John B. O'Brien

John B. O'Brien

Birth : 1884-12-13, Roanoke, Virginia, USA

Death : 1936-08-15


John B. O'Brien


Saturday's Lesson
The Devil
A man dressed as the devil scares the gang into minding their mothers.
Cat, Dog & Co.
Fruit Vendor
Farina, Joe, and friends use dogs to power their "roadsters," but following a lesson from the head of the Be Kind to Animals Society, they make it their cause to rescue animals from bad treatment. Joe even manages to find patience for a nagging flea that persists in biting him. Meanwhile, Wheezer, who has been tormenting animals with his games, dreams that the animals have turned the tables on him.
Jim Hood's Ghost
Jim Hood's sister comes to town and the bad men don't like it.
The Outlaw's Daughter
Slim Cole, a notorious outlaw, shoots at mining executive Jim King, missing him but wounding Flora Dale in the shoulder. Jim takes care of the injured girl, who, when she recovers, goes to work in his office. Unknown to Jim, Flora is the daughter of an outlaw whom Cole had killed and has secretly vowed revenge against Jim.
The Bride's Play
Marquis of Muckross
A sweet-natured young Irish woman is courted by a romantic poet and a local country gentleman. Which man will she choose?
A Daughter of the Law
Jim Garth
When Eddie, the son of a police officer, gets involved with a criminal gang, his sister tries to steer him away from crime.
Annabelle Lee
David Martin
This drama was based on the poem by Edgar Allan Poe.
The Stealers
Man of Dawn
Rev. Robert Martin is an ex-minister who has lost his faith because of his wife's faithlessness, and taken up a life of crime as head of a band of pickpockets masquerading as religious workers who ply their trade in the wake of a traveling carnival company. He tries to keep the true nature of his work secret from his daughter Julie, but she learns the truth while traveling with his band for a week.
Bride 13
Lt. Bob Norton
A gang of Tripolitan pirates swooped down and kidnapped 13 wealthy brides, whom they held for ransom.
Wings of Pride
Kent Ordway
Olive Muir, a haughty society girl, objects when Alice Prentice, a girl of lower station, comes to visit her family. After Alice's drunken father comes to visit the Muir home, Olive learns to her horror that she is adopted and that Prentice is her real father.
Impossible Catherine
The head of the Kimberly household rules it with an iron fist. Unfortunately the head of the Kimberly household isn't Grant (J.H. Gilmore), the father and wealthy Wall Street magnate -- it's his spoiled, headstrong daughter Catherine (Virginia Pearson). She is so willful that she has earned the name "Impossible Catherine," and her whole focus in life is to prove women's superiority over the masculine gender.
The Unforseen
On the eve of her elopement with Henry Traquair, Margaret Fielding is accidentally discovered in Traquair's apartments by his friends, Captain Richard Haynes and Walter Maxwell.....
Bab's Diary
Harold Valentine
Bab comes home for the Christmas holidays. Given to fabrications, Bab has been keeping a diary in which she describes and imaginary boyfriend named Harold Valentine. Imagine what happens when a real Harold Valentine shows up as her parents' house guest.
Souls Triumphant
Lillian Vale is the naïve and unworldly daughter of minister Josiah Vale. Swept off her feet by handsome Robert Powers, Lillian marries him, unaware that he is constitutionally incapable of fidelity. Led astray by vampish Hattie Lee, Powers follows his new paramour to the Big City -- the first of several bad decisions which culminate in disaster for the errant hero.
Mary Lawson's Secret
Hulda from Holland
Hulda, a plucky Dutch girl, brings her three little brothers from Holland to America to live with their rich Uncle Peter. Hulda finds love with a poor artist.
Destiny's Toy
Young Nan was rescued from a shipwreck by a man who becomes her foster father. Years later, when he dies, she moves to a nearby city and unknowingly gets involved with a criminal gang. When the gang attempts and fails to rob wealthy Thomas Carter's home, Nan finally discovers what they are and tells the police all she knows, resulting in the imprisonment of Bad Riley, the gang's leader. Grateful, the Carter family takes Nan into their home, to replace a young daughter who had drowned years before, and the young son, Rev. Robert Carter, begins a romance with her. However, the jailed Riley soon escapes and comes after Nan.
