Leo Delaney

Leo Delaney

Birth : 1895-03-15, Swanton, Vermont, USA

Death : 1920-02-04


Leo Delaney


Just Show Folks
A day in the life of a family of circus performers.
Susie Snowflake
When a young girl who has grown up as a music hall entertainer is brought to live in a stodgy New England town, the quiet town life is changed forever.
A Helpful (?) Sisterhood
This is a very crudely made morality tale of a young college girl who is made a fuss of by a society sorority because she happens to have known a woman in society. She is very flattered and despite being in over her head in terms of financially keeping up with her wealthier sisters, she schemes how to do just that, stooping to theft.
Sawdust and Salome
Walter Grey - John's Son
A rich swell travels out West to escape marrying a social climber. There, he meets and marries a bareback rider from traveling circus. Bringing her home, his family's pernicious double-standards are revealed.
The Vavasour Ball
Father's Hatband
Sam - the Boyfriend
A short comic film in which Sam and Doris use the hat of Doris’ father (a manager) to send letters to each other.
Under the Daisies
Robert Burton
There are many things to admire besides settings and acting in the feature play "Under the Daisies," and perhaps the foremost is the affecting poem on which it is based. It chiefly concerns the bad conduct of a dramatic critic-it is about time his villainy is shown up on the screen-who starts on his downward path by cynical observations on the agonizing efforts of an unsuccessful playwright. As nearly all well-known dramatists of to-day have found their way into one of the most trying of professions through channels of criticism, the selective taste of one serving to determine how much an what kind of creative work of the other will be suited to the tastes of a mixed audience, the playwright in this case is of a theatrical kind, one who uses a pen or pencil in writing and gazes at vacancy in search of inspiration. A very large proportion of authors in real life do nothing of the kind. Perhaps that is why the dramatist in the story failed to make a hit.
Frank and Julia are very good friends, both being single, and live in adjoining apartments. Getting a letter from a friend who asks him to buy an engagement ring. Jack does not know what to do and fears lest he make a mistake. He asks Julia to help him and together they sally forth to the jewelry store, where the ring is purchased. At the store they are seen by Mrs. Gossip, who tells everyone that they are engaged, with the result that the couple are deluged with presents and congratulations. Julia is furious, blaming Jack for the occurrence, but he is more amused than anything else. Finally Julia is persuaded that a real engagement between them would not be so bad, after all. and they go out again to buy yet another solitaire.
Bunny and the Bunny Hug
Norman Winthrop, a surveyor, accidentally meets John Bunny, an Irish watchman of a building. He introduces him to Tom and Will Hawley, two of his friends, at a little poker game in which Bunny pockets all the winnings. Talking over the matter the next day, the three men agree that it would be a great joke to introduce Bunny into society.
The Skull
Mr. Jordan
Just as the bead clerk and his assistants are closing up the jewelry store for the day, a package containing a very costly necklace arrives by special messenger. The large safe deposit vault has been closed for the night and the time clock set. The head clerk is fearful to leave the necklace in the store and so decides to take it home. His actions have been closely watched by one of the junior clerks, with sinister and stealthy glances.
A Window on Washington Park
The Old Man's Daughter's Husband
From his apartment, where he lives a cheerless widower's life, overlooking Washington Park, Alan Dale sees a refined, but poverty-stricken old gentleman on one of the park benches. Calling his butler, he instructs him to go down and tell the old man he would like to see him. When the butler approaches the elderly man the old fellow is somewhat skeptical, but finally consents to go with him. Alan receives his guest cordially and tells him why he has requested him to come and invites him to dinner. During the meal the old man tells his life's story: how he married a young woman, and after the birth of a little daughter, she died. How his daughter had married a young fellow and gone to live in New York, and how he had lost his money. The last news he had received of her was of her death.
The Mouse and the Lion
The Lion - John Burling, Detective
John Burling, a detective, rounds up some members of the Night Hawk gang. Bill Hanks, the chief, swears to get even with him. Tim, a little street waif, entering the saloon where the gang are consulting with Maime, a female accomplice, overhears some of their threats. He is discovered and kicked out of the place by Hanks. The next day, Tim, half starving, picks up a purse in the street which he has seen a lady drop. He is tempted to steal it, but in the end gives it back to her. Burling sees this, is struck with the boy's honesty, and being in need of a page boy, hires him and dubs him "Buttons."' Maime visits Burling and leaves him an address to come to investigate a robbery which has occurred at her home. Tim recognizes her as she goes out, follows her and has his suspicions confirmed by seeing her with one of the gang on the street. He goes to warn his master, but Burling has already gone.
