Philip Gardiner


Blood Curse II: Asmodeus Rises
Second Unit Director of Photography
Alicia Stone returns in this gore-drenched sequel. Having lost all hope, husband Jason calls on the help of Paranormal TV host Tyson to confront the demonic forces that have plagued the Stone household.
Blood Curse II: Asmodeus Rises
Alicia Stone returns in this gore-drenched sequel. Having lost all hope, husband Jason calls on the help of Paranormal TV host Tyson to confront the demonic forces that have plagued the Stone household.
Blood Curse II: Asmodeus Rises
Additional Camera
Alicia Stone returns in this gore-drenched sequel. Having lost all hope, husband Jason calls on the help of Paranormal TV host Tyson to confront the demonic forces that have plagued the Stone household.
Alien Encounters in Ancient Times
Alien and UFO encounters are not just a modern phenomenon. In fact, they go back thousands of years and amazingly resemble contemporary accounts worldwide. There are eyewitnesses from ancient times that actually recorded them and historical evidence exists in archaeology, landscapes and symbols. Why do we believe ancient accounts about battles and politics and yet ignore records about UFO sightings? From Egypt to Rome, from Africa to Europe, from South America to Australia - sightings have been recorded across vast periods of time, it's clear that we have never been alone.
Delusions End: Breaking Free of the Matrix
In a world of lies and deception and false hopes, the time is now to remove the blinders of deception and take back our lives.
Annunaki: Alien Gods from Nibiru
450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return. The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed.
Annunaki: Alien Gods from Nibiru
450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return. The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed.
Ancient World Aliens
Aliens may have been on Earth since the dawn of time and the truth about their visitation over the eons is far more profound than we realize.
Alien Origins: Beings of Light
Truths have been hidden from us for hundreds of years. In antiquity, a few had glimpsed the secrets that history has long forgotten but were silenced before they could reveal the most secret knowledge of all - the true origins of mankind. We have made contact with beings from another world as well as entities from other dimensions. These beings possess the most sacred knowledge in the cosmos. In the most ancient of times, we called them Gods and now that we are exploring space, it is time to come to terms with our true origins. From the Crystal Skulls to the Great Pyramid of Egypt and much more, prepare for a journey that could change history as we know it.
Bible Secrets: The Forbidden Codes
There is more to the Bible than we ever imagined. It conceals profound mysteries and hidden secrets previously reserved for the initiated. For millennia, the world has revered the words of this ancient book and countless legions have died defending it. Even today, in the 21st century heated debates are fought every day over the truth which lies within. But there is much more to this archaic document than meets the eye. Prepare to unlock the sacred codes of the most important literary work in human history.
Transgender Nation
Gender identification is changing rapidly and is causing heated division between the left and the right. From LGBTQ, gay, transsexual, transgender and more, lift the veil on the world of the Transgender and explore the secrets of a world most misunderstand.
Cannabis Evolution
Science has confirmed marijuana has the potential to treat physical and mental conditions, from cancer to PTSD. But the war on drugs has stifled millions in need of help - time to dispel the lies and address the facts.
Social Media Apocalypse
Today billions of people walk around like living zombies, glued to their mobile devices. They post pictures of their latest everyday outings or selfies of themselves living some exciting life that is in reality a lie. Social media can inform and enlighten but can also manipulate, control and destroy innocent people. It is changing humanity and is the new master of our daily lives but some are calling it a virtual prison that we willingly engage in while oblivious to the sinister agenda behind the technology. Utilized by corporations and political factions to spy and collect information on our lives in an attempt to sway the public toward an ulterior agenda. Social media is changing the face of the planet, we are becoming slaves to a technology master.
UFO Encounters
Thousands of witnesses are reporting UFO and Alien encounters for decades in every part of the globe. While more people than ever are accepting that there is an Alien presence on earth, the governments of the world refuse to take it seriously.
Britain's Royals: The House of Windsor
From grand pageants to war for land, from a fascinated media and public to secret dealings and marriages with Hollywood celebrities, the Royal family of the United Kingdom has held us spellbound for centuries. Today there every statement and action is monitored and reported on to the masses. But it wasn't always this way. The origins and evolution of the royal family is an amazing tale of tears and bloodshed. It is a world of high religion and low political scandal. It is a story with more intrigue and drama than any Hollywood blockbuster and has been told and retold. And yet, the whole royal system and history is a confusing world that most people, including the English, simply don't understand. In this film, we will unravel the legends, myths and history of a family that has us held within its mesmerizing grip. What were the origins, what does it all mean?
Robot Planet
For decades science fiction writers have amazed us and terrorized us with their portrayal of the world of artificial intelligence - from armies of cyborgs to legions of programmed zombies. Today we are now living in that future age of robots and artificial intelligence and all those dreams of the past are coming true. Mechanical robots will soon be outdated with biologically created humanoids connected to each other across the globe. They will self-repair, gather energy from the sun and live forever. They will be all-knowing and all-powerful like Gods that will walk the Earth. This future world is now inevitable and cannot be stopped. The greatest brains on Earth today have warned us about the consequences of getting this new technology wrong. They have predicted catastrophe. Prepare to meet your future.
A War Over Reality
We will soon be facing the greatest threat ever known as we are feeding and nurturing the monster of our own destruction. Welcome to your future.
H. H. Holmes: Original Evil
In the world of evil and deranged serial killers, there is no equal. Meet the Dark Lord of a murder castle who killed roughly 200 people in a self-made house of horrors who may have also been the notorious Jack the Ripper.
H. H. Holmes: Original Evil
In the world of evil and deranged serial killers, there is no equal. Meet the Dark Lord of a murder castle who killed roughly 200 people in a self-made house of horrors who may have also been the notorious Jack the Ripper.
H. H. Holmes: Original Evil
In the world of evil and deranged serial killers, there is no equal. Meet the Dark Lord of a murder castle who killed roughly 200 people in a self-made house of horrors who may have also been the notorious Jack the Ripper.