Destiny's Toy
Young Nan was rescued from a shipwreck by a man who becomes her foster father. Years later, when he dies, she moves to a nearby city and unknowingly gets involved with a criminal gang. When the gang attempts and fails to rob wealthy Thomas Carter's home, Nan finally discovers what they are and tells the police all she knows, resulting in the imprisonment of Bad Riley, the gang's leader. Grateful, the Carter family takes Nan into their home, to replace a young daughter who had drowned years before, and the young son, Rev. Robert Carter, begins a romance with her. However, the jailed Riley soon escapes and comes after Nan.
The Eternal Grind
Louise (Pickford) is a sewing-machine girl in a sweatshop in New York City. She lives together with her sisters Amy (Loretta Blake) and Jane (Dorothy West) and are all deprived by bad conditions at work and sickness. Louise tries for the three of them to survive and regards herself as the keeper of her sisters. Meanwhile, she stands up to her bosses and complains about the dreadful circumstances they work in. When Amy is seduced by the son of the shop-owner, Louise butts in and stops the romance. He eventually abandons Amy and becomes seriously injured in a cave-in. Louise has a secret crush on the son herself and tries to rescue him, hoping he will admit he loves her. The film is inspired by the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire, which took place in 1911. The only version of the film is a nitrate print in the Cinematheque Francaise, but only the first half remains.
The Flying Torpedo
In the future (1921), an alliance of several foreign countries plot to attack the US. American officials, coming to the realisation that the country is basically defenceless, offer $1,000,000 to anyone who can come up with a weapon to defeat the invaders. Winthrop Clavering, a writer and inventor, hears of the reward and tells his friend Bartholomew Thompson, a scientist and inventor who has been working on developing flying torpedo. However, enemy agents have also heard about Thompson's project, and set out to kill him and steal his plans. This film is now considered lost.
The Foundling
Rich artist David King sends his infant daughter Molly to an orphanage, then years later regrets it and tries to find her. She's sent to slave at a boarding house,and the mistress of the orphanage passes her niece off as Molly.
Captain Macklin
Royal Macklin, a cadet at WEst Point, is discharged for a misdemeanor, and the father of Beatrice, Macklin's sweetheart, order her to break the engagement. Macklin goes to Honduras, in the midst of a revolution, and joins the Patriot army of General LaGuerre in the fight against Alvarez and his rebels. Macklin proves his valor in battle and saves the life of General Laguerre. But Beatrice and her father, having found that Macklin was innocent of the charge that caused his dismissal, are in Honduras and have been captured by Alvarez.
The Folly of Anne
A picture from the short story of Ellen Farley in "The Cavalier," and screened by John O'Brian. The story is of a girl who tries to be an author and has the usual fate of such. The new interest comes when she enters the home of the publisher because the policemen won't let her sit on the park benches and she wants to hide out of sight of them. She is starving and there is fruit on the table which she eats, but when the "burglar" comes she feels in duty bound to protect the place from him; it is the publisher, and from this meeting the two young people fall in, it always happens in fiction, why say it? But even with this ending the offering has much to commend it. Able direction and good acting give it atmosphere and it will go all right.
The Tear That Burned
The Tear That Burned is a silent movie drama.
A Mother's Influence
The son falls in love with his millionaire father's stenographer, against the parental wishes. To get rid of her influence over Wallace, Burton, Sr., discharges Madge. But the young man follows her and they are married. By so doing he separates himself from his father altogether.
For Her Father's Sins
Laura Bell runs away from her country home to the city, where she becomes a clerk in a department store. Her brother, Frank, follows her to New York, but is unable to place her. He becomes interested in a settlement house and obtains a position in social service work. Mary Ashton, daughter of the proprietor of the store where Laura works, is shocked to find that her father pays his clerks starvation wages.
