Leo D. Maloney

Leo D. Maloney


Leo D. Maloney


Overland Bound
Lucky Lorimer
Trying to trick Ma (Lydia Knott) and Mary Winters (Allene Ray) into selling their rundown ranch, which will be in the path of a future railroad, Underwood (Charles K.French) hires Keno Creager (Albert Smith) to impersonate Jimmy Winters, not seen by his mother and sister for many years.
Overland Bound
Trying to trick Ma (Lydia Knott) and Mary Winters (Allene Ray) into selling their rundown ranch, which will be in the path of a future railroad, Underwood (Charles K.French) hires Keno Creager (Albert Smith) to impersonate Jimmy Winters, not seen by his mother and sister for many years.
The Vanishing West
Jack Trent
A boy's father is an unjustly accused fugitive, and the boy's scheming uncle plots to become the youngster's guardian and take over the family fortune.
The Black Ace
Story of a a Texas Ranger whose foster-father has been falsely accused of a series of crimes.
Vultures of the Sea
When his father is falsely convicted and sentenced to die for a murder committed aboard ship, the man's son signs on as a crewman to discover the real killer and clear his father.
Border Blackbirds
Bart Evans
A couple of drifters seeking shelter from a blizzard. In a mountain cabin, they find the body of an old friend and a note that blames his death on the Border Blackbirds, a notorious gang operating on the border of Canada.
Border Blackbirds
A couple of drifters seeking shelter from a blizzard. In a mountain cabin, they find the body of an old friend and a note that blames his death on the Border Blackbirds, a notorious gang operating on the border of Canada.
Don Desperado
Leo McHale
A deputy sheriff in a small Western town terrorized by a masked stage robber known only as the Black Bandit.
Don Desperado
A deputy sheriff in a small Western town terrorized by a masked stage robber known only as the Black Bandit.
The Blind Trail
Bob Carson
A man is suspected of robbery and murder and aided by his horse and dog.
The Blind Trail
A man is suspected of robbery and murder and aided by his horse and dog.
Across the Deadline
There is a feud of 30 years' standing between the Revelle and Wainwright families, dwelling in the Apache country, despite which Shirley, daughter of Martin Revelle, and Clem Wainwright fall in love. The lovers are discovered meeting by Clem's rival, Ben Larrago, who informs on them (Exhibitors Trade Review, 23rd May 1925).
Across the Deadline
Clem Wainwright
There is a feud of 30 years' standing between the Revelle and Wainwright families, dwelling in the Apache country, despite which Shirley, daughter of Martin Revelle, and Clem Wainwright fall in love. The lovers are discovered meeting by Clem's rival, Ben Larrago, who informs on them (Exhibitors Trade Review, 23rd May 1925).
Huntin' Trouble
Clay Rathbun
A peace-loving cowboy who must overcome his pacifist convictions when a good friend is found murdered.
Huntin' Trouble
A peace-loving cowboy who must overcome his pacifist convictions when a good friend is found murdered.
Smoked Out
Matt Rogers
Walt Rogers finds a man that has been injured and robbed. The man was returning home after a long absence. When Walt goes to his ranch he is assumed to be the long missing son. Unable to tell the dying mother he assumes the part. But then there is trouble when the robber arrives with the papers to prove he is the son.
Smoked Out
Walt Rogers finds a man that has been injured and robbed. The man was returning home after a long absence. When Walt goes to his ranch he is assumed to be the long missing son. Unable to tell the dying mother he assumes the part. But then there is trouble when the robber arrives with the papers to prove he is the son.
Border Law
Texas Ranger Chuck Williams
Texas Ranger Chuck Williams is the bashful sweetheart of the daughter, Ellen, of the captain of his Texas Rangers troop. He is working with the Mexican Rurales in an effort to stop a gang of gun runners. The gang-leader shows up, posing as an artist, and Ellen takes him in as a boarder to make Chuck jealous. But Chuck is wise to the boarder, who kidnaps Ellen and heads for the mountain hideout of his gang.
Nine Points of the Law
Fred Cullen
Nine Points of the Law is a 1922 silent Western
One Law for All
The making of an American out of a resident of some other country.
One Law for All
The making of an American out of a resident of some other country.
The Grinning Granger
The Grinning Granger is a 1920 Western short
A Gamblin' Fool
A man unconsciously borrows a bandit's yellow slicker and is temporarily under suspicion as a result.
The Big Catch
The Big Catch is a 1920 silent Western
The Broken Brake
This short action drama is a compilation of at least two films with Helen Gibson.
