Clement Cheng Si-Kit


Good Take, Too!
An omnibus of 4 short stories, each of them occurring in different corners of our society, but all of which encompass the same themes: courage, determination, pursuance and hope.
As the Light Goes Out
Second Unit Director
The bond of brotherhood is always stronger when you can be pitched into a life and death situation at any time and the only thing that gets you through the inferno is the trust that your brother will have your back. The firefighters of Hong Kong’s Pillar Point division who are expecting a quiet night to see off their retiring chief find their faith in each other stretched to the limits when a small fire at a liquor warehouse threatens to plunge the whole of Hong kong into darkness if it spreads to a nearby power plant supplying natural gas. Politics, rivalry, and suspicion all come into play when dubious decisions are made, warnings are ignored and colleagues start to fall. Can the Pillar Point brotherhood survive the night, if not the fire, with their trust in each other intact?
The story of two women, two generations apart, who coincidentally return to Hong Kong from San Francisco where they had their first, fleeting encounter on the streets as strangers.
The story of two women, two generations apart, who coincidentally return to Hong Kong from San Francisco where they had their first, fleeting encounter on the streets as strangers.
Master Law awakes from a 30-year coma without memories, but his martial arts skills are intact. His renowned kung fu academy is now a teahouse, and greedy developers are trying to steamroll it to make way for condos
Master Law awakes from a 30-year coma without memories, but his martial arts skills are intact. His renowned kung fu academy is now a teahouse, and greedy developers are trying to steamroll it to make way for condos