Back to the Kitchen
The ranchman's daughter is in love with Jack of the Rancho and becomes engaged to him, but Pa comes on their lovemaking and rudely separates them. Following an idea which he worked on during a visit to New York, Pa writes to a Frenchman, a lawyer there, and tells him he will marry his daughter to a count the lawyer will provide. The lawyer accordingly looks up an Italian cook, decks him out with a red sash, etc., and sends him west for the easy money.
Sierra Jim's Reformation
Sierra Jim, wounded and desperate, flees from the sheriff and is given refuge in the cabin of a young girl, the sweetheart of the pony express rider.
The Second Mrs. Roebuck
Mabel Mack's mother is deserted by her father and the mother dies. All that Mabel retains of her family history is a group photograph of her father, mother and herself, in a locket which she always wears.
The Second Mrs. Roebuck
Mabel Mack's mother is deserted by her father and the mother dies. All that Mabel retains of her family history is a group photograph of her father, mother and herself, in a locket which she always wears.
The Mystery of the Hindu Image
John Stafford is unjustly arrested on the eve of his marriage for the murder of an old gentleman whose body was found in his guardian's library. The young man is taken to the penitentiary, but eludes his guards and escapes. His sweetheart engages a noted detective who finds a small Hindu image in the hand of the dead man.
The Angel of Contention
Nettie is beloved by all the boys in the mining camp. Magoon, a big, jovial miner, loves her most of all, however, and asks her to become his wife. Nettie is in love with Colter, a young Easterner, and though it pains her to do so, tells Magoon of the fact. Magoon leaves town to become sheriff of the adjoining county. A murder is committed in the mining camp, and Colter is unjustly accused. Nettie rescues him from jail and sends him to Magoon. The sheriff with admirable self-sacrifice hides his rival, and, when the posse arrives, points out what Nettie has done for the boys of the mining camp. Colter is released, and all the boys escort him back to Nettie.
The Different Man
The Different Man is a silent Western from 1914
The Buffalo Bill Show
Black and white silent film. A Buffalo Bill & Pawnee Bill Film Company production. This film was a different production from the Paul Panzer vehicle, The Life of Buffalo Bill (also 1912).
Life on the Circle Ranch in California
Fictionalized look at life on a ranch
A Western Redemption
Steve Wilson
Tom Perkins, a Chicago youth, is arrested, charged with being one of the carbarn bandits, to whom is attributed a series of bold robberies. The disgraced parents also suffer for their son's crimes, the elder Perkins being thrown out of a job, and they are forced to leave their rented cottage, on account of the bad character of their son.
Spike Shannon's Last Fight
The Opponent
'Spike' Shannon, a pugilist by occupation, signs to fight a 10-round bout, with another young knight of the ring. A contract is drawn and 'Spike' and his backers leave the office of the promoter. On the street they encounter a young couple, evidently at outs, but which proves later, upon the girl's explanation, to be a flirtation, in which she has no desire to take part. The masher has insolently insulted her. 'Spike' takes in the situation at once and with his strong right arm knocks the dude sprawling.
The Corporation and the Ranch Girl
Upon the death of her father, Ann Newton is made the heiress of an extensive and valuable ranch in Arizona, when she is visited by the officials of the S.W. Railroad Company, who, seeking to extend the tracks of their company, find it necessary to buy a portion of the ranch. Ann refuses to part with the ranch at any price
The Tribe's Penalty
Dorothy Sloane, the daughter of a white settler in the west, leaves her home one day for a ride on horseback to the village, but on the way in intercepted by a party of Indians who, after a hard chase, capture her and taking her to the village, bring her before the chief.
The Infant at Snakeville
Mrs. Graham and her baby boy are on their way from the east to an uncle's ranch in Wyoming, and they have completed the long journey in safety up to the time they are to take the stagecoach to Snakeville, near which the ranch is located. Through an accident Baby "Bumps," as he is fondly called by his mother, is carried off by the coach and Mrs. Graham left behind.
The Lucky Card
George Maxwell, a young cowboy, rescues a fever-stricken Mexican prospector and carrying him to an inn in the vicinity like a good Samaritan, pays the innkeeper a sum of money to care for the stricken man until he recovers.