Winning the Franchise
Helen's father is the President of a railroad company competing for a very lucrative government contract. A rival company organizes sabotage and Helen is the only one who can save the day.
The Lost Express
A train that is carrying the formula for a valuable form of granulated gasoline disappears before it reaches its destination. Railroad investigators and the authorities try to determine where it is and who took it.
The Railroad Raiders
Wallace Burke
A silent movie serial
The Manager of the B & A
Dan Oakley (as Leo Maloney)
Dan Oakley becomes a railroad manager and his attempt to slash expenses by layoffs and lengthening hours incurs the workers' wrath. With the help of Griffith Ryder, labor leader and newspaper editor, they call a strike. The water main which supplies the railroad yards is cut, and a hot engine starts a fire. With water unavailable, the fire spreads to town, but through his superhuman efforts, Oakley gets it under control. His heroic moves win favor with the workers, and the strike is history.
The Diamond Runners
Inspector Hudson - Secret Service
Helen, a "diamond runner," reaches South Africa.
Judith of the Cumberlands
Creed Bombright
Two rival mountain clans that have been feuding for years begin a new battle over the moonshine whiskey trade. A young man and a girl from each of the different clans try to end the feud, and wind up falling for each other.
Whispering Smith
Whispering Smith is a virile, fearless type of the true American whoso theory of life is to give every man a chance to show what is in him. There is nothing of the bully or braggart about him. He is only a man who knows instinctively what is right and never falters in his steps to see that justice is given where it is deserved and crime punished on the same basis. Originally shot as a serial to be called "Whispering Smith", distributor Mutual Films decided to release it as two separate films - this film, which was released first, and Medicine Bend (1916).
A Lass of the Lumberlands
Tom Dawson
15-episode serial directed by Paul Hurst and J.P. McGowan.
When Rogues Fall Out
Ben White
Holmes, the president of the S.L. Railway, has been trying very hard to secure a new franchise for his company. Frank Hynes, an acquaintance of Helen, the daughter of Holmes, has been a friendly visitor at the house, but, unknown to Helen and her father, is trying in every way possible to prevent Holmes from obtaining the franchise.
A Desperate Leap
Tom Walker
As the freight train on which are riding Mike and Leary, two knights of the road, passes the station at Hynes, the tramps steal the mail bag which had been placed on the crane by the postmaster of that place. They jump from the train in a secluded spot and start to rifle the bag.
The Mettle of Jerry McGuire
Tom Thornton
Helen is operator at Bells. Jerry McGuire, engineer on the local freight, and Tom Thornton, his fireman, are both rivals for the hand of the girl. Jerry is preferred and Tom tries to get Jerry to take to liquor again, a habit that he has overcome. Tom is unsuccessful.
The Brave Deserve the Fair
Leo Binnis
Tom Martin and Leo Binnis arrive in a small mining town. Andy Johnson, his wife and daughter, Vicky, are also seeking a western home. Jim Brown, a cattleman, poisons the water holes to kill off the wild horses that are eating the range bare, and Johnson and his wife drink from the water hole and die.
The Girl and the Mail Bag
Jessie Baird, the postmaster's daughter, handles the registered mail. Hankey, a gambler, seeing the men sending money away from the mining town, decides to rob the stagecoach of the mail bag. He orders Pete, a pal, to board the stage and throw the mail bag off at Deer Creek.
Her Slight Mistake
Jack (as Leo Maloney)
Bill, a cowpuncher, who wants to get married, answers an ad in a matrimonial journal.
The Auction Sale of Run-Down Ranch
Ranch Hand (uncredited)
Bill Herrick, owner of "Run Down" ranch, finds the land is worthless and arranges to sell it at public auction.
The Range Girl and the Cowboy
Buck, the Rustler (as Leo Maloney)
Tom is given the position of Cowboy on Sid Jordan's ranch. Vicky, Sid's daughter, is annoyed by Buck, the ranch foreman, who is discharged and Tom is given the position.
How Weary Went Wooing
Miss Satterly, the new schoolteacher, is loved by all the cowboys of the "Flying U" ranch. Weary is shy and only makes the acquaintance of the pretty schoolteacher by main force on the part of his cowboy companions.
Never Again
Tom promises his sweetheart, Vicky, that he will stop drinking. He falls in with boon companions, however, and in a saloon brawl, he accidentally shoots Ned, his pal. The sheriff and Vicky's brother find that Ned was only stunned by the bullet. At a rodeo, Tom meets the sheriff, who arrests Tom for the shooting of Ned.