The One Good Turn
A political crime film in which a militant, anarchist father allows his political ideals to prevail over human dignity. The father uses his young daughter to carry out an attack on Princess Louise. After his wife foils the attack and he is arrested by the police, he steps back from his fanaticism and repents.
The Volunteer Strike Breakers
A strike among the hotel waiters is on. The papers are full of it. Chester Colton, and Harris Baldwin, young college chaps, read that waiters are needed in all the big hotels and restaurants. They apply for positions at Belfonte's restaurant. Harris secures a job as head-waiter and Chester is appointed as one of the regular staff. Harris's fiancée has an engagement with her chum to take dinner with her at the restaurant. They boys pay so much attention to the girls that they neglect the other patrons, who make a kick and complain to the proprietor.
The Awakening of Bianca
Nicola, Bianca's Sweetheart
Angelo and his daughter Bianca are poor Italian immigrants. They sell fruit and vegetables on the street with the help of Nicola, who is in love with Bianca. To Nicola's dismay, a flirtatious barber by the name of Guiseppe begins to attract Bianca's attention. What Bianca does not realize is that Guiseppe is only interested in her hair, which a wig maker is willing to pay a considerable sum for. When Angelo falls ill and they find themselves without money for food or medicine, Bianca is left with little choice. - Harpodeon
The Anarchist's Wife
In this Vitagraph short, anarchism threatens to ruin lives and families. Luigi and Rosa are a couple with an adorable child, but trouble is afoot – Luigi has become an anarchist!
The Mills of the Gods
A silent crime film in which the wealthy landowner Lorenzo, who has been taunting poor Miguel and his family for years, eventually gets his comeuppance.
As You Like It
Jacques De Bois
After the overthrowing of Duke Senior by his tyrannical brother, Senior's daughter Rosalind disguises herself as a man and sets out to find her banished father while also counseling her clumsy suitor Orlando in the art of wooing.
The Signal Fire
A short romantic drama in which a captain and his wife are separated by a shipwreck. The woman ends up on a desert island with another man, and they have a relationship. When they are saved by the captain, he decides to stay behind on the island, alone.
The Adventure of the Italian Model
Master detective, Lambert Chase, unravels a case of poisoning
The Light of St. Bernard
The Lighthouse Keeper's Assistant
Marie, a self-dependent girl, compromises herself by associating with Petro Maquin. She asks him to keep his promise to marry her. He ignores her and leaves the village to join a band of wreckers. The gossips circulate scandal about her, bringing reproach upon her name.
The Money Kings
Roy's Valet
The Money Kings is a 1912 silent short film.
The Days of Terror; or, In the Reign of Terror
During the French Revolution, the Duke and Duchess of Bérac are captured by a mob. The Duchess agrees to marry one of their leaders in order to save her husband’s life. But her husband finds out about this, and forbids the Duchess to do so. The girlfriend of this leader takes revenge when she learns the truth, and stabs him. The two Béracs then proceed to the guillotine with their heads held high.
At Scrogginses' Corner
Lee Livingston - a Traveling Drummer
The general store at Scrogginses' Corner is the favorite lounging and meeting place for the citizens of the locality. On an eventful day a rich couple call at the store and ask Si Bunny, the storekeeper, permission to leave a bundle there, to be called for on their return. The storekeeper discovers that the bundle contains an infant.
The Love of John Ruskin
Sir John Millais
John Ruskin became acquainted with his wife through a loan which he made to her father, and his noted generosity no doubt appealed to her and it seems that she married him more out of gratitude than actual love. Be that as it may, the fact remains that when Millais met her, he and she fell desperately in love with each other.
Her Boy
Harry Ballor - the Son
Far up in the mountains Mrs. Bailor's two sons, Tom and Harry, are engaged at their distilling, constantly in fear of being pursued by the revenue officers, and arrested as moonshiners.
Where the Money Went
The Real Estate Agent
Fred Hart, a young businessman, unknown to his wife, draws their savings from the bank with the purpose of buying a home as a birthday surprise for his wife. He finds a real estate agent who has just the kind of a home he is looking for. He has to visit the agent's home during the course of his business transactions, he becomes well acquainted with the agent's family. The real estate man, a camera fiend, suggests to Fred his taking a picture of him and his family. Fred is agreeable and the agent gives him a copy of the picture. Fred puts it in his pocket and returns home to his wife.
Love Finds the Way
Jack Alger - the Lover
Romantic comedy about an overprotective father who locks up his daughters in order to 'protect' them from their two cowboy friends. The friends call in the help from a widow who knows Johan, in the hope she can mollify him. She can, and additionally steals his heart, so in the end there are three happy couples.
The Meeting of the Ways
Dick - Tom's Dissolute Brother
