Márton Keleti

Márton Keleti

Birth : 1905-04-27, Budapest, Hungary

Death : 1973-06-20


Márton Keleti


Csínom Palkó
The musical adventure film goes back to the early eighteenth century, the times of the battles between the Hungarian insurrectionists and the pro-Austrians. Palkó and Jankó are about to join the insurrectionist army when they clash with a pro-Austrian troop. Jankó is captured and put in Count Koháry's prison.
Prince Bob
George, Prince of Wales mingles with the crowd in Bowie Street in disguise under the pseudonym Bob. He falls in love with the poor Uncle Tom's daughter, Annie. But to save his business, the indebted Uncle Tom promised her to the usurer Plumpudding.
Run to be Caught
Dangerous spies act as representatives of an international recording company to get important plans from the father of an aspiring composer.
Dreams of Love
This is a romantic biographical film about Franz Liszt. In a distinguished saloon of Paris, the unknown composer, Liszt, defeats the renown Thalberg at a piano competition. Through his playing, he wins the favours and later the hand of the countess D'Agoult. A daughter is born in their marriage, Cosima. Liszt is better and better known, Marie introduces him to the circle of artists.
Történelmi magánügyek
A light comedy of four love-stories.
Summer of Old Times
Hasty Marriage
The protagonists of a comic Romeo and Juliet story full of gags are two widowed pensioners. Nádor and Mrs. Komáromi meet in the cemetery while mourning their dead spouses and they fall in love.
Tanulmány a nőkről
Zsuzsa, Éva and Jolán decide to divorce their husbands. Their attorney is the young Vera who visits the husbands one after the other with the enthusiasm of dealing with the very first case. The bafflement of the sanguine Péter, the materialistic Sándor and the indolent Bálint lasts only for a few moments; after that, they all fall in love with the pretty lawyer.
A százegyedik szenátor I
Senator Fromm summoned to court, as it became known that he was involved in the Bobbi Beykera, the Secretary of the Democratic majority in the Senate. He is accused of stealing money from the fund of the party of bribing senators, blackmail, in tax evasion and other fraud. Investigation of the case of Senator Fromm leads the FBI. Parallel to this matter do Fromm's secretary and progressive journalist, her friend. They got incriminating documents closely related to senators in politics. But FBI agents taking care of the honor of politicians, millionaires do their best to hush up the case, and removed out of the way of those who want to tell people the truth.
Változó felhőzet
At the end of World War II, Bálint, a deserter tries to obtain forged papers. He gets involved in funny adventures
Én, Strasznov Ignác, a szélhámos
The Corporal and the Others
PFC Molnár decides his WWII services are over, and with serious money hidden in his hand grenades, he heads to an abandoned mansion where he encounters not only the sour butler but a bunch of others who also try to wimp out of their duties.
Story of My Foolishness
The celebrated actor considers his wife a nitwits actress of a mediocre talent. But an influential playwright, a friend of theirs, has written a play with the main role designed for her, Kati, particularly. Its title is "The Most Intelligent Woman in the World". On the day of the first night performance Kati recalls their past, the times she had together with her husband.
A past world is revived in the little cottage in the outskirts, next to the housing blocks under construction. Tamburás, the old hobo collects swerved youth: Diák, who desires freedom, the bus driver who is deprived of his license for having run over someone, and the rest. They have got an easy and unbound life there, with constant music, small thefts, occasional labour, tricks.
A Rainy Sunday
A new teacher arrives at the secondary grammar school. The girls are all crazy for the handsome, blonde young man, except for the most excellent pupil, Balázs Ági. Yet Pali starts paying his attentions to no one else but her.
Amíg holnap lesz
Mihály Zágon has been struggling with his conservative mother-in-law for a long time. Now, that his wife is pregnant, the old woman wants Piroska to stay in bed. Mihály is elected to be the president of the co-operative, but nobody is happy about this back home. His wife often pretends to be ill to keep him by her side.
Just a Joke
The grey hero of grey workdays, the divorced cashier of a cinema who is always willing to sacrifice herself for others, Etelka, is awarded a two-week-holiday at Lake Balaton. Following the advice of her female friend, she tries to live life at full speed.
Guns and Doves
1920 in a mining town in the country-side. The team of children led by Ferkó Boda fish guns and a flag of Red soldiers out of the local lake.
Pár lépés a határ