A Deed of Daring
Daniels - Night Operator
Upon learning that a gang of smugglers are using freight cars to bring Chinamen across the border, the railroad officials order all employees to keep a strict watch for traffic of this nature.
A Wild Ride
Haley - the Fireman
The bad blood existing between Reardon and Haley results in a fight in which Reardon is worsted. Reardon, vowing vengeance, climbs back aboard his engine while Haley resumes his station. The fight is witnessed by a number of railroad men. In climbing back to the water tank, Haley stumbles and falls between the cars.
The Midnight Limited
Wheeler - a Yeggman
Under the influence of liquor, Griffin foolishly displays a roll of bills. Wheeler and Walter, yeggmen, see the money and trail the traveler to the station. The men learn the berth he is to occupy. Hastening to a bridge under which the train must pass, they drop to the roof of one of the cars when it appears. Helen, transferred to Burnett, is a passenger on the train. By mistake, Griffin gets into her berth. Because of the man's condition, Helen consents to allow him to keep her berth. The girl takes the one which Griffin's ticket calls for. An hour later, Helen is awakened by a peculiar noise outside the car. Hastily dressing, she sees the window being raised. Wheeler's face appears at the window. The man foils Helen's attempt to shoot him, disarms her and then climbs back to the roof of the car.
The Hazards of Helen Ep33: In Danger's Path
Warren - Railroad Detective
Helen is captured by two yeggmen who throw her into a refrigerator car; finding a meat hook, she chops her way into the ice chamber and reaches the top of the train in time to avert a collision of two trains.
Near Eternity
Hume - a Quarryman
A quarryman, dismissed because of intoxication, blames Billy, the mail clerk, and seeks revenge. He steals several sticks of dynamite, climbs to the top of the mail crane and ties to the explosives to the mail bag. Helen sees what is taking place, climbs to the arm and unties the dynamite. With the passenger train a short distance away, she hurls the explosive away just as the train approaches.
The Pay Train
Tony - a Mexican Section Hand
Helen, overhearing Tony and his accomplices plotting to derail the pay train and steal its money, is thrown into a cattle car; grabbing a revolver which one of the men has dropped, she shoots the wire controlling the semaphore arm, which then swings up and flashes the danger flag, thus averting disaster in the nick of time.
The Human Chain
Morton - the Baggageman
Deering and his gang rifle the station safe and gain possession of some valuable gems; Helen seizes the package and throws it into the river. In order to recover the package, a human chain is formed by the railroad men, which Helen climbs down and attempts to catch the package with her feet. Meanwhile, Deering and his men have boarded a launch, and succeed in grabbing both Helen and the package. Morton takes over a freight train, captures the crooks, and rescues Helen and the gems.
The Broken Train
Norris - a Crook
Helen spotting two jewel robbers sever the telegraph wires and hop onto a passing freight, jumps into a racing auto and takes off in pursuit. In the meantime, the freight's brakes fail, and the train breaks in two. Helen, on a road parallel to the tracks, leaps onto a flat car, runs forward, informs the train crew what has happened, and captures the crooks.
The Hazards of Helen Ep26: The Wild Engine
Chief Dispatcher Bond
Helen, informed of the danger which menaces an excursion train because another engine on the same track is running wild, mounts a motorcycle and speeds down the track to warn the passengers of their imminent peril. Nearing a river trestle under repair, she hurtles into the river; undaunted, she swims to the opposite bank and flags down the excursion train in the nick of time, causing the engineer to run his train onto a siding just a few moments before the runaway dashes by.
The Box Car Trap
Jim - Charlie's Boyhood Friend
Jim, determined to ruin a box car brake test, hides inside, removes the flooring, and ruins the brake apparatus. As a result, the box car runs wild, trapping him inside. Before Helen can sidetrack the runaway, it shoots off the track at Elbow curve, overturning as it topples down the embankment. Helen smashes a hole through the side, braves the flames, crawls into the car, rescues Jim and drags him to safety. But her heroism is too late; Jim dies in her arms.
A Race for a Crossing
Billy - a Lineman
Sharky, a rival road agent, plots to spoil a trial run to be made on Helen's road that will win a mail contract. He opens a waste valve on the tank of the engine, and, when nearing Lone Point, the water tank runs dry. Helen comes to the rescue by mounting the new gasoline speeder and starting off with the mail for the end of the run.
The Girl Engineer
Tom Walker - Owner of the Hope Mine
A crooked mine owner attempts to hijack his rival's shipment of ore, but Helen foils his plot by jumping onto the engine and pulling the throttle wide open, eventually exposing the unscrupulous villain.