H. H. Holmes: Original Evil
Self - Narrator
In the world of evil and deranged serial killers, there is no equal. Meet the Dark Lord of a murder castle who killed roughly 200 people in a self-made house of horrors who may have also been the notorious Jack the Ripper.
Humanity Insanity: Throwaway Society
50 billion dollars worth of food is wasted each year, half of all the food produced on Earth thrown away while millions die hungry. Consumerism is killing the earth slowly as we succumb to a conspiracy created to maintain power within the ruling elite.
Living Forever
For millennia, mankind has sought the mythical substance known as the "Elixir of Life". The allure of immortality has changed the course of world power. Shocking new research reveals a clandestine secret hidden for centuries.
Living Forever
For millennia, mankind has sought the mythical substance known as the "Elixir of Life". The allure of immortality has changed the course of world power. Shocking new research reveals a clandestine secret hidden for centuries.
An Artificial Reality
We live an illusionary existence in a world filled with lies. We remain in a perpetual state of delusion. Our perception of reality has been corrupted. Big Brother knows everything, manipulates our emotions, manipulates how we think and controls the masses. We willingly allowed it because we desired it. We have become one with the machine. It’s our ultimate nightmare, and it’s about to get much worse. We will no longer be human. This is your future, an artificial reality.
450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return. The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed. (IMDB)
450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return. The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed. (IMDB)
450,000 years ago our ancestors descended from the heavens to engineer the first human beings. To us they were Giants that ruled as Gods over mankind. Now new evidence and scientific research acknowledges their existence on earth but reveals when they will return. The truth of their real origin and purpose is much more bizarre and amazing than anything previously believed. From the Garden of Eden to the Great Flood; from the God of the Bible to the secrets of Enoch all shall be revealed. (IMDB)
God Is Alive
Did we come from the mind of a creator or from nothing? Many create concepts of what God actually means and believe it to be the one defined by Christians, Jews or Muslims. It's a simple question of faith.
Knights Templar: Rise and Fall
Eons ago, an enigmatic group of warrior monks made history. In the 21st Century we are still looking back upon their history and mystery with wonder and speculation. They are linked to the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant and even the bloodline of Jesus Christ. They discovered a shocking artifact buried deep beneath the Temple of Solomon and held mankind's greatest secret of all by banding together to protect it for centuries, they are the Knights Templar.
Alien Contact: NASA Exposed 2
A former astronaut recently went on record to allege that there is abundant evidence that we are being contacted by Alien races and that these civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time. These claims also state that the Alien creatures appearance "is bizarre compared to any type of traditional western point of view and that these visitors use the technologies of consciousness and that they use "toroids," co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems. In addition, the recent discovery of 1,300 exoplanets that could sustain life has rocked the scientific world. Now more and more people, from world leaders to former astronauts, are testifying that UFOs not only exist, but that Aliens are here and have been monitoring the human race for centuries.
Alien Contact: Outer Space
Many people think of Space as a quiet and desolate vacuum of emptiness, but new evidence reveals that space is rife with activity beyond our comprehension. Just as we sent Voyager and Pioneer probes beyond our solar system, Aliens have probes of their own that may have arrived as early as the 1600's. While Tesla was the first to successfully communicate with neighboring worlds using radio waves, we have received recent signals from intelligent sources. In 1989, Russian Space Probe Phobos 2 photographed a UFO on the surface of Mars just prior to losing contact. Scientists have determined that the craft was real and of a thin elliptical shape over 20 miles in length. We are not alone in outer space and while the Aliens may be initiating contact, they could also be here already.
2020 Nostradamus
Born in 1503, the mysterious medieval visionary, Michel de Nostredame (a.k.a. "Nostradamus") predicted the rise of Hitler, the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima, and the 9/11 attacks. Now his quatrains are predicting our immediate future and it would seem the end times are truly upon the world. According to the new interpretations, Nostradamus predicted that a mighty Islamic army of terror would rise up and set in motion World War III. China would conquer the entire East and much of the globe, and then a complete collapse of technology would spin the world into chaos like never before as the Antichrist rises in the West. Explore the prophecies and decide for yourself.
2020 Nostradamus
Born in 1503, the mysterious medieval visionary, Michel de Nostredame (a.k.a. "Nostradamus") predicted the rise of Hitler, the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima, and the 9/11 attacks. Now his quatrains are predicting our immediate future and it would seem the end times are truly upon the world. According to the new interpretations, Nostradamus predicted that a mighty Islamic army of terror would rise up and set in motion World War III. China would conquer the entire East and much of the globe, and then a complete collapse of technology would spin the world into chaos like never before as the Antichrist rises in the West. Explore the prophecies and decide for yourself.
2020 Nostradamus
Born in 1503, the mysterious medieval visionary, Michel de Nostredame (a.k.a. "Nostradamus") predicted the rise of Hitler, the nuclear destruction of Hiroshima, and the 9/11 attacks. Now his quatrains are predicting our immediate future and it would seem the end times are truly upon the world. According to the new interpretations, Nostradamus predicted that a mighty Islamic army of terror would rise up and set in motion World War III. China would conquer the entire East and much of the globe, and then a complete collapse of technology would spin the world into chaos like never before as the Antichrist rises in the West. Explore the prophecies and decide for yourself.
Great Churches and Cathedrals
Awe inspiring and majestic, Churches and Cathedrals have been the place of gathering and worship for centuries but many of them hold secret mysteries and meanings (far beyond the allure of 'The Da Vinci Code') that are waiting to be rediscovered.
Sherlock Holmes: The Occult World of Arthur Conan Doyle
In the manner of the fictional sleuth, this film finds clues and amazing facts about secret societies and the occult his author hid inside his tales.
