Papa becomes so miserable over his bad luck as a fisherman, it causes him to reject Harry, his daughter's sweetheart, who tease him about it. The next day he starts out with the hope of better luck, and the young couple sees a chance of getting back at him. Their scheme succeeds to such an extent, that Papa is forced to accept Harry as his future son-in-law.
Just Like a Woman
When the suitor of the daughter of an apparently wealthy widow finds out that the oil stocks, in which her late husband's fortune is invested, are worthless, he finds the daughter less attractive. The widow's broker has a wealthy friend, who becomes very interested in the girl, although he is twice her age. He proposes marriage, believing that he can win her love through kindness. The girl, for her mother' sake accepts and they are married. Despite his great love he is unable to overcome the great difference in their ages, so he buys the worthless oil stock so that she may be independent, and he then leaves her to go back to his oil fields. His sacrifice arouses the girl's love and she follows him to tell him of her awakening.
Fate's Interception
The representative of an American Syndicate comes to Mexico to look over some land. While there, he pays considerable attention to the little Mexican girl, at whose home he is a roomer. The girl falls deeply in love with the American, who wins her absolute confidence. When the time comes for his departure, he of course cannot take her with him, and when he says goodbye, she realizes how false his promises were. Her love for the American now turns to bitter hate, so she agrees to marry her erstwhile sweetheart, whom she threw aside for the American, if he will avenge her wrong. This he consents to do.
The Sunbeam
Set in a tenement, a lonely confirmed bachelor occupies a room across the hall from a dour spinster. Children run amok in the hallways playing pranks on the two. A little girl from the floor above, now alone in the world, brings the pair together and brightens their lives.
A Woman Scorned
Thieves follow a doctor as he takes home a large sum of money. Later, when they break into his house, the doctor's wife and daughter are trapped. One of the thieves has jilted his sweetheart, who tells the doctor of the robbery, and helps him save his family.
The Miser's Heart
Thieves decide to steal the money an old miser has hidden away. He refuses to open the safe for them, so they threaten to kill a little girl who lives in his building.
The Inventor’s Secret
An old toymaker invents an automatic doll and goes to the lawyers to apply for a patent. That day a young girl is reported missing, and Dan, the cop, receives word that a reward of $500 is offered for solving the mystery of her disappearance. Dan's sweetheart gets a position as cook in the inventor's family, and catching a glimpse of the doll, thinks it is the missing girl. Dan for a while has a vision of $500, only to wake up to find both he and his sweetheart out of a job.
Through His Wife’s Picture
Mr. Nelson is a "newlywed" and carries his darling wife's picture with him always. However, he almost falls for the temptation to go to the mask-ball, inviting an erstwhile lady friend to go with him, telling her that he would dress as a pirate and she to go as a Spanish gypsy. At the sight of his wife's portrait, however, he realizes his intended wrong-doing and changes his mind, asking a friend to go in his stead. The office boy mixes the letters and wifey gets the one he intended for the girl, and she goes to catch her erring hubby. So while hubby waits at home, wifey is keeping her eye on the bold, bad pirate she believes to be her husband.