Gennady Shpalikov

Birth : 1937-09-06, Segezha, Karelian ASSR, Russian SFSR, USSR [now Republic of Karelia, Russia]

Death : 1974-11-01


The Ark
The film is based on Gennady Shpalikov’s most intimate story, “The Wharf”. Young Katya, who lives in a small provincial town, is dreaming of a prince charming. And, of course, she can’t help falling in love with a stern skipper played by Yevgeny Sidikhin. Wishing to unravel his mystery, Katya goes to Moscow. One night in the capital will change both the skipper’s and the young heroine’s lives, making them to better understand each other…
Masters of Russian Animation - Volume 1
Volume 1 (1962-1968): "Story of One Crime", "Man in the Frame", "My Green Crocodile", "There Lived Kozyavin", "Mountain of Dinosaurs", "Passion of Spies", "Glass Harmonica", "Ball of Wool", "Singing Teacher", "Film, Film, Film".
Sing a Song, Poet
About the life and work of the poet Sergei Yesenin, his connection with his native country, its people and nature. Childhood, love, painful searches for his place in the new, revolutionary Russia — everything found a place in Yesenin's lyrics. Frames illustrating Yesenin's poetry and poems are side by side in the film with episodes of the poet's biography: the film reflects the days of his stay in America, World War I, revolution and village round dances, a daring uncle, a wise mother...
You and Me
Two young talented neurosurgeons — Pyotr and Sasha — are enthusiastically working on a complex medical experiment. But in search of stability and a better life, Pyotr goes to work in Stockholm, Sasha becomes a major official. Pyotrr's overseas life does not add up, and he returns to Moscow. Realizing that his friend has a completely different life, Pyotr goes to Siberia, where he works on an ambulance. There he meets a girl with a brain disease, the study of which he had once been involved in, but did not finish the job. Feeling in vain of a lived, failed life, a sense of professional guilt in front of this sick girl, whom no one can help, torment him, and he again recalls his true destiny.
In the Thirteenth Hour of the Night
Various dwellers of the Russian forest: Leshiy (forest goblin), Vodyanoy (water spirit), Ovinni (barn spirit) Domovoy (house spirit), Anchutka (gremlin) and Rusalka (mermaid) meet at Baba Yaga's chicken-legged hut and receive an esteemed guest who appears from nowhere. They gather around one table to say goodbye to the old year and welcome the new, that is until the guest grows bored with their antics and seeks fun elsewhere.
The Glass Harmonica
A craftsman builds a glass harmonica that enlightens him. He travels to a town where the people are obsessed with money. A bureaucrat smashes the glass harmonica which leads to chaos and eventually to social reform.
I Come From My Childhood
Life is returning to normal in a half-ruined town of Belorussia at the summer of 1945. The children are undernourished and emotionally scarred. The community displays solidarity and common sacrifice, as they recovered from the ravages of war.
A Long Happy Life
A young man and woman meet by chance and experience a night and a morning together. One of the truest and realistic depiction of Russian romance and life.
A Long Happy Life
A young man and woman meet by chance and experience a night and a morning together. One of the truest and realistic depiction of Russian romance and life.
There Lived Kozyavin
Kozyavin is ordered by his boss one day to find a man named Sidorov, and is pointed in a particular direction. The employee follows the indicated direction unswervingly to find him, encountering various obstacles along the way.
I Am Twenty
Having returned from the army, 20-year-old Sergei settles down at the thermal power station and merges into ordinary life. Every day he meets and spends time with childhood friends — the young family man Slava and the merry fellow Nikolai, and once at first sight he falls in love with a stranger on the bus. A lyrical story about a generation of young people entering adulthood, a reappraisal of values, life principles, traditions in culture and art.
Walking the Streets of Moscow
Young men wander around Moscow as a last hurrah before a wedding.
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