Garth Neustadter


Mickey: The Story of a Mouse
Additional Music
Mickey Mouse is one of the most enduring symbols in our history. Those three simple circles take on meaning for virtually everyone on the planet. So ubiquitous in our lives that he can seem invisible, Mickey is something we all share, with unique memories and feelings. Over the course of his nearly century-long history, Mickey functions like a mirror, reflecting our personal and cultural values back at us. "Mickey: The Story of a Mouse" explores Mickey's significance, getting to the core of what Mickey's cultural impact says about each of us and about our world.
Cause of Life: Calvin
When his son-in-law was killed in a tragic car crash, World War II veteran Calvin Haworth became a surrogate parent and an activist against drunk driving in Minnesota.
Cause of Life: Humberto
A hard-working bricklayer from the projects, Humberto Trujillo helped build the main Phoenix post office — and rose to become his city’s first Hispanic postmaster.
Cause of Life: Rosary
Rosary Castro-Olega was a retired nurse who returned to the frontlines to fight the virus, ultimately becoming one of the Filipino-American nurses who were disproportionately killed by the virus.
Cause of Life: Rosary
Additional Music
Rosary Castro-Olega was a retired nurse who returned to the frontlines to fight the virus, ultimately becoming one of the Filipino-American nurses who were disproportionately killed by the virus.
A Lucky Man
Original Music Composer
When the star quarterback of the college football team can't remember what happened the night before, he goes on an unexpected journey of introversion and rage.
The Color of Time
Original Music Composer
A poetic road trip through Pulitzer prize-winning CK Williams' life over the course of 40 years.