The Girl on the Trestle
Bill Roody - Teamster
A wagon load of powder explodes, destroying the railroad trestle under which it is passing; Helen, knowing that a passenger train is due within a few minutes, climbs aboard a freight car which coasts down a steep grade near the trestle. As it nears the structure, she applies the brakes, leaps to the ground, crawls across the burning trestle
A Life in the Balance
King - Brakeman
King attempts to tighten the brake of a freight car standing near the summit of a steep grade at Lone Point. Suddenly, the brake chain snaps and the train commences to roll down hill. Helen sees King's peril, rides to a point just before a curve, crawls hand over hand across a rope which she has stretched across the track, and snatches King from the car moments before the car is dashed to pieces as it leaves the rails of the curve.
The Girl at Lone Point
Billy Garwood - Express Messenger
Helen catches two yeggmen who have broken into a freight car which has been detached from a train because of a hot box and are attempting to rifle the safe. The yeggmen escape aboard a passing freight with Helen, who has leaped upon the caboose, in hot pursuit, along with the trainmen.
The Railroad Raiders of '62
Harcourt - a young soldier
Lockwood, the old, one-armed flagman at Lone Point, tells Helen and a young soldier of his experiences during the Civil War, and how he lost his arm. The Civil War flashback sequences consist of archive footage from Kalem's Railroad Raiders of '62 (1911), rather than newly filmed footage.
The Death Train
Savage - a Railroad Detective
The smashed corner of a trunk containing counterfeiting paraphernalia reveals to Helen that there is treachery afoot at Lone Point. Detectives capture two of the trio, but one of them gets away, pursued by Helen, across a high railroad trestle. Seventh of the "Hazards of Helen" Railroad Series.
The Man from Texas
Fired Foreman (uncredited)
A cowboy gets a message that his sister's husband has left her and she is in trouble. When he gets there, he finds her dead. He sets out to track down the husband.
The Red Signal
Brent - the Night Operator
Brent, the night operator has been knocked unconscious by a piece of lumber projecting from a passing freight, and has been rendered temporarily insane. Meantime, a furious storm arises, a track walker discovers a washout and wires a warning to Helen, who sets the danger signal for the Limited which is due in ten minutes.
The Hazards of Helen Ep13: The Escape on the Fast Freight
Bill - a Tramp
Two yeggmen hold up Helen, on night duty at Ferndale, lock her in a closet, and escape. Later, standing on a bridge over the freight yards, Helen sees the two bandits aboard an outgoing freight, and drops onto the roof of the car from above as it crosses underneath. A chase along the roofs of the speeding cars ensues...
The Broken Circuit
Thompson - Construction Foreman
Attempting to prevent an armed robbery in the paymaster's office, Helen is bound and gagged, and the thieves escape on a hand car. With her feet still bound by wire, Helen endeavors to pursue on foot, but stumbles and falls across the rails of the track of an oncoming train.
The Hazards of Helen Ep09: The Leap from the Water Tower
Wadsworth - a Freight Engineer
Rand, a vengeful discharged fireman, tampers with the airbrakes of a large freight locomotive making them useless on the long descent from the summit of Pine Hill to Lone Point the following day. Learning of the impending peril, Helen dashes to a water tower under which the train must pass, climbs out on the spout, leaps onto the roof of one of the cars, and warns the engineer in time. Helen's heroism wins her another offer of marriage, this time from Wadsworth, the freight engineer, but once again she opts for next weeks hazards instead.
The Girl and the Game
Paul Storm
Irrepressible Helen Rhinelander, the daughter of a railroad president. A dastardly villain, Segrue, however, desires not only Helen but also the plans for a new railroad. Happily, Helen's childhood sweetheart, Paul Storm, now an engineer, is right there to protect the damsel-in-distress through the serial's 15 exciting chapters.
Cactus Jake, Heart-Breaker
Cactus Jake
Hazel Clark, belle of the Diamond "S" Ranch, is fascinated by Cactus Jake, a bold, dashing, reckless cowboy. Good-natured Bill, another cowpuncher, is really in love with Hazel.
The Escape on the Limited
Sheridan - Central Office Detective
Brandt, a defaulting cashier, hiding in Lone Point in his effort to throw detectives off his track, cuts the wires of Helen's telephone to prevent her from calling for help, binds and gags her, and boards the outgoing Limited. Freed by Detective Sheridan, the two of them get into a gasoline speeder standing on the sidetrack and pursue the Limited.