Ancient Gods of Egypt
"Gods of Egypt" was a huge box office success but the true Gods were more ancient and mysterious than fiction. Powerful and deadly, all knowing, and all seeing, they were the original Masters of the Universe. They originated many thousands of years ago in a land far away from Egypt. From the Gods of the underworld, Osiris and Anubis; to the Gods of light such as Amun-Ra and Horus; the lives and actions of the Gods of Ancient Egypt explain our very existence and our place in the universe. Prepare to experience the Real Gods of Egypt and the original Game of Thrones
Ancient Gods of Egypt
"Gods of Egypt" was a huge box office success but the true Gods were more ancient and mysterious than fiction. Powerful and deadly, all knowing, and all seeing, they were the original Masters of the Universe. They originated many thousands of years ago in a land far away from Egypt. From the Gods of the underworld, Osiris and Anubis; to the Gods of light such as Amun-Ra and Horus; the lives and actions of the Gods of Ancient Egypt explain our very existence and our place in the universe. Prepare to experience the Real Gods of Egypt and the original Game of Thrones
Ancient Gods of Egypt
"Gods of Egypt" was a huge box office success but the true Gods were more ancient and mysterious than fiction. Powerful and deadly, all knowing, and all seeing, they were the original Masters of the Universe. They originated many thousands of years ago in a land far away from Egypt. From the Gods of the underworld, Osiris and Anubis; to the Gods of light such as Amun-Ra and Horus; the lives and actions of the Gods of Ancient Egypt explain our very existence and our place in the universe. Prepare to experience the Real Gods of Egypt and the original Game of Thrones
Sherlock Holmes: The Occult World of Arthur Conan Doyle
In the manner of the fictional sleuth, this film finds clues and amazing facts about secret societies and the occult his author hid inside his tales.
Life After Death: Quantum Realms
Tens of thousands of years ago man stood upright; looked around and discovered existence. He was suddenly conscious of himself and the universe. And soon he needed to explain everything he saw and experienced. He embarked on a journey of discovery so profound it gave rise to the religions of the globe and even modern science. What is the meaning of life; is there life after death; and is there a God? These were the most fundamental questions anybody has ever dared to ask. Today, after thousands of years of searching and the development of modern science, we are moving closer to the answers than ever before. What we have discovered is that existence in the macro world matches that of the micro world. As it is above, so it is below and this understanding unlocks the answers we are searching for. Through quantum physics we can now finally look upon the face of God and see the meaning of existence.
Life After Death: Quantum Realms
Tens of thousands of years ago man stood upright; looked around and discovered existence. He was suddenly conscious of himself and the universe. And soon he needed to explain everything he saw and experienced. He embarked on a journey of discovery so profound it gave rise to the religions of the globe and even modern science. What is the meaning of life; is there life after death; and is there a God? These were the most fundamental questions anybody has ever dared to ask. Today, after thousands of years of searching and the development of modern science, we are moving closer to the answers than ever before. What we have discovered is that existence in the macro world matches that of the micro world. As it is above, so it is below and this understanding unlocks the answers we are searching for. Through quantum physics we can now finally look upon the face of God and see the meaning of existence.
All God's Saints
St. Joseph of Cupertino was known as the flying monk, and Saint Denis walked and talked holding his own severed head. History also tells us of Saints who were murdered coming back to life, walking on water and much more. Welcome to the world of the Super Humans we call Saints. Voiceover clearly has issues with Catholic dogma and doctrine, sarcasm is used frequently and St Christopher is discussed while an image of St Anthony is displayed, gave up watching after half an hour.
Adolf Hitler: Pure Evil
There have been many evil men in the history of the world including serial killers, rapists and mass murderers – but none of them as extreme and as monstrous as Adolf Hitler.
13 Times Evil
History is replete with psychotic killers with a horrific and utterly barbarous list of murders and slayings. Explore the darkness that haunts our souls and takes some over the precipice. This is the horror...13 of the Most Evil People to have walked the Earth.
Aliens and Atlantis: Stargates and Hidden Realms
Atlantis is known across the world as a myth. But is this really the truth? No matter what cultural history we explore, we discover a story very similar to the one we know about Atlantis...why? For years, experts and researchers have been looking in the wrong place, at the wrong people and for the wrong thing. For too long historians have focused on a few words left to us by Plato whose meaning they misunderstood. The fact is, even Plato didn't understand what had been told to him. The startling truth is that the remnants of Atlantis are all around us right now and have been for a very long time - long before recorded history. New research and insight exposes Atlantis to be a pivotal part of our ancient beginnings. The legendary lost city that many think of as myth, was in fact a very real and highly advanced civilization that was uniquely aware of the laws of the universe and was able to access hidden dimensions and make contact with extraterrestrial races.
Bible Conspiracies
Hidden in the Bible are ancient secrets. The marriage of Jesus and Mary and their children; the destruction of the tower of Babel by an alien race called the Anunnaki, and the hidden code that holds the revelation about future events.
A World Ruled By Evil
A group of extremely powerful people control the world through manipulation, marketing, propaganda and force. These are not the people you're thinking of. These are not always the politicians who are so often pawns themselves. These people are members of a long line, a golden thread through history that stretches back thousands of years and can be traced through their own bloodline. Welcome to the world of a very real and powerful secret society.
American Mind Control: MK Ultra
Project MK Ultra was formed by the CIA after WWII when the US extracted Nazi scientists to perform top secret testing on human subjects. MK Ultra drugged, raped, tortured and murdered innocent citizens. The project was reportedly shut down, but experts reveal it is very much alive today.
American Mind Control: MK Ultra
Project MK Ultra was formed by the CIA after WWII when the US extracted Nazi scientists to perform top secret testing on human subjects. MK Ultra drugged, raped, tortured and murdered innocent citizens. The project was reportedly shut down, but experts reveal it is very much alive today.
American Mind Control: MK Ultra
Project MK Ultra was formed by the CIA after WWII when the US extracted Nazi scientists to perform top secret testing on human subjects. MK Ultra drugged, raped, tortured and murdered innocent citizens. The project was reportedly shut down, but experts reveal it is very much alive today.
Da Vinci's Darkest Secret
The Holy Grail is inextricably linked with the mysterious family known to the ruling elite as the Merovingians; a name used in the Da Vinci Code, The Matrix and others due to the undeniable power it holds. Prepare to discover Da Vinci's darkest secret.
Bigfoot in Europe: Sasquatch Encounters Abroad
Bigfoot has been reported for hundreds of years in parts of Europe and Asia.
