In this gripping suspense-thriller, the daughter of a wealthy mayoral candidate and her friends are held for ransom by a group of daring criminals. Soon, as tempers flare and tension mounts, secrets rise to the surface revealing that these kidnappers are after much more than money.
When Valerie Cohen finally meets a guy who isn't "a total douche," her friends try to help her overcome a sexual tick that's been plaguing her recent romantic endeavors: every time she has an orgasm, she says "I love you." Val soon learns that her sexual tick is the least of her intimacy issues.
Advertising executive Nick Marshall is as cocky as they come, but what happens to a chauvinistic guy when he can suddenly hear what women are thinking? Nick gets passed over for a promotion, but after an accident enables him to hear women's thoughts, he puts his newfound talent to work against Darcy, his new boss, who seems to be infatuated with him.