October, 1956. Colonel lieutenant Szabó sends a platoon with the mission of calming the people demonstrating in the town. The platoon is lined up under the command of Lieutenant Csendes and the soldiers aim at the demonstrators. Szusza Kis changes sides, and Csendes is unable to shoot at his childhood mate. They withdraw.
The Last Adventure of Don Juan
Hungarian film.
The Lady and the Gipsy
Georgina comes to see her sister Gladys in Paris in order to dissuade her from becoming attached to Rigo, a gypsy conductor. When she meets the latter, it is love at first sight. Louis, Georgina’s husband, does not accept this situation.
The Football Star
Cabinet crisis threatens in Futbólia, due to a series of lost matches. The head of state charges admiral Duca with the task, as a last chance, to get hold of the football star of the Hungarian team presently playing in Switzerland.
Two Confessions
This easy-to-take Hungarian drama is also known as Two Wishes. The prinicipal characters are a pair of juvenile delinquents, who may still be redeemable. The sullen duo is befriended by a kindly police inspector, who takes it upon himself to straighten out the boys. What follows cannot be termed surprsingly or innovative, though it is immensely satisfying. Of interest is the fact that a Communist-bloc film would admit to a delinquency problem in the so-called Worker's Paradise. Ket Vallomas was the Hungarian entry in the 1957 Cannes Film Festival.
Two Confessions
This easy-to-take Hungarian drama is also known as Two Wishes. The prinicipal characters are a pair of juvenile delinquents, who may still be redeemable. The sullen duo is befriended by a kindly police inspector, who takes it upon himself to straighten out the boys. What follows cannot be termed surprsingly or innovative, though it is immensely satisfying. Of interest is the fact that a Communist-bloc film would admit to a delinquency problem in the so-called Worker's Paradise. Ket Vallomas was the Hungarian entry in the 1957 Cannes Film Festival.
The bridge of life
Védjük meg üzemeinket
Hungarian concert film from 1955.
Keep Your Chin Up!
On the Spring of 1945 the Jackson circus is heading towards the border with the clown Peti and Aida, the elephant. They have to play for the Hungarian Fascists, while Peti is hiding the Jew Annuska and Sanyika.
Kiskrajcár is a 1953 Hungarian film directed by Márton Keleti. It was entered into the 1954 Cannes Film Festival.
Young at Heart
In the vocational school the professionally excellent Dani János works on his own invention in his leisure time, but he does not like learning. However, even his own father learns in the evenings, he will become a teacher.
Friday the 13th
Hungarian short movie about superstitions.
Try and Win
Pista Rácz, bearer of the title "outstanding workman" is opposed to all forms of sport, and is especially antagonized by Jóska Teleki, a first-class sportsman, who seems to be a drawback for Rácz's brigade in terms of work quantity performance figures.
Különös házasság
Különös házasság is a 1951 Hungarian drama film directed by Márton Keleti. It was entered into the 1951 Cannes Film Festival.
Dalolva szép az élet
"Silver lute", the choral society of the Vác Engine Works, led by Réz, the conductor, is preparing for its 25th anniversary. All the important members of the society, among them Seregély, a magician, are, at the same time, all "fathers" of Zsóka, daughter of a former colleague, who has been killed in an accident, and whom they then adopted.
Mickey Magnate
Baracs Pista, engineer at the construction site of a railway line near the Korláthy estate, falls in love with Rolla, a countess disguised as a peasant girl. The count is giving a party as he wants the railway line to go across his lands.
The Siege of Beszterce
The film evokes count Pongrácz, who, as late as the 19th century, managed to live a life, which reminds one of his medieval ancestor's values. He acts in defiance of the town by fighting his own battle against it, having been offended by the town.
A tanítónő
Shown in Cannes 1947.
Biting Husband
Péter Ilosvay and Lina Vásárhelyi are wife and husband, but don't come along with each other. After the divorce they go on living under the same roof for they are unable to agree on the common wealth.
Keep On Smoking Ladányi!
Ladányi, a landowner of 800 acres lives high in Ádámháza, while his bailiff, Pókai keeps on raiding him.
Torockói menyasszony
András and Rózsi have been engaged for years now, but, given the absence of her certificate of baptism, they cannot get married.
Torockói menyasszony
András and Rózsi have been engaged for years now, but, given the absence of her certificate of baptism, they cannot get married.
Lovagias ügy
Assistant Director
Spring Shower
Assistant Director
It tells the story of Marie, an austerely beautiful young peasant girl played by the French star, Annabella. She is seduced beneath a flowering tree by the admirer of one of the daughters of the prosperous family for whom she works, becomes pregnant and is cast out.