English Royalty: A Guide for the Rest of Us
They are the most famous royal family on the planet. They have massive influence, wealth and power and they once sat at the head of the world's largest Empire - they are the English Royal Family. But what do they do? Where and how did they get their power? Why do they still sit on the throne of a modern 21st century democracy?
Alien Contact: NASA Exposed
Whistleblowers claim NASA not only knows about alien visitations but that they are in contact with extraterrestrials.
Atlantis: The Beginning of Civilization
Startling evidence that Atlantis not only existed but was highly advanced by even today's standards. Modern archaeologists have claimed a link with the remote island of Thera. Explore the mystery of Atlantis and discover the enigma that has captivated the world since the time of Plato.
A Werewolf in Slovenia
When the moon is full in Slovenia, a creature comes out to feast on his prey. This fear of a werewolf stalking at night has citizens taking up arms.
A Werewolf in Slovenia
When the moon is full in Slovenia, a creature comes out to feast on his prey. This fear of a werewolf stalking at night has citizens taking up arms.
A Werewolf in Slovenia
When the moon is full in Slovenia, a creature comes out to feast on his prey. This fear of a werewolf stalking at night has citizens taking up arms.
Dead Walkers: Rise of the 4th Reich
In 1945 the Second World War came to an end and the Nazis fled. Scientists and military elite escaped across borders and found themselves in new worlds. Some fled to Russia, some the United States and others to South America. But there was another division, a forgotten group. A top secret and powerful team of men and women formed in the womb of the Nazi Occult. Now, decades after the war, their work is nearing completion. The 4th Reich is ready. It's more powerful and destructive than ever before. An army of hell is coming. Only one man knows the truth. His mission now, is to convince the world. Based on years of occult research and insider knowledge, Dead Walkers is a film packed with spies, soldiers, Nazis and secrets. But also a very dark and mysterious army raised in the pit of Nazi hell.
Dead Walkers: Rise of the 4th Reich
In 1945 the Second World War came to an end and the Nazis fled. Scientists and military elite escaped across borders and found themselves in new worlds. Some fled to Russia, some the United States and others to South America. But there was another division, a forgotten group. A top secret and powerful team of men and women formed in the womb of the Nazi Occult. Now, decades after the war, their work is nearing completion. The 4th Reich is ready. It's more powerful and destructive than ever before. An army of hell is coming. Only one man knows the truth. His mission now, is to convince the world. Based on years of occult research and insider knowledge, Dead Walkers is a film packed with spies, soldiers, Nazis and secrets. But also a very dark and mysterious army raised in the pit of Nazi hell.
1984: The New World Order
1984: The New World Order chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and worldview of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military, and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks, and financial crisis within the world economy. Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect; the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein every man, woman, and child is microchipped? The New World Order is upon us - preserve your liberty by being prepared!
Alien Encounter at Loch Ness
The Loch Ness Monster has been encountered by locals since the 7th Century, but no scientific investigation has fully explained the mystery until now. Prepare for a mind blowing revelation as a well-respected and worldwide scientific expert reveals the Alien of Loch Ness.
An Exorcism of Evil
Demonic Powers of Possession and Evil are on the rise; however humanity's methods of fighting evil have also developed and adapted over the centuries. With recreations and expert interviews, we get to grips with our ancient enemy.
Paranormal Rosslyn Chapel
Paranormal and supernatural mysteries abound at Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel, one of the most mysterious places in the world. From the head of Jesus and the Holy Grail, to the Secret Templar text and Dark Magick, explore this enigmatic Paranormal hot spot.
Dark Passions of a Sexual Serial Killer
Executive Producer
Elle-Anne is a beautiful and passionate young woman who indulges her passion for sex by working as a high class prostitute. Her life is thrown into disarray following a series of increasingly disturbing nightmares. She visits a psychotherapist in an effort to try and understand. This leads her on a dark and twisting journey towards a shocking truth.
Exorcist Chronicles
Across the world, demonic possessions are on the increase. Two specialists are brought in and uncover a dark and terrifying worldwide plot.
One Hour to Die 2
A casting call brings out thousands of hopeful actors, but when one of them brings a loaded gun, the lines between reality and fiction blur.
Aleister Crowley: Legend of the Beast
Since the onset of the human race there have been those who instinctively understood the nature of reality and sought to impose their will upon it by co-operating with and honoring the forces that governed it. Although History has left a rich legacy of Magick, Magicians and Wizards with such names as Pythagoras, Paracelsus, John Dee, Cagliostro, Israel Regardi and Eliphas Levi, in the modern era there is only one whose name is still spoken with fearful reverence as the most powerful and influential magician who ever lived – Aleister Crowley.
The Possession of Sophie Love
In this unearthly tale of horror, an aspiring young psychologist discovers that an evil paranormal force has possessed a seemingly sweet girl who's charged with murdering her parents on Christmas Day.
Awesome Killer Audition
Awesome Online Magazine decide to hold auditions for a new movie. In a way reminiscent of X-Factor, one by one the cast come on stage to perform. But one is pushed too far and decides he doesn't like rejection. All hell breaks out as the psycho runs amok!
One Hour to Die
A group of friends hold a surprise birthday party for their priest in the English countryside. Opening his final birthday card, the priest is met with a deadly message: you have all been poisoned and you have one hour to die. One by one, each party-goer begins to show signs of poisoning as the rest of the group searches frantically for the antidote in a disturbing and shocking sequence of events that will leave you speechless. Shot in one take with a group of talented UK players, this film explores the complexity of the human condition and the underlying darkness that we all possess, reminding us that our next-door neighbor could be a serial killer. Be forewarned: this film will deeply touch your psyche.
One Hour to Die
A group of friends hold a surprise birthday party for their priest in the English countryside. Opening his final birthday card, the priest is met with a deadly message: you have all been poisoned and you have one hour to die. One by one, each party-goer begins to show signs of poisoning as the rest of the group searches frantically for the antidote in a disturbing and shocking sequence of events that will leave you speechless. Shot in one take with a group of talented UK players, this film explores the complexity of the human condition and the underlying darkness that we all possess, reminding us that our next-door neighbor could be a serial killer. Be forewarned: this film will deeply touch your psyche.
