Based on a real-life story, this drama focuses on a small group of Allied soldiers in Burma who are held captive by the Japanese. Capt. Ernest Gordon (Ciaran McMenamin), Lt. Jim Reardon (Kiefer Sutherland) and Maj. Ian Campbell (Robert Carlyle) are among the military officers kept imprisoned and routinely beaten and deprived of food. While Campbell wants to rebel and attempt an escape, Gordon tries to take a more stoic approach, an attitude that proves to be surprisingly resonant.
To find the truth a man must sacrifice one thing...his life. Based on the short story by renowned author Max Lucado, Resurrection is set in Israel at the time of Christ. Claudius, a Roman guard, finds himself in the midst of a cover-up regarding the tumultuous events after Christ's execution. As his digs for the truth, he discovers that the religious leaders, the Roman government and even his closest friends are attempting to hide something from him and the world. His relentless pursuit of the answers to his growing questions threatens his reputation-even his life. Resurrection is the story of one man's quest for the truth and the discovery that leads to his renewal.