Hertha Feiler

Hertha Feiler

Birth : 1916-08-02, Wien, Austria

Death : 1970-11-01


Hertha Feiler


Die Ente klingelt um halb acht
Er soll dein Herr sein
Mrs. Scott
Mein Schulfreund
Frau Kühn
Die singenden Engel von Tirol
Nora Kramer
Der Maulkorb
Elisabeth von Treskow, seine Gattin
Vienna, City of My Dreams
Elisabeth Seyboldt
In the made-up country of Alanien, King Alexander I has been overthrown while abroad. Now, he's in Vienna with his daughter, the city of his fondest memories since studying there as a boy. It doesn't take long for the charm of Vienna to work its magic on the former king: he quickly comes to terms with the new situation and is able to enjoy the Austrian capital sans all the ceremony and trappings which would otherwise accompany him on a state visit. The princess is content with preparing herself for a career as a pianist concert, while the former king takes a job as a chauffeur in the embassy of the country he once ruled. The revolutionaries are shocked; and his days in Vienna are numbered.
Die Heilige und ihr Narr
Solange noch die Rosen blüh'n
Helga Wagner
Another German Heimatfilm.
Martina Lynn
Elisabeth, seine Frau
Charley's Aunt
Carlotta Ramirez
Otto Dernburg is forced by circumstances to dress up as a middle-aged woman.
Wenn die Alpenrosen blüh'n
Beate Klockenhoff
Laß die Sonne wieder scheinen
Die schöne Müllerin
Hilde Rüdiger aka Die schöne Müllerin
Dein Mund verspricht mir Liebe
Hella Waldenegg
When the White Lilacs Bloom Again
Married couple Willy and Therese go separate ways. Willy leaves town and returns years later as a famous singer. But Therese is about to marry her best friend Peter. Little does Willy know that he and Therese now have a teenage daughter.
Annaluise & Anton
Eva Pogge
Despite their social differences Luise, called Pünktchen, a girl from rich parentage befriends Anton, a boy who has to earn his own money in order to afford life for his sick mother and himself. Together they undergo different adventures, even preventing a theft in Pünktchens home
Ich mach Dich glücklich
Heimliches Rendezvous
Marianne Rothe
Die kupferne Hochzeit
Mette Zietemann
Quax in Afrika
The Angel and the Lyre
Susanne Henrici
Achim and Vera are friends and live an uncomplicated and happy life .... that is, until they get into their first serious argument on how they should spend New Year's Eve. Vera wants to celebrate with friends, while Achim wants to go off to a lonely mountain hut. And so, he goes off alone into the mountains. In the hut, he meets the student Susanne, with whom he spends New Years' Eve; gets to know well; and falls in love with. Unfortunately, through misfortune, they lose sight of each other afterwards...
Der kleine Grenzverkehr
Saskia van Rijn
Already a famous painter, Rembrandt van Rijn is commissioned to paint the Amsterdam Archers' Guild. But upon completion of the picture, the men of the guild feel duped, because they don't consider themselves flatteringly depicted in the painting. They therefore decline to pay for the work. During this dispute, the painter finds out his wife is close to death. He finds himself terribly lonely after her passing and suffers from depression until he decides once more to marry.
Hauptsache glücklich!
Uschi Roth
Clothes Make the Man
The daydreaming tailor Wenzel is fired from his job, because the fancy frock he was supposed to cut for the mayor, he instead made for himself. He is allowed, however, to take the frock, which he appropriated for himself and he puts it on as he leaves the shop. A puppeteer picks him up in his coach and addresses Wenzel as "Count". So is he received in Goldach, where people think he is Count Stroganoff, the ambassador to the Czar of Russia.
Lauter Liebe
Marlies Nathusius
Frau im Strom
Alois, Wendelin, Schani and Franz operate an auto repair shop in Vienna. One evening, Alois fishes the suicidal Hannerl out of the Danube and takes her to live with him. The timid and taciturn woman soon disappears however, and with her, a large amount of cash out of the shop's cash register. A disappointed Alois wishes to forget about her, but his three friends look for Hannerl and the money. As it turns out, she's married to the smuggler Kerrylis, who forces her to take part in his business; that's why she tried to kill herself. When Kerrylis is found dead, Alois is suspected of being the murderer.
Flucht ins Dunkel
Barbara Wrede
Männer müssen so sein
Beatrice Rasmussen
Many Lies
Garda von Doerr
The stories' setup: a bunch of passive weaklings being dominated by two strong and ambitious women who fight for the same man.
Adresse unbekannt
Mabel Chesterton
Liebling der Matrosen
Mary O'Brien
A girl sneaks onto a ship and is discovered midseas.