One Hour to Die
A group of friends hold a surprise birthday party for their priest in the English countryside. Opening his final birthday card, the priest is met with a deadly message: you have all been poisoned and you have one hour to die. One by one, each party-goer begins to show signs of poisoning as the rest of the group searches frantically for the antidote in a disturbing and shocking sequence of events that will leave you speechless. Shot in one take with a group of talented UK players, this film explores the complexity of the human condition and the underlying darkness that we all possess, reminding us that our next-door neighbor could be a serial killer. Be forewarned: this film will deeply touch your psyche.
One Hour to Die
A group of friends hold a surprise birthday party for their priest in the English countryside. Opening his final birthday card, the priest is met with a deadly message: you have all been poisoned and you have one hour to die. One by one, each party-goer begins to show signs of poisoning as the rest of the group searches frantically for the antidote in a disturbing and shocking sequence of events that will leave you speechless. Shot in one take with a group of talented UK players, this film explores the complexity of the human condition and the underlying darkness that we all possess, reminding us that our next-door neighbor could be a serial killer. Be forewarned: this film will deeply touch your psyche.
Alien from Area 51: The Alien Autopsy Footage Revealed
In this documentary Ray Santilli and Gary Shoefield explain how their lives have changed since they made footage of an alien autopsy available to the public in a 1995 television special. They also explain how governments around the world are keeping the truth hidden from us.
Dark Watchers: The Women in Black
More and more UFO sightings occur every day. Across the globe people are losing time, friends and loved ones disappear, while the Men in Black are perpetually lurking in the background. In a sleepy seaside village, three women search the skies for a sighting of a UFO that is repeatedly haunting the area. Every day they venture out until one day they return having completely lost 4 hours from their lives. Their need to understand the UFO's and why they are here opens a world they could never have imagined and takes them into the heart of a dark and secretive universe populated by the Men in Black. Coming face to face with the unknown, they begin to realize that they have been profoundly affected by their encounter. To make matters worse, they begin to evolve into something amazing, yet horrifying - something beyond their worst nightmares. Beware the Dark Watchers. Written by Philip Gardiner
Dark Watchers: The Women in Black
More and more UFO sightings occur every day. Across the globe people are losing time, friends and loved ones disappear, while the Men in Black are perpetually lurking in the background. In a sleepy seaside village, three women search the skies for a sighting of a UFO that is repeatedly haunting the area. Every day they venture out until one day they return having completely lost 4 hours from their lives. Their need to understand the UFO's and why they are here opens a world they could never have imagined and takes them into the heart of a dark and secretive universe populated by the Men in Black. Coming face to face with the unknown, they begin to realize that they have been profoundly affected by their encounter. To make matters worse, they begin to evolve into something amazing, yet horrifying - something beyond their worst nightmares. Beware the Dark Watchers. Written by Philip Gardiner
Ghost Attack on Sutton Street: Poltergeists and Paranormal Entities
Expert Ghost Hunters from Haunted Events UK search for life-after death in the notoriously haunted Old Street Market of Sutton Town in historic old Englad. The area is so haunted that within minutes the investigation's medium is contacted by not one, but four spirits. The night becomes so frightening that the hunt is called off, but not before one final terrifying incident. Prepare yourselves for the most shocking Ghost Hunt ever recorded.
Lady of the Dark: Genesis of the Serpent Vampire
The seed of the serpent cannot die and will be re-born. Eve, an unsuspecting married woman, is selected for the re-birth and transformed into The Lady of the Dark - emerging as a ravenous, instinctual killer who shows no mercy.
Lady of the Dark: Genesis of the Serpent Vampire
The seed of the serpent cannot die and will be re-born. Eve, an unsuspecting married woman, is selected for the re-birth and transformed into The Lady of the Dark - emerging as a ravenous, instinctual killer who shows no mercy.
Lady of the Dark: Genesis of the Serpent Vampire
Sound Designer
The seed of the serpent cannot die and will be re-born. Eve, an unsuspecting married woman, is selected for the re-birth and transformed into The Lady of the Dark - emerging as a ravenous, instinctual killer who shows no mercy.
Lady of the Dark: Genesis of the Serpent Vampire
Director of Photography
The seed of the serpent cannot die and will be re-born. Eve, an unsuspecting married woman, is selected for the re-birth and transformed into The Lady of the Dark - emerging as a ravenous, instinctual killer who shows no mercy.
Lady of the Dark: Genesis of the Serpent Vampire
The seed of the serpent cannot die and will be re-born. Eve, an unsuspecting married woman, is selected for the re-birth and transformed into The Lady of the Dark - emerging as a ravenous, instinctual killer who shows no mercy.
Lady of the Dark: Genesis of the Serpent Vampire
The seed of the serpent cannot die and will be re-born. Eve, an unsuspecting married woman, is selected for the re-birth and transformed into The Lady of the Dark - emerging as a ravenous, instinctual killer who shows no mercy.
Paranormal Haunting: The Curse of the Blue Moon Inn
High in the peak stands the Blue Moon Inn, the home of Matthew Hopkins for as long as anybody cares to remember. Here is the place where once every century the moon appears to turn blue and all-manner of strange and terrifying events are said to be unleashed upon the land. The time has come and with it a small group of interested individuals. An astronomer, an astrologer and a documentary filmmaker all arrive unaware of the evils that will befall them. A nightmare unfolds upon each one until the final shocking conclusion.
Paranormal Haunting: The Curse of the Blue Moon Inn
High in the peak stands the Blue Moon Inn, the home of Matthew Hopkins for as long as anybody cares to remember. Here is the place where once every century the moon appears to turn blue and all-manner of strange and terrifying events are said to be unleashed upon the land. The time has come and with it a small group of interested individuals. An astronomer, an astrologer and a documentary filmmaker all arrive unaware of the evils that will befall them. A nightmare unfolds upon each one until the final shocking conclusion.