Alkali Ike's Auto
Alkali Ike and Mustang Pete are both wooing the same woman. Ike hopes to take her for a horseback ride, but she chooses instead to go with Pete, who has a horse and carriage. Ike trades his horses for an automobile, hoping to win her over that way, but things do not work out as planned.
The Puncher's New Love
Harvey Barton, a young cowboy, is happily in love with Kate Bowers, a pretty western girl. One day he calls at her home, shows her a handbill advertising a barn dance to be held at one of the nearby ranches, and asks her to go with him. On his way back to the ranch he comes upon a beautiful young woman, whose horse has met with an accident and Harvey dismounts and bashfully asks her if he can be of any assistance. She accepts his help and invites him to accompany her home. She is inclined to flirt and easily turns the foolish young cowpuncher's head, and the meeting ends with him inviting her to accompany him to the dance.
The Indian Maiden's Lesson
Rev. Warren Addington, the pastor of an eastern evangelical church, is left a will wherein is given the location of a valuable mine in Montana, unknown to any other living person. He takes only one man into his confidence, Jack Beardsley, a westerner and a seemingly trustworthy man, who is familiar with the country.
Across the Plains
The Cowboy's Friend
Jennie Lee and her father are on their way to Golden California, from a little Kansas farm, traveling in a prairie schooner. At the last settlement visited by the two, the old man, who has a weakness for drink, purchases several bottles of whiskey, which he begins drinking when they have made camp for the night. A lone cowboy calls upon them and finds the old man in a jovial mood and cautions him to beware of the hostile tribe of Indians, through whose country they are now traveling.
The Sheriff's Chum
Two young men of a western town, Will Phelps and George Arden, are in love with the same girl, the belle of the village. Having been pals from boyhood they decide to let the girl choose between them and to abide by her decision without argument or malice. Jessie chooses Phelps, and Arden, although deeply hurt by her decision, presses the hands of both and wishes them happiness. Several years elapse during which time Jessie and Will are married and the latter has become sheriff of the county. It is then that Arden returns and the two men are apparently happy in being together again.
The Faithful Indian
Will Talbot, a miner, is severely injured in an explosion of dynamite on his claim and his life is saved through the aid of his faithful Indian servant. The Indian carries him to their shack and rides to town for the doctor. When the latter arrives he finds that Talbot has not only suffered severe face burns, but seems to have also lost all knowledge of his identity, a species of insanity occasionally the result of a violent shock.
The Count and the Cowboys
The scene is laid in the West and presents a French count, in immaculate attire, suddenly dropped among the cowboys. Following an altercation he offers to fight a duel, but when the results of a scheme arranged by the cowboys to show his opponent killing duelists by wholesale are seen, he breaks away and barely succeeds in catching the stage on his way back to the effete East, while the cowboys make merry over their successful joke.
A Cowboy's Vindication
A shot during a struggle, and Frank Morrison is branded with the mark of Cain, but by his own efforts the real murderer is discovered.
Circle C Ranch's Wedding Present
Circle C Ranch's Wedding Present is a silent Western
Hank and Lank: As Sandwich Men
The Cook
Hank and Lank have inside information that it's meal time, but it looks as if they would have to skip a meal or two until Hank's fertile brain maps out a royal road to a big feed.
The Masquerade Cop
The Masquerade Cop is a silent Comedy
The Silent Message
Jeff Bandera, outlaw, has been capture by the sheriff, who is taking him by rail to the nearest lockup. Jeff is desperate and when the train slows down to a curve he makes a leap through the window and, despite his handcuffs, escapes serious injury. Before the sheriff can leave the train and pursue him Jeff has taken refuge in the gulches of the rough country
Pals of the Range
Jack Hartley
The scene opens in the bunk house of the Lazy K Ranch, where we see Jack Hartley and his pal Jack Smythe. Hartley has just received a letter from the east, in which his mother asks him for money. Hartley is much depressed. He is broke and sees no immediate prospect of recouping his fortunes. Smythe, learning of Hartley's dilemma, offers his roll to his pal, who gratefully accepts it.
