Theodore Wharton


The Eagle's Talons
An unscrupulous gang attempts to corner the wheat market.
The Eagle's Eye
A criminologist and a government agent team up to expose a ring of German spies.
Mission of the War Chest
Mission of the War Chest is a 1918 silent film.
Mission of the War Chest
Mission of the War Chest is a 1918 silent film.
The Great White Trail
A husband, mistakenly believing his wife has cheated on him and that he is now the father of their newborn son, throws both her and her child out of the house. Frantic to the point of madness, she abandons her baby, and when she gains her sanity she flees to Alaska to start a new life. However, her husband finds out and follows her there.
The Black Stork
A young man and woman are considering marriage; eugenicist Harry J Haiselden warns that they are ill-matched and will produce defective offspring. He is right; their baby is born defective, dies quickly and floats into heaven.
Spies from Japan conspire to steal the Channing "preparedness" fortune and invade the United States, beginning in New York, then allying themselves with Mexicans across the border. They are stopped by the efforts of munitions factory heiress Patria Channing and U.S. Secret Service agent Donald Parr.
Spies from Japan conspire to steal the Channing "preparedness" fortune and invade the United States, beginning in New York, then allying themselves with Mexicans across the border. They are stopped by the efforts of munitions factory heiress Patria Channing and U.S. Secret Service agent Donald Parr.
Beatrice Fairfax
Beatrice Fairfax, the original advice-to-the-lovelorn reporter and her friend and not-so-secret admirer Jimmy Barton investigate calls for help and escape exotic perils and dangers. Episodes include exciting and fun stories of baby-napping, blackmail, jewel thievery, disguise, counterfeiting, and the long-unseen episode featuring entrancing cult starlet Olive Thomas and the real New York Yankees and Giants playing a game in the Polo Grounds.
The Lottery Man
A young man proposes a lottery with himself as the prize in marriage. However he finds himself very much in love with a woman other than the winner.
The Lottery Man
A young man proposes a lottery with himself as the prize in marriage. However he finds himself very much in love with a woman other than the winner.
The Mysteries of Myra
Myra Maynard's family is cursed by the devil-worshipping Black Order and she is marked for death by black magic on the eve of her eighteenth birthday. Dr. Payson Alden, the movies' first psychic detective, uses science to try and defeat the cult's evil spells, and is assisted by his friend Haji, a Hindu mystic. During the course of the 15 episodes of the serial, the clairvoyant Myra is assaulted by, among other supernatural menaces, astral demons, a fire elemental, even a "thought monster" brought to life by the malicious will of fifteen men, Levitation, crystal balls, automatic writing, mediums, witchcraft, a golden idol come to life, and many more bizarre elements which made movie history also figure into the story to make this a truly fascinating series that you will not want to miss. (
The Lilac Splash
A 1925 silent comedy.
The Lilac Splash
A 1925 silent comedy.
The Romance of Elaine
The heroine had little time for romancing newspaper reporter Walter Jameson, what with Doctor X, alias Marcus Del Mar, threatening American democracy in general and master detective Craig Kennedy's designs for a new torpedo in particular. Whenever Doctor X has Elaine or Jameson in his grasp, they are inevitably saved in the nick of time by a mystery figure garbed in black.
The New Exploits of Elaine
A silent action movie serial.
The Indian Wars
A propaganda re-enactment, co-financed by the Woodrow Wilson government, of the 1890 massacre of 300 Lakota residents of South Dakota, which was portrayed as American military heroism and justified as part of the assimilation effort.
The Virtue of Rags
A grouchy landlord discharges a kind-hearted rent collector for failing to collect the rent from an impoverished widow. After dreaming that he himself is experiencing the sordid experiences of being destitute, the old man sees the error of his ways and becomes suddenly charitable.
From the Submerged
The film begins with a homeless man living in the park. His family apparently has disowned him. However, soon he reads a newspaper and sees a personal from his father--begging him to return. The man arrives to find his man on his deathbed.
Two Men and a Girl
A love triangle.
The Mystery of Lonely Gulch
In the bar-room of Lonely Gulch an actor is entertaining the cowboys by showing them various impersonations, when the mail arrives, and he receives a letter from his sweetheart to the effect that she has got hold of an easy mark, a ranchman from Lonely Gulch. The bartender also receives a letter from the ranchman asking him to tell the boys that he is returning the following day with a bride who is an actress. The next morning the ranchman and his bride arrive on the coach and are given a great welcome. On the solicitation of his bride he offers the actor employment on his ranch and he accompanies them there. A week later the ranchman, with the cowboys of whom the actor is one, start off for town, but the actor, pretending his horse has gone lame returns to the ranch, and getting back there, makes love to his sweetheart. The ranchman, who is suspicious, also turns and quietly follows and reenters the ranch.
A Simple Mistake
Mr. Hallate is leaving for a trip and his loving wife is helping him to get his belongings out with him. At last everything is ready and she goes on the stoop and watches him get into the rig. Augustus Slip, who happens to pass at this moment, sees her and, like other men of small stature, becomes deeply enamored with the ponderous Mrs. Hallate. He goes and purchases a bouquet and, returning to the house, walks into the parlor and forces his attentions on Mrs. Hallate. She, however, will have none of him, and as he refuses to leave, flies for revenge to the maid in the kitchen. The maid happens to be entertaining her friend, Officer O'Brien, and Mrs. Hallate is indeed glad to see a limb of the law, and requests him to eject the eloquent Augustus. Meantime, Mr. Hallate has missed his train, and accordingly returns to his home. Augustus hearing him enter, hides behind a curtain, and when the officer enters Hallate is the only man in sight.
Abraham Lincoln's Clemency
The plot revolves around US President Abraham Lincoln pardoning a hapless sentry who had fallen asleep while on duty during the height of the American Civil War.