House of Sin
In an old London town, seemingly "normal" people congregate at an old house run by a man called "The Mage." In this house of sin, they are free to explore their every dark desire, perversion and emotion.
House of Sin
In an old London town, seemingly "normal" people congregate at an old house run by a man called "The Mage." In this house of sin, they are free to explore their every dark desire, perversion and emotion.
Cam Girl
Mary O’Brian is a nursing student, she’s struggling to make ends meet but it’s proving difficult to pay her rent and tuition. She’s never had any real luck and has no family to fall back on. She’s tempted by the lure of being a cam girl, a girl who videos herself for Johns that pay good money for this strange type of entertainment to fulfill their fantasies. Should she, or shouldn’t she? It’s tempting, it’s free and it pays well. But at what cost? Mary’s world is about to get very complicated as a dark and sinister force becomes obsessed with her, watching her, waiting for the right moment and for Mary to go too far. ..
Cam Girl
Mary O’Brian is a nursing student, she’s struggling to make ends meet but it’s proving difficult to pay her rent and tuition. She’s never had any real luck and has no family to fall back on. She’s tempted by the lure of being a cam girl, a girl who videos herself for Johns that pay good money for this strange type of entertainment to fulfill their fantasies. Should she, or shouldn’t she? It’s tempting, it’s free and it pays well. But at what cost? Mary’s world is about to get very complicated as a dark and sinister force becomes obsessed with her, watching her, waiting for the right moment and for Mary to go too far. ..
Cam Girl
Mary O’Brian is a nursing student, she’s struggling to make ends meet but it’s proving difficult to pay her rent and tuition. She’s never had any real luck and has no family to fall back on. She’s tempted by the lure of being a cam girl, a girl who videos herself for Johns that pay good money for this strange type of entertainment to fulfill their fantasies. Should she, or shouldn’t she? It’s tempting, it’s free and it pays well. But at what cost? Mary’s world is about to get very complicated as a dark and sinister force becomes obsessed with her, watching her, waiting for the right moment and for Mary to go too far. ..
Secret Societies and Sacred Stones: From Mecca to Megaliths
Documentary - From Mecca to Megaliths and stone circles, stones trace the history of mankind. Ancient cultures considered stones to be sacred objects and gifts from the gods. Ancient stones have been used in secret and magical ceremonies, from the origin of ritualized worship in Sumeria and Egypt to Secret Societies such as the Knights Templar and the Illuminati. - Robert Feather, Franky Ma, Zachary Miller
Secret Societies and Sacred Stones: From Mecca to Megaliths
Documentary - From Mecca to Megaliths and stone circles, stones trace the history of mankind. Ancient cultures considered stones to be sacred objects and gifts from the gods. Ancient stones have been used in secret and magical ceremonies, from the origin of ritualized worship in Sumeria and Egypt to Secret Societies such as the Knights Templar and the Illuminati. - Robert Feather, Franky Ma, Zachary Miller
1984 Revolution
This documentary is a powerful warning against the dangers of allowing the State - the government - to take control of its citizens. Find out how your freedoms are slowly taken away.
Strange is Normal The Amazing Life of Colin Wilson
Colin Wilson's science fiction novels have inspired Hollywood films and his circle of friends included such people as Marilyn Monroe, Sir Laurence Olivier & Roald Dahl. This documentary interview is nothing less than a super-up-close-and-personal visit with the legendary author and philosopher, Colin Wilson.
Egypt Exposed: The True Origins of Civilization
Robert Bauval is a best selling author of numerous books and has appeared on television and radio. His discovery about the pyramid complex at Giza made him headline news. In this film he brings light to new evidence regarding origins of civilization
Robin Hood: The Truth Behind Hollywood's Most Filmed Legend
In this film, best-selling author and award-winning filmmaker Philip Gardiner, goes on an amazing journey into the heart of the timeless tale of the Hooded Man. He travels back thousands of years and unlocks the mystery and the myth. This film was shot on location in Sherwood Forest, England which is the very same place that Robin Hood and his band are said to have called their headquarters. Gardiner is joined by a cast of real life outlaws including the present day Robin Hood and Maid Marion.
2012: The True Mayan Prophecy
Is December 21, 2012 the end of the world as we know it? Climate change seems inevitable with countless hurricanes, earthquakes and innumerable disasters around the globe in recent years. What did the ancient Maya know and why did they place such significance on this date? As we near the final date of the Mayan Calendar, mankind must face what is perhaps the most difficult hurdle of all…a profound change in ourselves. This enigmatic film unveils the other side to the 2012 engima
The Initiation of Alice in Wonderland: The Looking Glass of Lewis Carroll
Documentary about the life and legacy of the prolific children's author.
The Stone: No Soul Unturned
Horror - A team of soul searchers uncover an ancient Stone and quickly all hell breaks loose as psychological and paranormal activity ensues. - Ade Andrews, Craig Dalziel, Corjan de Raaf
The Stone: No Soul Unturned
Horror - A team of soul searchers uncover an ancient Stone and quickly all hell breaks loose as psychological and paranormal activity ensues. - Ade Andrews, Craig Dalziel, Corjan de Raaf
Elementary My Dear Watson: The Man Behind Sherlock Holmes
Gaslights, horse-drawn carriages, a fog-filled London all bring to mind the period of the enigmatic Sherlock Holmes. But there is another character in the story that is often neglected and misunderstood - Dr. Watson. In this fascinating new program by award-winning filmmaker and best-selling author, Philip Gardiner and author of numerous books, Brian Allen, we unlock the mysteries of Dr. Watson, the man behind Sherlock Holmes.
Elementary My Dear Watson: The Man Behind Sherlock Holmes
Gaslights, horse-drawn carriages, a fog-filled London all bring to mind the period of the enigmatic Sherlock Holmes. But there is another character in the story that is often neglected and misunderstood - Dr. Watson. In this fascinating new program by award-winning filmmaker and best-selling author, Philip Gardiner and author of numerous books, Brian Allen, we unlock the mysteries of Dr. Watson, the man behind Sherlock Holmes.