A Close Shave
Mr. Marc and his wife are at breakfast when the butler announces an early caller and tenders his master a card bearing the name of Mr. Bunco. When Marc hurries into the reception room he is greeted by a gentleman of prepossessing appearance, who, after a warm handshake, introduces himself as the agent of the Silver Sucker mine. He has heard that Mr. Marc is seeking a profitable investment and was advised by a friend of Mr. Marc's to see this latter. The gentleman offers other credentials, but the mention of the friend's name is enough for the unwary Marc, and he refuses to put the gentleman to such an inconvenience. At length it is arranged, and Marc informs the gentleman that if he will call at his office at 2 o'clock they will close the deal. Mr. Marc wears a beard, and on his way downtown he suddenly resolves to shave.
A Flirty Affliction
Officer O'Rourke
Pretty Molly is afflicted with a peculiar nervous disease and after having tried many doctors is finally referred to a certain great specialist, who has had success with cases similar to her own. To briefly describe Molly's ailment would be in stating that the muscles of her throat and neck were uncontrollable, causing her to throw back her head in a way resembling a person beckoning to another.
The Pony Express Rider
Pony O'Brien
"Pony" O'Brien, or Number 3 of the relay between two desert-bound western cities, draws his horse before his sweetheart's house and lingers somewhat longer with his packet of mail as he tells her the good news of a raise in salary which means they will soon be ready to marry.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Our friend Blink is a baseball bug and a devotee of the sport. One day he finds he will have time in the afternoon to visit the ball park, and from that moment until noon he is in an excited fever, refusing to talk anything but baseball to the business men who call on him.
The Dumb Half Breed's Defense
A silent Western.
The Count That Counted
Jimmy Little, a reporter for the Daily Howl, is in love. The object of his affections this time is pretty Dorothy Alexander, daughter of a millionaire, and this is the unfortunate part of it, because Dorothy's father suspicions the reporter of wanting the millions more than Dorothy. However nothing could be furthermost in the mind of Jimmy
Under Western Skies
The Bartender
The girl gives herself to one of the men to escape a worse fate, though she separates from another lover to do it. Later she discovers in a dramatic way that her lover was a poltroon and turns to her husband for protection.
The Bad Man's Last Deed
Arizona Pete, typical bad man, is the hero of the story.
The Forest Ranger
The scene opens in a backwoods hut, the home of Dave Barlow and his stepdaughter Anna. Barlow is one of a party of timber thieves who have been working stealthily and to good profit in the government forest reserves on which property they live.
The Ranchman's Feud
Jack Matthews
Hiram Matthews, a western ranchman, owns an apple orchard which borders on the property of Jesse Forsyth. The former and his wife are picking apples in the orchard from a tree, the branches of which droop over the fence of the Forsyth property. Forsyth and Matthews have never been on good terms and when the former, who has brooded long over supposed ills done him by Matthews, finds this latter and his wife trespassing on his property, he orders them off at the point of a shotgun.
Away Out West
Second Prospector
Herbert Mills, a young chap from the east, with his partner, Walter Daniels, an experienced miner, are about to set out on a prospecting trip through the mountains.
The Little Doctor of the Foothills
A humorous picture, depicting the experience of a pretty little woman doctor who goes to Arizona to practice her profession and whose presence so works upon the cowboys that they all require her aid almost instantly.
The Cowpuncher's Ward
'Red' Bowman is a worthless renegade, an alleged rustler, to whom fate has been unduly kind to allow him to escape so long the honest judgment and double earned punishment. His daughter, a curly-headed ragged little sunbeam, keeps house for him as best she can, accepting with model fortitude her brutal father's blows and lashings. When he beats her too mercilessly she runs away, if she can, to hide until his anger cools. One day he is interrupted in his amusement of "lickin' the kid" by a group of stern, determined cowboys, who threaten to lynch him if he dares whip the little girl again. 'Red' slinks away and postpones the lashing for another time. That night, he and a pal, another black-hearted scoundrel, make a raid on a bunch of cattle, but are caught in the act.
