Katya Chukova


Adio, Rio
Stoev, a talented architect is working in Rio de Janeiro. All along the design stages, Stoev's understanding has been that he would be going together with his assistant architect. However, the company chief secretly decides to change the terms and go instead of the assistant, threatening Stoev to cancel the whole deal if he doesn't comply. Stoev is left with the dilemma to betray a colleague and friend, or to miss the greatest opportunity in his career. When Stoev is about to choose the former, a mysterious dead body appears in his life.
A Ray of Sunshine
Sashko and Tanya are two lovers who want to go on a holiday at the seaside. In order to earn money, Sasho starts working in a brigade digging a well in the yard of Chief Krumov's villa. The workers accidentally discover the remains of human skeletons, a tin ring and several buttons, most likely belonging to participants in the September Uprising of 1923. To avoid complications, everyone decides to keep quiet. However, Sashko decides to break his silence and tell the truth, for which he pays with his life.
The film belongs to the 'migration cycle' in the Bulgarian cinema. It is about the drama of a group of women who have been left alone in their 'female kingdom' - a village deserted by its entire men folk.
Dance of the Samodivi
Tanya's mother
In a small provincial town, an young local artist exhibits his works. One of the paintings, depicting a fairy dance of naked women, provoke the people which discover similarities with a certain lady from the neighbourhood.
The Boy Turns Man
Direktorkata Savova (as K. Chukova)
The action centers on Ran and his schoolmates who are in the last year of school. They are only a few days away from the day when they will have to make a decisive choice: what are they going to be, and what is more important, how are they going to live? In the whirlpool of meetings with different people and mainly with three women, the filmmakers are trying to see the future of their main character. His schoolmate Mariana wants to lead him into family life. The pop singer Neli is the very incarnation of adventurism. However, he is most deeply touched by the salesgirl in the near-by coffee shop Tintyava. This is a wordless affair in which each glance exchanged betrays the piercing excitement of impossible love.
The Boy Turns Man
The action centers on Ran and his schoolmates who are in the last year of school. They are only a few days away from the day when they will have to make a decisive choice: what are they going to be, and what is more important, how are they going to live? In the whirlpool of meetings with different people and mainly with three women, the filmmakers are trying to see the future of their main character. His schoolmate Mariana wants to lead him into family life. The pop singer Neli is the very incarnation of adventurism. However, he is most deeply touched by the salesgirl in the near-by coffee shop Tintyava. This is a wordless affair in which each glance exchanged betrays the piercing excitement of impossible love.
K. Chukova
A fishing boat comes back to the port. Fishermen are crestfallen, as they have caught only one very little fish. To save face, they fib they have 300 kilo of mackerel on board the boat. In their will to report a success, the port administration decides to pad out the weight. So, the very little fish is grossly exaggerated into tons of belted bonito, then into dolphin and ultimately, into a whale. Which results in celebrations, honors and awards... There, naturally, is no any whale. Instead of brilliant display of an unprecedented success, the white collars make a brilliant display of their unparalleled foolishness.
There Is No Death
The new supervisor Vasil arrives at the construction site of a dam. Vasil has problems with his men, who mistrust him and reluctantly submit to his perfectionism. He becomes involved with the refreshment bar attendant Lilyana. Vasil, who always wanted children, cannot abandon his childless wife and breaks with Lilyana. When four workers are buried in a tunnel landslide, Vasil makes his way to them and manages to drag them all out, except for Zlatan, a spiteful egocentric, whose legs are caught under a fallen prop. Zlatan begs Vasil to save him, even if it means cutting of his legs. To release the miner's legs Vasil cuts the prop, which is also supporting the roof of the tunnel. Zlatan is rescued. However, Vasil is killed. Since then, the workers say his steps can be heard bellow the dam wall.
Master of All Trades
Нели 2
A dentistry student, graduating with honor, does not get the desired job and has to start working as a MASTER OF ALL TRADES in a construction company. He has to paint walls, clean chimneys, and fix water conduits. He is not able to accomplish any of these tasks and gets into funny situations all the time. Moreover, he and his roommate, a good friend of his, quarrel over a girl. But this situation is a misunderstanding as well - the friends love different girls. A happy end is in sight.
Стръмната пътека
Heroes of  Shipka
Heroes of Shipka was the first solo effort for Soviet director Sergei Vasilyev, who had previously collaborated with his late brother Georgi. As head of the Leningrad Film Studios, Vasilyev was obliged to traffic in propaganda, but he never forgot how to make his material entertaining. The film is set in 1887 during the pivotal battle between the Russians and the Turks at the Shipka Pass. Stressing the solidarity of the Soviet states, tribute is paid to the courageous Bulgarian volunteers who helped the Russians fend off their mutual enemy. American critics were impressed by Heroes of Shipka, but felt that the film would have been twice as effective had it been lensed in Cinemascope rather than "standard aspect."