Ancient Code: Are You Ready for the Real 2012?
Directed by Philip Gardiner. Espousing a shared philosophy that emphasizes the connectedness of all living things and the divinity of nature, a group of thinkers posits that the answers to today's problems can be found in an ancient code that lies within us all.
The Rosslyn Frequency: Uncovering the Hidden World of the Knights Templar
Author Brian Allan is your guide in this documentary that examines provocative evidence that Rosslyn Chapel -- the church in Scotland featured prominently in Dan Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code -- harbors a heretofore undisclosed secret. Unveiling the existence of a puzzling frequency within the chapel walls, Allan then explores the implications of the strange phenomenon, including the possibility that it opens a doorway to another reality.
Sex in the Ancient World
In the beginning was sex. To the ancient cultures, sexuality, love and sex were inextricably connected with the creation of the earth, the heavens and the underworld. To the citizens of the ancient civilizations that gave birth to ours, sensuality and sexuality were an integral part of society. This series exploration of Egyptian and Roman sexual practice allows viewers the opportunity to see how attitudes and beliefs about sexuality functioned in the early civilizations, and how those attitudes reveal the unspoken rules that defined public and private behavior. Episodes cover human sex and sexuality from a historical perspective, and examines in detail different texts and images which provide us with evidence about sexual practices, beliefs and ideologies in the ancient world – from erotica on pots to legal texts, phallic votive objects, fertility ceremonies, prostitution, female and hermaphroditic creator deities, from religious rituals to sex manuals.
Angels, Demons and Freemasons: The True Conspiracy
Within every religion and every State there lurks an underground stream controlling and manipulating those in power. Great knowledge was fostered and hidden by these groups. Wars and revolutions were carefully planned and orchestrated by a Universal Brotherhood. The knowledge and power of these people would be deemed sacred and protected. Whether it was practical methods of survival such as navigation and measurement or inner psychological and spiritual wisdom, it would become the foundation for secret societies the world over. This is the story of the groups who have guarded this sacred knowledge for centuries. Featuring cutting edge CGI and never before seen footage of Freemason Lodges and the mysterious Rosslyn Chapel. Special guest George Knapp author of "Hunt for the Skinwalker."
Angels, Demons and Freemasons: The True Conspiracy
Within every religion and every State there lurks an underground stream controlling and manipulating those in power. Great knowledge was fostered and hidden by these groups. Wars and revolutions were carefully planned and orchestrated by a Universal Brotherhood. The knowledge and power of these people would be deemed sacred and protected. Whether it was practical methods of survival such as navigation and measurement or inner psychological and spiritual wisdom, it would become the foundation for secret societies the world over. This is the story of the groups who have guarded this sacred knowledge for centuries. Featuring cutting edge CGI and never before seen footage of Freemason Lodges and the mysterious Rosslyn Chapel. Special guest George Knapp author of "Hunt for the Skinwalker."
Diary of a Vampire: The Legacy of Bram Stoker
There are mysteries which men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part." Bram Stoker What are the mysteries which mere men can only guess at? Have we finally solved all the puzzles? "To die, to be really dead, that would be glorious." Dracula Why would it be glorious to be really dead? What message was Bram Stoker trying to tell us in his tales of Dracula? One of the darkest tales ever to emerge from the mind of man is the story of the arch-Vampire, Dracula.
Diary of a Vampire: The Legacy of Bram Stoker
There are mysteries which men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part." Bram Stoker What are the mysteries which mere men can only guess at? Have we finally solved all the puzzles? "To die, to be really dead, that would be glorious." Dracula Why would it be glorious to be really dead? What message was Bram Stoker trying to tell us in his tales of Dracula? One of the darkest tales ever to emerge from the mind of man is the story of the arch-Vampire, Dracula.
Extraordinary Voyages of Jules Verne
Journey inside the inspired writing and mind of Jules Verne in this intriguing documentary on the visionary author regarded as the father of science fiction. His works studied by scholars, Verne penned 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and other classics. But how did this 19th-century writer foresee 20th-century breakthroughs? Special effects, computer graphics and expert interviews re-create Verne's life story and analyze his extraordinary tales.
Extraordinary Voyages of Jules Verne
Journey inside the inspired writing and mind of Jules Verne in this intriguing documentary on the visionary author regarded as the father of science fiction. His works studied by scholars, Verne penned 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and other classics. But how did this 19th-century writer foresee 20th-century breakthroughs? Special effects, computer graphics and expert interviews re-create Verne's life story and analyze his extraordinary tales.
The Order of the Alchemists, the Knights of Malta and Cagliostro
Almost everybody is now aware of the infamous history of the Knights Templar. But not everybody realizes that there was another Order from the same time and with the same roots. This Order still exists today and has incredible power.
The Order of the Alchemists, the Knights of Malta and Cagliostro
Almost everybody is now aware of the infamous history of the Knights Templar. But not everybody realizes that there was another Order from the same time and with the same roots. This Order still exists today and has incredible power.
The Order of the Alchemists, the Knights of Malta and Cagliostro
Almost everybody is now aware of the infamous history of the Knights Templar. But not everybody realizes that there was another Order from the same time and with the same roots. This Order still exists today and has incredible power.
The Madness of Sherlock Holmes: Conan Doyle and the Realm of the Faeries
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes have been seen and read about in countless mediums. And yet, there is a mysterious side to this fictional character that has eluded us for decades. From secret societies to the occult, the film sets out to uncover dark secrets of Holmes' creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and will finally explain what influences helped to forge not just Holmes, but also fellow characters Moriarty and Watson.
The Madness of Sherlock Holmes: Conan Doyle and the Realm of the Faeries
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes have been seen and read about in countless mediums. And yet, there is a mysterious side to this fictional character that has eluded us for decades. From secret societies to the occult, the film sets out to uncover dark secrets of Holmes' creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and will finally explain what influences helped to forge not just Holmes, but also fellow characters Moriarty and Watson.
