Domineek Almoete


The story revolves around Kiko, a blind gay man in his sixties, who makes a living as a laundress in a poor coastal community in Batangas City. He raises his eight-year old adopted son, Ton-Ton, and supports his lover Rex by doing his neighbors' laundry, delivering fresh clean clothes to his neighbors despite being visually impaired. As long as he can take care of both of Ton-ton and Rex, Kiko is happy. But things go awry when Rex figures in a drug mess, is hunted by a local syndicate, and runs away with all the money Kiko has - leaving him with nary a dime and void of dignity and pride. Realizing that there is more than just water in the well, a quick pause is all that Kiko needs to muster enough strength and face a new chapter in his life.
Amor y Muerte
Supervising Producer
An erotic 16th Century period drama, the film examines the initial encounter between the Indios (natives) and their colonizers (Spaniards) and their conflicting views on love, passion, religion and sexuality.
Unspoken Passion
Line Producer
Sikil tells the story of two men and a woman who are involved in a bizarre love triangle. These three friends grew up in a small town south of Manila. Enzo is a young closet gay prostitute who's obsessed with his childhood friend who happens to be a call-boy and has a girlfriend. Other interesting characters are the bi-sexual pimp, a regular bathhouse customer, and a sampaguita vendor-pickpocket-shoplifter and caretaker of Adong's daughter.
Line Producer
Relationship problems plague a family of siblings in director Catherine O. Camarillo's multilayered indie drama. Businessman Jimmy is reeling from the shock of being dumped by his fiancee, while his sisters cope with their own romantic woes. Leslie can't decide between two eligible bachelors, Annette nurtures a long-distance love, and housewife Claire can't get pregnant.