The Cowboy's Sweetheart
A love story complication with Western trimmings.
The Bad Man and the Preacher
Snake Williams
"Snake" Williams, typical bad man, and a little group of cowboys are found loitering lazily about the Snakeville, Ariz. barroom, when the noon-day stage coach out of Phoenix rumbles around pike and deposits one lone passenger. Interest is immediately aroused and as the stage coach pulls out, Snake, the constant bully, sidles up to the newly arrived stranger to inquire the latter's business, explaining at the same time that although the town has no mayor or reception committee, he will be pleased to do the honors.
The Mistaken Bandit
Jim Thaw runs an isolated general store in California. He occupies a position as agent for the Great Eastern Express Company, which in the west is a day job. One day the stage drives up and deposits a money box with Thaw with instructions from the general manager of the Great Eastern that it is to be held with him over night, adding that he must keep a careful watch as it is reported that Buck Brady, an outlaw, has been seen skulking in the vicinity of Thaw's store.
Method in His Madness
Man Outside Third Bar
A doddering old gentleman, out for his morning's constitutional, suffers an attack of epilepsy in front of a saloon in the country town. Pedestrians run to his rescue and the barkeeper of the saloon brings out a good jolt of whiskey to revive the stricken one. A tramp who has noted the accident, has also mentally noted the glass of whiskey, and being thirsty for a drink himself, he turns away, a brilliant scheme revolving in his mind. A few minutes later the tramp in passing another saloon is seen to fall and go into violent contortions. A crowd gathers and the saloonkeeper comes out with the dose of whiskey. "Weary" is delighted, and meeting an old tramp friend of his, puts him wise to the little game.
The Mexican's Faith
The Scoundrel
Tony Perez, a Mexican cowpuncher, is driven from the ranch where he is employed for some misdemeanor or other, and after vainly endeavoring to find work, tries the gate of Dan Farman's ranch, "The Mosquito," and applies for a job. His hard luck story rings true and old Dan, who is of a charitable turn, puts the Mexican to work.
The Cowboy and the Squaw
Tom Ripley, a cowpuncher from the Circle A ranch, wins the hatred of Jim Simpson, another cowpuncher, when he defends Lightfeather, a pretty squaw, from the insults of Simpson.
The Outlaw's Sacrifice
The Rival
Matt Malone, a highwayman and night rider who has long baffled the police authorities, loves Nona McMahon, posing with her as a cowboy from up country.
Won by a Hold-Up
Bill's Friend
Bill Smith, a cowpuncher, is in love with Nell Parsons, daughter of Jon Parsons, a gruff old rancher. Bill wins Nell as far as she is concerned, but he must first ask father. When Bill broaches the subject to the old man, the father kicks him off the premises. All subsequent meetings are frustrated.
Electric Insoles
Have you ever heard of Dr. Wright's Wonderful Electric Insoles? "Guaranteed to cure anything the matter with the feet, rheumatism, corns, bunions, also a powerful vitality stimulant, makes you feel young and giddy and alarmingly lively," etc. etc.
The Heart of a Cowboy
Two handsome young Americans, cowboys of the "Bar O" ranch, fall in love with Kitty Blair, the pretty daughter of a neighboring ranchman.
The Ranchman's Rival
Walter Milton
The Ranchman's Rival is a silent Western
His Reformation
Tom Carlton, leader of a band of Western bandits, tires of his life of crime and resolves to reform.
The Best Man Wins
Charles Shea, the handsome young foreman of the Bar Z ranch, has won the love of the winsome daughter of his employer, John Graham. Alice and he are engaged to be married when a telegram announcing the death of his father and the request that he immediately return East, is handed Shea. Promising to return immediately the estate is settled. Shea bids Alice good-bye and leaves for the East. A year passes and no word from Charley. The girl is in despair and. though every cowpuncher on the place loves her madly, she refuses each one in turn, declaring that she will wait for Charley, whom she is sure will return soon.