Nomotopowell explores the unnamed histories of lost settlements and human skulls around a village in Florida. Structured as a travelogue, and combining landscapes with abstracted archival texts and voices, the film summons the spirits that haunt a shape-shifting territory, reflecting a violent national residue without ever leaving the village.
Director of Photography
Nomotopowell explores the unnamed histories of lost settlements and human skulls around a village in Florida. Structured as a travelogue, and combining landscapes with abstracted archival texts and voices, the film summons the spirits that haunt a shape-shifting territory, reflecting a violent national residue without ever leaving the village.
Nomotopowell explores the unnamed histories of lost settlements and human skulls around a village in Florida. Structured as a travelogue, and combining landscapes with abstracted archival texts and voices, the film summons the spirits that haunt a shape-shifting territory, reflecting a violent national residue without ever leaving the village.
Nomotopowell explores the unnamed histories of lost settlements and human skulls around a village in Florida. Structured as a travelogue, and combining landscapes with abstracted archival texts and voices, the film summons the spirits that haunt a shape-shifting territory, reflecting a violent national residue without ever leaving the village.
Nomotopowell explores the unnamed histories of lost settlements and human skulls around a village in Florida. Structured as a travelogue, and combining landscapes with abstracted archival texts and voices, the film summons the spirits that haunt a shape-shifting territory, reflecting a violent national residue without ever leaving the village.
An investigation into the whereabouts of an unseen child narrator among the lifeless suburbs of Orlando, Florida. Told by mixing documentary footage with fantasy elements, the boy's tale slowly swivels from a possible theme park ride into his own harrowing familial reality.
Director of Photography
An investigation into the whereabouts of an unseen child narrator among the lifeless suburbs of Orlando, Florida. Told by mixing documentary footage with fantasy elements, the boy's tale slowly swivels from a possible theme park ride into his own harrowing familial reality.
An investigation into the whereabouts of an unseen child narrator among the lifeless suburbs of Orlando, Florida. Told by mixing documentary footage with fantasy elements, the boy's tale slowly swivels from a possible theme park ride into his own harrowing familial reality.
An investigation into the whereabouts of an unseen child narrator among the lifeless suburbs of Orlando, Florida. Told by mixing documentary footage with fantasy elements, the boy's tale slowly swivels from a possible theme park ride into his own harrowing familial reality.
An investigation into the whereabouts of an unseen child narrator among the lifeless suburbs of Orlando, Florida. Told by mixing documentary footage with fantasy elements, the boy's tale slowly swivels from a possible theme park ride into his own harrowing familial reality.