Paul McAllister

Birth : 1875-06-30, Brooklyn, New York, USA

Death : 1955-07-08


The Doctor Takes a Wife
Dean Lawton
A best-selling author of women's issues and a medical academic find it is to their mutual advantage to falsely claim that they are married.
Passerby (uncredited)
Joe, who owns a gas station along with his brothers and is about to marry Katherine, travels to the small town where she lives to visit her, but is wrongly mistaken for a wanted kidnapper and arrested.
The Invisible Ray
Papa LaCosta (uncredited)
Dr. Janos Rukh discovers a certain type of radium that has almost magical healing properties. But the element has a dangerous side, too, and it has already started affecting Rukh. Consumed by paranoia, he begins to suspect that his wife is having an affair. Wild for revenge, Rukh hatches a deadly plot...using his own poisoned body as a weapon to kill.
Cock of the Air
An opera diva sets her sights on a womanizing army officer.
Beau Ideal
Sergeant Frederic
An American joins the French Foreign Legion in order to rescue a boyhood friend.
The Case of Sergeant Grischa
Corporal Sacht (as Paul MacAllister)
This film earned an Oscar nomination for Sound Recording. It is the only film nominated in this category that is among the lost. No negative or print material is known to have survived. Contemporary reviews were scathing, describing the film as a vastly overlong and boring talk-fest.
Benedict Bellefontaine
A young Acadian woman spends years searching for her lost love after the two are separated and forcibly relocated by the British.
Noah's Ark
Minister / Noah
The Biblical story of Noah and the Great Flood, with a parallel story of soldiers in the First World War.
The Big Killing
Old Man Hicks
The Beagles and the Hickses are two mountain families that have been feuding all their lives. The Hickses come up with a plan to get rid of their enemies once and for all by hiring two sharpshooters to finish them off. Turns out that the "sharpshooters" aren't quite all they're cracked up to be, resulting in some unintended consequences.
Sorrell and Son
Dr. Orange
Stephen Sorrell, a decorated war hero, raises his son Kit alone after Kit's mother deserts husband and child in the boy's infancy. Sorrell loses a promising job offer and is forced to take work as a menial. Both his dignity and his health are damaged as he suffers under the exhausting labor and harsh treatment he receives as a hotel porter. But Sorrell thrives in the knowledge that his son will benefit from his labors. Sorrell has allowed the boy to believe his mother dead, but when the mother shows up, wanting to re-enter the young man's life, Sorrell must make hard decisions.
She's a Sheik
Sheik Yusif ben Hamad
The daughter of a desert chief kidnaps a member of the French Foreign Legion in the hopes of wooing him.
The Winning of Barbara Worth
The Seer
While building an irrigation system for a Southwestern desert community, an engineer vies with a local cowboy for the affections of a rancher's daughter.
Beau Geste
St. Andre
Michael "Beau" Geste leaves England in disgrace and joins the infamous French Foreign Legion. He is reunited with his two brothers in North Africa, where they face greater danger from their own sadistic commander than from the rebellious Arabs.
Jules d'Humbercourt
The backdrop is fifteenth century France, and Charles, Duke of Burgundy has promised his daughter, Princess Mary, that she can marry the man she loves, Prince Maximilian of Styria. But when the Swiss threaten war, the duke is compelled to take back his word and he arranges for Mary to wed the half-witted dauphin of France's King Louis XI .
For Woman's Favor
The Wolf
A modern love story is the framework for a costume love story, based on Boccaccio's "The Falcon."
Paul Garretson
Comedy which concerns the struggles of an ambitious department store sales clerk who is caught up in New York high society.
Christopher Columbus
King John II of Portugal
Everyone knows what happened after he "discovered" America, but in this film we learn about Columbus' multi-year struggle to secure funding for the journey. Prior explorers journey's to the North American continent also get a nod in this story.
You Can't Fool Your Wife
Dr. Konrad Saneck
Edith sets out to prove that a wife can never be fooled by her husband - but will she succeed?
The Sign on the Door
District Attorney 'Rud' Whiting
A 1921 film directed by Herbert Brenon.
The Whip
Baron Sartoris
The story of the training of a racehorse, the Whip, of the amnesiac nobleman who loves the horse, and of the villains who attempt to keep it from racing.
His Brother's Wife
Richard Barton
A hypnotic Svengali controls the singing voice of a young starlet, but he cannot control her heart. This 1915 Maurice Tourneur film is a version of the famous duMaurier novel. It was later done in a more famous 1931 film named Svengali with John Barrymore. The later film obviously changed the title due to the huge presence of its' star.
Via Wireless
Crime drama about the rivalry over a new invention and a nice girl.
The Stolen Voice
The Scales of Justice
Robert Darrow
Robert Darrow, a district attorney is in love with young widow, Edith Russell Dexter. Her wealthy grandfather, Judge Philip Russell, wants her to marry his business manager, Walter Elliot, who actually has been embezzling from Russell's company. During a garden party, Edith and the judge fight over her attentions to Robert