The Madness of Sherlock Holmes: Conan Doyle and the Realm of the Faeries
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes have been seen and read about in countless mediums. And yet, there is a mysterious side to this fictional character that has eluded us for decades. From secret societies to the occult, the film sets out to uncover dark secrets of Holmes' creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and will finally explain what influences helped to forge not just Holmes, but also fellow characters Moriarty and Watson.
Gateways to the Other World: Quantum Mind of God, Part 2
This provides answer to the most profound question mankind has been asking himself for as long as there has been consciousness - is there life after death?
Gateways to the Other World: Quantum Mind of God, Part 2
This provides answer to the most profound question mankind has been asking himself for as long as there has been consciousness - is there life after death?
Gateways to the Other World: Quantum Mind of God, Part 2
This provides answer to the most profound question mankind has been asking himself for as long as there has been consciousness - is there life after death?
The Real Bloodline of Jesus Christ: The Sacred Teachings of Tim Wallace-Murphy
Tim Wallace-Murphy is an international best selling author known throughout the world for his deep knowledge of Rosslyn, the Knights Templar, Sacred Geometry and Rex Deus - the real bloodline of Jesus Christ. He has been an expert consultant to many scholars and authors most notably Dan Brown. Tim Wallace-Murphy talks about the true bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.
The Real Bloodline of Jesus Christ: The Sacred Teachings of Tim Wallace-Murphy
Tim Wallace-Murphy is an international best selling author known throughout the world for his deep knowledge of Rosslyn, the Knights Templar, Sacred Geometry and Rex Deus - the real bloodline of Jesus Christ. He has been an expert consultant to many scholars and authors most notably Dan Brown. Tim Wallace-Murphy talks about the true bloodline of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene.
Secret Societies
Philip Gardiner has spent his life on a crusade uncovering the truth behind myths, legends and ancient mysteries. In Secret Societies, Gardiner's quest is to uncover truths and secrets of the world's most powerful men in history. Gardiner delves into a world that is formidably hidden from our eyes and finds himself in situations that seem to mirror the fictional world of the Da Vinci Code. Discover the core of the 'Secret Societies' belief systems. Explore the secret origins of Freemasonry and the links to Serpent Cults. Examine the actual members of the "Illuminati," analyze the history of the group in Europe and America.
Secret Societies
Philip Gardiner has spent his life on a crusade uncovering the truth behind myths, legends and ancient mysteries. In Secret Societies, Gardiner's quest is to uncover truths and secrets of the world's most powerful men in history. Gardiner delves into a world that is formidably hidden from our eyes and finds himself in situations that seem to mirror the fictional world of the Da Vinci Code. Discover the core of the 'Secret Societies' belief systems. Explore the secret origins of Freemasonry and the links to Serpent Cults. Examine the actual members of the "Illuminati," analyze the history of the group in Europe and America.
Gnosis, the Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed
Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, reputed to be the source of the most esoteric knowledge in human history-has fascinated scholars, seekers and dreamers for centuries. For generations, scholars and researchers have tried in vain to discover the fabled Temple of Solomon, only to be confronted by one problem after another. Gnosis weaves a tale that is both profound and precise.
Gnosis, the Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed
Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, reputed to be the source of the most esoteric knowledge in human history-has fascinated scholars, seekers and dreamers for centuries. For generations, scholars and researchers have tried in vain to discover the fabled Temple of Solomon, only to be confronted by one problem after another. Gnosis weaves a tale that is both profound and precise.
Gnosis, the Secret of Solomon's Temple Revealed
Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, reputed to be the source of the most esoteric knowledge in human history-has fascinated scholars, seekers and dreamers for centuries. For generations, scholars and researchers have tried in vain to discover the fabled Temple of Solomon, only to be confronted by one problem after another. Gnosis weaves a tale that is both profound and precise.
Ghost of the Brotherhood
This is the video diary of events that occurred one night in one of the most notoriously haunted places in York. Featuring Britain's foremost paranormal expert, Martin Jeffrey of Fright Nights. This unique documentary will have you re-examine your beliefs like no other. The Blair Witch was fiction; The Brotherhood of the Ghost is very real....
Nick Pope: The Man Who Left the MOD
Documentary / Sci-Fi/Fantasy - UFO activity is on the increase. Governments are finally dropping clues about what they know. The Vatican has said that the existence of aliens does not counter biblical teaching. Nick Pope worked for the British Ministry of Defense as the man in charge of researching UFO cases. He is the world's leading expert and has been called the "Real Fox Mulder." In this frank and open discussion, Pope explores the possibilities and gives some expert advice on catching UFO's on camera and much more.
The Great Conspiracy: The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw
A 70-minute sequel to The Great Deception. In this work, Zwicker contends that fear was used to control the public after 9/11, and states that the "War on Terrorism" is a public control mechanism. He also analyses the military breakdown on 9/11 and claims that the president and his aides acted entirely inappropriately that day. Throughout, mainstream media is accused of being either compliant or complicit with a cover-up.
Secrets of the Serpent: In Search of the Sacred Past
Based on Philip Gardiner's theory that an ancient serpent cult once dominated the human race, this program explores mysterious locations sacred to the cult, undisclosed information about the Holy Grail and the Elixir of Life, and the massive conflict that led to the sect's demise as Christianity took over. Controversial researcher and best-selling author Gardiner's intriguing documentary complements his novel of the same name.
Secrets of the Serpent: In Search of the Sacred Past
Based on Philip Gardiner's theory that an ancient serpent cult once dominated the human race, this program explores mysterious locations sacred to the cult, undisclosed information about the Holy Grail and the Elixir of Life, and the massive conflict that led to the sect's demise as Christianity took over. Controversial researcher and best-selling author Gardiner's intriguing documentary complements his novel of the same name.
Secrets of the Serpent: In Search of the Sacred Past
Based on Philip Gardiner's theory that an ancient serpent cult once dominated the human race, this program explores mysterious locations sacred to the cult, undisclosed information about the Holy Grail and the Elixir of Life, and the massive conflict that led to the sect's demise as Christianity took over. Controversial researcher and best-selling author Gardiner's intriguing documentary complements his novel of the same name.