The Hunted House second play
Government is above all
The Hunted House play
حمود المنسدح
بو شميس
The Play Speaks about the problem the Oil in the beginning of the 90s and the problems State of Kuwait facing during that era.
زعلان زعيل المزعلاني
Kuwaiti Play
متعب بنيدر (أبو مصلفح)
The play tells the story of a Bedouin family consisting of the father of Umbriek, the mother of (Intisar Al-Sharah) and the sons of (Abdul Rahman Al-Aql) and (Muhammad Al-Ajimi), waiting for their elder son Sanhaat (Ahmed Jawhar [?]) Who was sent abroad to study for the doctorate, but was surprised by his return and accompanied him His foreign wife (Abeer al-Jundi), which is difficult to adapt to customs and traditions, the family always relies on consulting uncle Abu Muslafah (Ghanem Al-Saleh) who, along with Dr. Sunhat's father, is trying to find a suitable job for their son, Dr. Sunhat, to be shocked by obstacles that prevent him from the job.
The Play Speaks about the problems during the 80’s during the parliament elections and the difficulties the people are facing in the State of Kuwait
A Kuwaiti social comedy play presented to the leaders of the Gulf states at the Gulf Summit in 1985, which was written by Abdul-Hussein Abdul-Ridha, a satirical play that discusses family issues, family bonding and religious extremism, the play talks about the loss of children and the home, neglect of parents, and who is responsible for that.
علي أبو تيله / حمدي / الدكتور
The first Gulf economic play centered on an issue that affected members of Kuwaiti society, which sparked widespread controversy between Kuwaiti society and the Gulf community in general, and the issue was the "Al Manakh Market" crisis in 1982, which ended in losses exceeding $ 22 billion. Where the story tells about the second oil boom of the Gulf states at the end of the seventies and the beginning of the eighties of the twentieth century AD where the price of oil increased continuously until the Gulf countries recorded large financial surpluses, so the money poured into the stock market significantly until it opened a stock trading office in a semi-parallel office and was named a market "Al Manakh" in which money flowed greatly from almost all segments of Kuwaiti society and even foreign residents and some individuals from the Gulf states and increased frantic speculation and increased buying and selling for the future until it reached astronomical numbers.
نهاش فتى الجبل
A comedy about an old married man that travels to London with his nephew who does his to save him from exposure to fraud, and being mugged in London, the play also covers some political aspects and projections in addition to social criticism of some of the Arab situations.
سعود السماج
Her Excellency the Minister wife , a black comedy that reflects aspects of our bitter reality. There is no doubt that the theatrical drama since the first manifestation of its manifestation until now has not changed the law that Aristotle planned and codified for him, in addition to its dependence on the availability of the requirements of the dramatic conflict whereby he adopted the necessity of events and drew visions through beauty tools The technician is known, however, that the concept of conflict is beginning to change
Umm Salih is an authoritarian woman who controls the home and Abu Salih, and she has the first and last word in the house and the situation continues like this until her husband's nephew Ahmed is discharged from the mental hospital, as he returned to avenge his uncle's wife or Salih because it was the reason he entered the hospital, and before that he had suffered a lot from Injustice and domination. He continued to claim madness to reveal many of the secrets that occur in the house to his uncle, which made him regain control of the house, but after his daughter Hoda was lost with a young man.
Umm Salih is an authoritarian woman who controls the home and Abu Salih, and she has the first and last word in the house and the situation continues like this until her husband's nephew Ahmed is discharged from the mental hospital, as he returned to avenge his uncle's wife or Salih because it was the reason he entered the hospital, and before that he had suffered a lot from Injustice and domination. He continued to claim madness to reveal many of the secrets that occur in the house to his uncle, which made him regain control of the house, but after his daughter Hoda was lost with a young man.
The play deals with two characters of the Thousand and One Nights, from which the author formulated a separate story to address a specific purpose
عهدي الياخوري
The topic of the play revolves around the Egyptian lady (Shweikar), who loves the wealthy Kuwaiti man (Abd Al-Hussein Abd Al-Rida) who loves Lebanese sewing lady, so Shweikar puts all obstacles in order to keep the Kuwaiti man from the Lebanese woman so that she will eventually marry him.
Husband Needed Immediately to married a wealthy woman in order to get to her old Husband since she get divorced 3 times
Radi The Judge
The Court of The district is a comedy play of the daily problems in the Kuwaiti Families which is solved in the Court
فهد (فوفو)
"Kuwait in 2000" is a Kuwaiti comedy play that explores the future of Kuwait during, and after the decline of oil, produced on February 5, 1965
Time is Gold