Tom and Dick are brothers and are being educated at the same college. Tom is a studious fellow and graduates with honors, while Dick is expelled from college through misbehavior. Dick is ashamed to go home, but before leaving Tom gives him a locket containing a picture of their mother. Ten years later Tom, who is a successful lawyer, is married and has two little children. Dick, who has now been reduced through personal neglect to a derelict, overhears a plan to rob his brother's house. Making up his mind to prevent it, Dick climbs through the nursery window, catches the burglars, but effects their escape. His two little nieces, who have been watching him, kiss and hug him before he makes his exit. When their parents return from the reception they attended, the children relate to them what had happened. Dick gets into a scrape with a gambler a month or two later, who laughs at the miniature of his mother that Dick puts up in lieu of cash.
A Reformed Santa Claus
The employees of Harrison's mine have been out on strike for a long time. The men wait for him until he is leaving his office in the evening. They try to state their case but he entirely ignores them. They attack him. In terror, he flees before them, escaping by entering the home of a poor widow with two children.
Madge of the Mountains
Henry Brownlee Jr.
Harry Brownley, son of a rich New Yorker, reads a newspaper account of U.S. Revenue officers' plan to raid an illicit distillery in the Tennessee mountains. The young fellow asks his father's permission to join the forces under Sheriff Jackson, of Pikesville, Tennessee. The father reluctantly consents and the son starts out to satisfy his adventurous nature.
By Woman's Wit
The Clerk
A woman objects to her bachelor friend getting married, so she makes him appear so ridiculous that the other woman refuses to marry him.
The Child Crusoes
Jack, a little orphan, is anxious to become a sailor, and although Captain Rhines refuses to take him aboard his ship, manages to sneak in as a stowaway. When out to sea a few days, he is discovered, and is about to be disciplined, when the captain's daughter, May, intercedes. A terrific storm strikes them, and the ship is dashed to pieces. The captain, with the assistance of Jack, builds a little raft, and with little May, they set out for an island which they can hardly discern, as it is so many miles away. After drifting for many hours, they at last reach the island, which is inhabited by a savage tribe.
Cherry Blossoms
Billie - Dollie's Beau
Billie and Dollie are very much in love with each other, and they declare their love under the cherry trees. In later years Billie receives news of his appointment as a cadet at West Point: he promises to return to Dollie as soon as he graduates and claim her for his wife.
Betty Becomes a Maid
Margaret is the older and Betty the younger of two sisters. Their brother Jack brings a young unmarried millionaire friend to spend a few days with them. Margaret gets in line for the young visitor and warns Betty not to be too presumptuous, for Betty has the advantage in winsomeness. In order to give her sister every change, Betty plays waitress. Jack's friend is so smitten with the pretty maid, that he can see nothing else. Margaret loses, Betty wins. Her identity is made known and the young fellow proposes there and then, the father's consent is gained and Margaret joins in with all the rest offering congratulations.
A Tale of Two Cities
A condensed silent film version of the Charles Dickens classic about the French Revolution and its subsequent Reign of Terror.
The League of Mercy
Helen, an heiress and the ward of Martin Talbot, is interested in charity and rescue work; she is vice president of the League of Mercy. Talbot's son makes love to her and her riches. In her visitations among the sick and poor she finds a young girl with a child. She takes the young mother to her home, aid and comforts her; tries to restore her to health. While she is thus engaged young Talbot, to whom she becomes affianced, enters. The young mother recognizes him as the father of her child. Helen gives back her engagement ring, denounces him and orders him from her home. The sick woman falls back dead. Helen adopts the child and brings it up as a member of her own household.
Vanity Fair
George Osborne
A silent short film telling the classic story of Becky Sharp.
A Tin-Type Romance
Two nice young people become acquainted at the beach; a romance develops.
The Telephone
An impressive Vitagraph short, one of many popular firemen-to-the-rescue films of the time.
Ransomed; or, A Prisoner of War
Captain Jack
Making his departure from home. Captain Jack of the Confederate army, leaves to rejoin his regiment, but before doing so promises his boy that he will return to celebrate the little fellow's fifth birthday. One month later the Captain gets a leave of absence for three days and goes back to keep faith with his son.
Rose Leaves
Mrs. String, sitting under the rose bushes with her baby, Helen, on her knee, is approached lovingly by her husband, who lovingly speaks to his family and then shakes the rose bushes over their heads, causing the white leaves to fall upon their heads in a shower of rarest sun tints.
The Men Haters Club
Follow the Girls Club Member
When a letter from another woman falls from her boyfriend's pocket, she and her friends form the Men Haters Club. The boys quickly arrange into the Follow the Girls Club in the hopes of winning them back.