Roch Aubert

Roch Aubert


Roch Aubert


A Place to live
Client du café
A recent widow living in a small Quebec town goes to Montreal to visit her busy adult son and daughter, and then on a whim decides to travel to the town of her childhood, where she hadn't set foot in decades.
La Femme qui boit
La Liberté d'une statue
Sometime long ago, probably a few years before moving picture photography was supposed to have been invented, a woman named Anne (Lucille Fluet) is discovered to have miraculous powers. She can magically transform ordinary objects when she sneezes. She has even brought the dead back to life. We know about her, because she sneezed a movie camera into existence, and the film was (miraculously, of course) preserved in the Egyptian desert. However, she didn't live so long ago that she wasn't hounded by life insurance salesmen, just like everyone else in the modern era. Rather than being outcaste for her abilities, she is valued by a group of science-oriented men, who also manage to record on a sneezed-into-existence phonograph the sound which is later to be added to the film by its "discoverers."