Mort Blumenstock


Morals for Women
A desperate woman turns to prostitution but is saved by true love.
The African Dodger
A carnival barker convinces a rube to take part in the baseball pitching game.
A Broadway Romeo
Jack Benny, his finances at a low ebb, watches a newsstand for a friend and picks up a young lady customer, equally broke.
Devil Sea
Devil Sea
Office Blues
An amorous secretary ignores her importunate co-worker and daydreams about her boss when she should be working on letters.
Red, Green and Yellow
Husband and wife decide to carry on their arguing by red-light-green-light traffic lights.
Eddie Cantor does a Vaudeville doctor routine.
Accidents Will Happen
A store owner, faking injuries after an auto accident, is rehearsed for court by his shady lawyer.
Her Future
A defendant pleads her case in court and promises to stay out of trouble from now on through singing.
Getting a Ticket
Eddie Cantor tries to fix a speeding ticket.
Belle of the Night
A classic comedy short starring Penny Singleton and Frank Morgan.
The Introduction of Mrs. Gibbs
Mrs. Gibbs is introduced to the mother of her daughter's fiance.
The Hole in the Wall
Mrs. Ramsey sent Jean Oliver to prison on a false charge. To get even, Jean (disguised as Madame Mystera) plans to kidnap her daughter and turn her into a thief. Love entanglements with a gangster known as "The Fox" and newspaperman Grant complicate her plans.
Stool Pigeon
An underworld story about a boy (Charles Delaney) suspected of being a stool pigeon but in reality, he is only stealing to give his mother a better life. His devoted girlfriend Goldie (Olive Borden) tries to help him turn his life around.
Home, James
An artistic salesgirl falls in love with a chauffeur not realising he is actually the heir to a huge fortune.
During the American Civil War, A Union-Army officer is ordered by U. S. President Abraham Lincoln to bring in Belle Starr, the leader of a Missouri guerrilla band, dead or alive. However, he falls in love with her, does not bring her in, and is facing a court-martial.
Rose of the Golden West
Juan is about to elope with the convent-bred Elena, when he is chosen to assassinate the governor who is about to hand California over to the Russians. Since the governor also happens to be Elena's father, this puts him in quite a fix.