The Black Diamond Express
Dick Malling - an Aeronaut
When Dick, an aeronaut is wrongly accused of shooting Dan, a trouble-making, quarrelsome cowboy, Helen aids his escape on the outgoing Black Diamond Express.
The Man from the East
Ranch Foreman
Tom Bates is living in the city enjoying a liberal fortune left him by an uncle recently deceased. When Tom received his fortune he was working on a ranch as a cowboy and was a top-notcher, too. In the city he has met May, a charming and beautiful girl, who is engaged to marry him. Tom rescues a forlorn girl in the park from a ruffian. May breaks the engagement.
The Flying Freight's Captive
Billy Melville - Passenger Conductor
Helen receives a cypher message about a jewel robbery and trails the yeggmen to their lair. Discovered, Helen is bound and gagged and thrown into a box car, but gets loose, and leaps to the ground from the speeding train. The crooks are captured, Helen's pluck wins Billy's heart, but, as usual, she refuses, with an eye on next week's adventure.
Saved by a Watch
Saved by a Watch is a silent Western short.
The Stolen Engine
Duncan - Locomotive Engineer
A pair of crooks steal a valuable package, hold up the crew of a freight engine, and compel the engineer to aid their escape. Learning this, Helen climbs into the cab of a locomotive standing on a siding and takes up the chase.
The Rival Stage Lines
David Patrick
Harding Martin and David Patrick are both desperately in love with Elsie Johnson. Each tries to gain some advantage over his rival. Pretty Elsie coquettishly enjoys their rivalry and fosters it.
The Scapegoat
Jack Turner
Tom Jackson, a young man of good family, is elected sheriff. He is in love with Nell Turner, whose brother, Jack, is a reckless young fellow and belongs to a gang of bank robbers. Tom is popular and loves Nell dearly, while she returns his affections, and they have announced their engagement. Nell has a deep, sisterly love for her scapegrace brother Jack
The Sheriff's Reward
The Foreman
Rose Boland, a pretty young ranch owner, quarrels with her foreman because she dislikes his attentions. She discharges him from her employ, and her cowboys eject him from the ranch. The disgruntled foreman proceeds to join a band of cattle rustlers and engages with them in the looting of cattle.
The Telltale Knife
The Sheriff
Mabel Madden, thrown upon her own resources, inherits a saloon from her father. She is somewhat infatuated with Tom Mason, against whom suspicions have been aroused of rustling cattle from the neighboring ranchmen. But she is also a great admirer of the intrepid sheriff.
Why the Sheriff Is a Bachelor
Alice's Brother
The sheriff is in love with a beautiful widow. The widow has a brother who is in secret a rascal and a member of a gang of bandits. The sheriff and the widow have arrived at an understanding and she is wearing his ring. One day four masked men ride into the village, loot the bank, terrorize the community and ride away with a big sack of gold. The sheriff goes in pursuit, and after a lot of shooting, fast riding and acrobatic horsemanship, the bank looters are caught. When the masks are removed, the sheriff discovers to his consternation that the brother of the handsome widow is the chief of the band. Duty stares at him with unsmiling face.
Jimmy Hayes and Muriel
Lieutenant Manning
Jimmy Hayes joins the Texas rangers. He causes much merriment by introducing to his new friends an ugly horned toad, around the neck of which he has tied a bright ribbon. He has named the horned toad "Muriel," and it is his constant companion, having a domicile within his flannel shirt.
The Mexican
Sim Heflin
A Mexican leaves his wife and family with hunger staring them in the face to get a job on the "Rocking Chair" Ranch, so that he can supply them with life's necessities. Mexicans are not popular at the ranch and the new man is bullied and persecuted until he tries to kill his foreman, whereupon he is kicked out. He plans to burn the ranch buildings out of revenge.
The Way of the Redman
The Gambler
The story is of a Redman, a civilized Indian, who takes into his home a wounded gambler, shot while escaping the sheriff. The gambler has no honor and wins the affections of Bounding Fawn, the Redman's pretty squaw. The Indian discovers the gambler's treachery, and throws him together with Bounding Fawn, out of the cabin.
The Flaw in the Alibi
Howard Blair - Fielding's Cashier
It shows how a scheming bank employee manages to get an alibi and fix the guilt of his theft on the assistant cashier.
A Railroader's Bravery
The Chief's Lieutenant
When Helen learns that wiretappers have make a prisoner of Henry, the relief operator, she severs the wire being tapped, boards a freight train, uncouples the engine, and pursues the tappers, who are in a gasoline speeder. She eventually rescues Henry and captures Noyes, the head of the gang, who is then placed under arrest.